created by lift_ticket83 on 15/08/2023 at 16:34 UTC
0 upvotes, 47 top-level comments (showing 25)
Hi Mods,
Heads up - this is going to be a long post. Strap in.
We’re in the early stages of revolutionizing the desktop moderator experience on Reddit. Engineering has already begun and ultimately our goal is to build a better-performing, faster, more stable, and more efficient Reddit that better suits the desktop needs of moderators.
Over the years we’ve heard some common themes when it comes to efficiency on Reddit. Experienced mods have voiced wanting to spend less time in the mod queue, and expressed their frustration that the new Reddit mod queue is less scannable and not as efficient when compared to old Reddit. Newer mods have told us that it’s sometimes hard to know what action to take and that moderating in general can be overwhelming.
To help alleviate these frustrations we want to improve the future moderator experience on Reddit by focusing on:
Late last year we began to host a series of calls with mods to discuss how a new and improved Mod Queue should function. The 3 biggest pieces of critical feedback we heard from mods, as it relates to the layout of the Mod Queue, were:
In our early designs, we ditched the white space and reduced the vertical space each queue item occupies, and added a variety of information panels. We’re looking into how we can utilize these additional panels to surface information like contextual user history, the recent posts and comments of the user, the reason why a post is in the queue, whether or not the item is a repost, mod notes, how mods have actioned similar posts in the past and much more. We also want to make sure this information is readily accessible with no more than 1 or 2 clicks, and also remove the need to hover over elements to see needed information. Below are a few examples of what the desktop moderator experience could look like:
We believe these concepts will improve the mod queue experience by:
There’s a good chance you’re already using this new desktop experience[3]. Both Mod Insights[4] and Post Guidance[5] have been launched to help us test its performance and reliability (note: Post Guidance is still currently in beta. If you’re interested in joining our pilot program, feel free to reach out to me directly to get your community signed up).
No changes to the mod experience are happening on old.reddit. These changes are intended to replace the new.reddit mod experience.
We’re aiming to launch this new Mod Queue experience in early 2024. All of you are an essential part of this process, and until then we’ll continue to host calls and discussions with mods to ensure your feedback is being incorporated into these new features. We’ve got a lot more to share, and are excited to provide regular updates on the work we’re doing to improve the entire desktop moderator experience.
This is the beginning of an ongoing discussion, so don’t hold back. Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.
Comment by Halaku at 15/08/2023 at 17:14 UTC
119 upvotes, 5 direct replies
No changes to the mod experience are happening on old.reddit. These changes are intended to replace the new.reddit mod experience.
On behalf of all us dinosaurs who have been here 12+ years?
Comment by Watchful1 at 15/08/2023 at 16:39 UTC
195 upvotes, 4 direct replies
I know this is r/modnews, but is there anyone doing this kind of work on the rest of reddit? Cause literally everything you listed is all the reasons I don't use new reddit in general. Too much white space, too much clicking, too slow. I'm not going to moderate on new reddit if I'm not browsing on new reddit.
I know that's a big ask, but just wondering if this is something there are people at reddit thinking about.
Comment by PitchforkAssistant at 15/08/2023 at 17:49 UTC
33 upvotes, 1 direct replies
The user details card should show the full account creation time and date (or at least do so when hovering over the "3y").
Comment by rbevans at 15/08/2023 at 16:45 UTC
66 upvotes, 2 direct replies
In the words of the great Regina George, stop trying to make new reddit happen
Comment by [deleted] at 15/08/2023 at 17:06 UTC
50 upvotes, 2 direct replies
I have zero confidence in this working as described given how abysmal the app mod experience is and that was in collaboration with mods too. I personally think this is just a fluff passion project for someone who thinks they have all the best ideas and know what we want.
We’ve been paying attention, you don’t *actually* care about what unpaid moderators think or want. This is just corporate hubbub to create the illusion of collaboration, but in the end, it’s going to be what admins want us to have.
Comment by Moggehh at 15/08/2023 at 16:49 UTC
18 upvotes, 3 direct replies
There is too much white space. Like a gratuitous amount of white space. This real estate could be better utilized to house additional Mod Queue items or more important information.
Speaking of white space, I'm disappointed that no one has taken my feedback about not using square images to share new features to heart. I'm guessing an infinitesimal amount of us are modding on a square screen, so I'd appreciate it if you would showcase the fact that there is either still going to be way too much white space on either side of the main content , or that the amount of info shown above the fold is going to be significantly less than is available on Old.Reddit.
Comment by Zavodskoy at 15/08/2023 at 18:41 UTC
24 upvotes, 1 direct replies
I'm still not using new Reddit when it takes 4x as long to load pages over old Reddit
Comment by [deleted] at 15/08/2023 at 16:48 UTC
76 upvotes, 2 direct replies
so you redid it once, it sucked, we all hated it, but you've been pretending for 5 years that it was amazing and perfect and ignoring our concerns, just to turn around and completely redo it again?
Comment by Bill_Money at 15/08/2023 at 19:57 UTC
8 upvotes, 0 direct replies
go to toolbox on old reddit, copy that
Comment by tumultuousness at 15/08/2023 at 17:00 UTC
7 upvotes, 2 direct replies
I'm not particularly going to be using the redesign, but just a question related to the queue revamping - any thoughts on bringing the /comments feed to the redesign for people that would be interested in reviewing comments? I don't see that in the screenshot/video.
Comment by ddub1 at 15/08/2023 at 17:07 UTC
7 upvotes, 1 direct replies
For Post Guidance: Do you want us to send Modmail to sign up another community for the beta or is a comment here sufficient?
Comment by konohasaiyajin at 16/08/2023 at 11:55 UTC
7 upvotes, 0 direct replies
This is all on new reddit? What desktop users use new reddit? It's complete garbage. I'll never use it.
Comment by ibid-11962 at 15/08/2023 at 19:11 UTC
6 upvotes, 2 direct replies
Can we have report reasons available in automod? Would be nice to set automated actions if a post gets a certain number of reports of a specific type.
Comment by enfrozt at 15/08/2023 at 19:20 UTC
6 upvotes, 0 direct replies
Has the team looked into the new "feature" where we can't open direct links to images anymore, but it shows a massive white screen with a webp image?
Sometimes we want to open an image so we can actually zoom or save it. This issue is present in the very post above in the image you linked.
Comment by 316nuts at 15/08/2023 at 20:23 UTC
5 upvotes, 1 direct replies
do you have site-wide metrics of total desktop actions made on new.reddit vs old.reddit?
Comment by Subduction at 15/08/2023 at 22:07 UTC
6 upvotes, 1 direct replies
There seems to be a pervasive versioning culture when it comes to UX/UI at reddit, with a series of launches and big redesign "experiences." So much so that you ended up with two entire reddit versions still running side-by-side.
Almost all of the majors have rightfully dropped this approach in favor of small changes and continuous release. Are there any plans to move to this much-more accepted and mature way of handling the interface, and being a little more modern in your approach?
I think we would respond far better and more effectively to continuing consultation on small changes rather than having to think through entirely new versions with a bunch of big changes.
Comment by ryanmercer at 15/08/2023 at 18:06 UTC
18 upvotes, 0 direct replies
There is too much white space. Like a gratuitous amount of white space.
It's perfectly fine on old.reddit, and when old.reddit is gone so am I.
Comment by SmurfyX at 15/08/2023 at 18:49 UTC
20 upvotes, 0 direct replies
All of you are an essential part of this process
That's what they said for the last redesign and surprise, it wasn't.
Comment by DylanMc6 at 15/08/2023 at 18:07 UTC*
36 upvotes, 0 direct replies
Now we need a resignation letter from Steve.
EDIT: This is the first time I got Reddit gold in all my years on this site, so let me just say, simply, "thanks for the gold, kind stranger".
RE-EDIT: Keep the gold coming, everyone!
Comment by shiruken at 15/08/2023 at 17:49 UTC
11 upvotes, 0 direct replies
I've asked this before, but what efforts are being taken to maintain toolbox compatibility?
Comment by BB_GG at 16/08/2023 at 05:30 UTC
4 upvotes, 2 direct replies
I moderate a few different subreddits that are about the same topic, so we often see the same problem users/trolls around on multiple subs I mod. So it would be nice to be able to see which subs a user is banned from on their profile (from subs that you mod of course). Maybe shared mod notes as well, but that might be too much
Also, it's already been said but I hope you know that many experienced mods and power users are gonna stick with old Reddit no matter what you change to the redesign. I understand from a business pov, you want to more people on new Reddit etc, but please don't ruin old Reddit or you're going to face a bigger uproar than before
Comment by kalayna at 16/08/2023 at 10:10 UTC
5 upvotes, 0 direct replies
Everything about those screenshots is why I have no interest in moving on from old.reddit; if the goal is less cognitive load, that ain't it. It may be purely an ADHD/ASD perspective, but that interface is chaos.
Comment by [deleted] at 15/08/2023 at 22:23 UTC
9 upvotes, 0 direct replies
My choice of third party app still works. Recently downloaded the official reddit app, and my god.. Clicking on anything had a 0.6 second laggy delay, communities UI is indecipherable and search is useless. Just make the app simple and make it work.
Comment by PitchforkAssistant at 15/08/2023 at 17:52 UTC
6 upvotes, 1 direct replies
Why is the background color of the new desktop experience such a hideous dark teal?
Comment by Subduction at 15/08/2023 at 21:54 UTC
4 upvotes, 0 direct replies
*" don’t hold back."*
Be careful what you ask for... :-)