Saying goodbye to the mobile Mod Feed.

created by lift_ticket83 on 25/04/2024 at 18:38 UTC*

0 upvotes, 26 top-level comments (showing 25)

Hello, mods

Over the past year, we’ve made numerous improvements to the mobile mod experience, namely the mobile Mod Queue and post details page (see here[1] for our most recent update). These improvements have largely made the Mod Feed redundant (for those unfamiliar with it, Mod Feed was another section where moderators could oversee the content within their community). As such, we intend to phase out the Mod Feed.


Why the change? Over the last six months, we've seen a noticeable drop in traffic to the mobile Mod Feed. This lines up with the ongoing improvements we’ve made to the mobile Mod Queue. Mods are increasingly using the Mod Queue or Post Details page (PDP) to manage most of their community content. We want to continue enhancing these areas for mods and focus our resources on fewer, better interfaces.

In 2 weeks we’ll remove access to the Mod Feed from our apps. After that, toggling between the different queue filters (e.g., Unmoderated) in the Mod Queue will provide much of the same experience as the Mod Feed did.

Looking ahead, we'll continue to launch mobile features to improve how mods can handle and manage content in their communities. As we gear up for the next round of planning, we'd love to hear your thoughts on the features or enhancements you'd like to see prioritized and developed. Feel free to share your ideas in the comments below!


Comment by pk2317 at 25/04/2024 at 18:49 UTC

37 upvotes, 1 direct replies

ModQueue doesn’t show me the number of comments/upvotes any given post has without clicking on it. I can’t tell if any given post is gaining traction and may need more attention on it.

Comment by violetgrumble at 25/04/2024 at 22:27 UTC

17 upvotes, 1 direct replies

The mod queue doesn't show the post flair which means I have to tap on each post to check if it's correct - can this please be added to the preview?

Comment by Tactical-Kitten-117 at 25/04/2024 at 19:30 UTC

35 upvotes, 1 direct replies

I'm pretty disappointed to see this go, because I do use it all the time.

An example of why it's so useful for me, I like to use it as.. well, a feed. On a sub I mod at like r/NewToReddit, we approve every single post, but sometimes one of us approves the post and then another one of us responds to it later. So let's say they approve it but don't respond, now I scroll through my mod feed seeing a recently approved post and think "Oh, I should check that"

And another nice thing about mod feed is that it's separate from my personal feed. I don't necessarily have myself joined to that community all the time to see it in my main feed, despite being a mod and loving it there, because whenever I wake up each morning there's dozens and dozens of posts already answered (usually explaining karma), so I'd have nothing else to say on the older threads.

That's why mod feed was so helpful, it could be used to quickly see all the latest posts of subs I mod. And yes the unmoderated queue works well, except when a post is approved but not actioned any further so it'd no longer appear in any feed like unmoderated.

I guess it's not the most essential feature to see go, it's not like I mod especially large subs by myself, so not the end of the world. But really, why remove this? I know it's redundant but that doesn't necessarily mean it has to go. I've got two chairs in my room, that's redundant, but isn't it nice to have options and spares? Don't we have other things nobody uses like the "reels" feature on mobile resembling Tik-Tok? Unless anyone actually does use those that is

Comment by Sephardson at 25/04/2024 at 18:42 UTC

35 upvotes, 2 direct replies

Do you plan to keep supporting Custom Feeds / "multis" on the mobile app?

I use those daily, and would probably make a custom feed to replace the "Mod Feed" if i needed it.

Quick edit: For the most part, I stopped using "Mod Feed" once the "Unmoderated Queue" came to mobile.

Comment by esb1212 at 25/04/2024 at 23:02 UTC

13 upvotes, 1 direct replies

Give us the ability to multi-select Mod Queue items and apply the same removal reason at once[1].


Comment by [deleted] at 25/04/2024 at 18:47 UTC

8 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Are there any updates on a queue filter for unmoderated comments?

Comment by EponaMom at 25/04/2024 at 22:14 UTC*

9 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Just wanted to add my feedback. I am one of those weirdos who does the majority of my modding, on Mobile - and, Android at that!

I will say, back when I only Modded a few subs, I did use the Mod Feed. It was an easy way to go through all of my sub feeds at once, to see whatever the was missed in the Queue.

But, now that I mod a lot more subs - what... 26 I think? - it's really not very useful for me. I think maybe it would be if I were able to select which subs showed up in the feed, but as is, I just use the W, and then for the bussier subs I just go to each sub and scroll through.

I also want to point out that I saw a comment saying that Old Reddit was like a Niche tool, but for those Iof us who Mod on Mobile, it's not a niche - it's a necessity as it's the only way we can see things like the Spam Folder, Team Health stats, etc.

Comment by mistymountaintimes at 12/05/2024 at 17:01 UTC

7 upvotes, 1 direct replies

Please dont do this.

I only mod from mobile to keep my desktop and laptop work only and im sure im not the only one.

Comment by MajorParadox at 25/04/2024 at 18:52 UTC

13 upvotes, 1 direct replies

Is there any chance of the comment feeds from old Reddit coming to desktop and mobile?

Comment by Maoman1 at 25/04/2024 at 21:28 UTC

21 upvotes, 1 direct replies

Over the last six months, we've seen a noticeable drop in traffic to the mobile Mod Feed. This lines up with the ongoing improvements we’ve made to the mobile Mod Queue.

And I suppose it does not at all line up with the fact that moderators fucking hate moderating on mobile since the API changes restricted us to your garbage official mobile app? You know my right-hand man completely quit reddit over that because he was exclusively mobile and now I'm the only moderator running my subreddit? I am *certain* he's not the only one.

Comment by historymaking101 at 25/04/2024 at 21:49 UTC

10 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Long as we keep mod feed on desktop.

Comment by Jakeysuave at 26/04/2024 at 08:02 UTC

10 upvotes, 0 direct replies

"I have an idea, let's run all 3rd party apps out of business, and then remove useful functions ourselves!" - admins, probably.

Comment by al52025 at 26/04/2024 at 00:08 UTC

3 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Different topic but where is the highlighted word that triggered mod queue change that I read about like a month ago

Comment by melloniel at 01/05/2024 at 14:09 UTC

5 upvotes, 0 direct replies

I’ve been using the Unmoderated filter to try to get used to it. My subs get an easy amount of activity, so the Mod Feed was great for reviewing what had been posted and see what posts had comments and skim through those.


1. Can you show the number of votes/comments on the posts in the Mod Queue as though looking at the Mod Feed?

2. Is there a way to set our default Queue view? Right now I have to go into the Mod Queue and select Unmoderated every time, an extra step every time.

Comment by Ajreil at 26/04/2024 at 13:24 UTC

8 upvotes, 1 direct replies

Did traffic drop because the mod feed wasn't useful, or because it was buried and nobody knew where to find it?

Comment by SuperFakks at 27/04/2024 at 01:48 UTC

3 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Mod que shows a tiny little square of what a post is with a giant black box for text, absolutely useless. I can’t tell what anything is without clicking it, such a terrible change holy cow

Comment by calibuildr at 25/04/2024 at 18:56 UTC

5 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Can we please please please please please have the ability to get notifications for the "removed"/spam queue? I understand some users would not want that but I really need to see that to first and I waste countless hours of every month clicking through to check whether or not there's anything in there

Comment by WizKvothe at 26/04/2024 at 06:04 UTC

2 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Just wanted to note that the "press an item" in the queue function takes way too much time for the context post to pop up. I feel it can be made a bit faster if it's possible cuz I always end up opening the post to check the content cuz I feel it's way more faster than the pop up context view plus I feel the context pop up is a bit difficult to view on apps because we have to like constantly scroll it if the post is lengthy. Also, will it be possible to have our queue equipped with a feature of swiping items in addition to scrolling them? I find swiping between posts much easier than scrolling.

Comment by EuPombo at 30/04/2024 at 03:29 UTC

2 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Really! I've never used this function myself. I couldn't see the need for it. I don't know how it was for other mods, but I believe that only the few who used it often will miss it. The new mod queue is excellent! I'm glad you noticed that.

Comment by ShitPost5000 at 01/05/2024 at 01:39 UTC

2 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Wtf am I a mod of?

Comment by GloriouslyGlittery at 25/04/2024 at 21:14 UTC

3 upvotes, 0 direct replies

I never found the feed useful because it includes content from all the communities you mod at once. Different subreddits have different rules and things I remove from one subreddit may be allowed in another.

Comment by ALPHARavenGamer at 01/05/2024 at 18:22 UTC

1 upvotes, 0 direct replies

is there a way to make images in the mod queue show up big and swipe between multiple images within a post? for posts I want the experience a user would have, instead of having to click on each individual post to view it

Comment by RESERVA42 at 20/05/2024 at 21:08 UTC

1 upvotes, 0 direct replies

This feed is super useful for a birds eye view of what's going on in the comments, saves a lot of time:

Comment by Ok-MysticDreamer at 21/05/2024 at 09:29 UTC

1 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Something needs to been done about certain MODs thinking it’s okay to ban people over petty reasons, some are on a power trip taking advantage of the power that they have and should definitely NOT have it . I’m constantly getting PMs about two subs that are doing this and also putting other MODs on mute ! This should NOT be aloud

Comment by TheChrisD at 03/06/2024 at 23:43 UTC

1 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Now that this has taken effect for a couple of weeks, I find I am not really paying attention to what is posted to my subs as much when I'm limited to mobile, since it's not in an easily accessible single feed.

This is detrimental to the overall health since I'm now effectively reliant on user reports for dealing with inappropriate posts; rather than being able to be proactive in removing them early.