Announcing a more mod-centric user profile card and new post flair navigation on mobile apps

created by lift_ticket83 on 21/06/2023 at 18:38 UTC*

0 upvotes, 51 top-level comments (showing 25)

Hi Mods,

Since launching Mod Notes within our iOS & Android apps[1] last year we’ve continued hosting discussions with mods on ways to improve the User Profile card that mods utilize to help curate and manage their communities.


The most significant feedback we heard is that the card can be slow to load, and including general user-focused actions made it harder to focus on the mod-specific actions.

To improve this mod experience, we made some under-the-hood improvements[2] so this card loads more quickly, allowing mods to take key actions (ex: ban/mute user) more efficiently. We also moved the user actions into an overflow menu so mods will now only see mod actions. Please note this experience will only appear for mods within the communities they moderate. Redditors will continue to see the profile card intended for non-mods.



You may have already seen this setting in your mod tools, but we recently released a new setting that allows you to enable post flair as navigation within our mobile apps. As on desktop, post flair can help you curate and organize your communities[3]. For members, it's a convenient way to filter and get to the content they want to see more quickly.


When you turn on this setting in your mod tools, your community’s post flair is displayed on a navigation menu just below your community info on mobile. Some of you who started trying this out in your community may have noticed that your custom emojis were not appearing - this has been resolved so they should appear as expected.

For this iteration, flair with the most number of posts associated with it appears first in the navigation. Within each flair category, posts are sorted by new. We know that redditors (especially those who are new or unsubscribed) have a variety of interests, but may not know where to find the most dynamic and representative content of the community - our goal is to make that journey easier.

Thank you to everyone who participated in our pilot program. Your feedback helped us enhance the experience and guide our path forward. We’re excited to continue working with y’all and hear more of your thoughts on ways we can improve this experience.

Continuing our commitment to the mobile product roadmap we outlined last week, we’d love to provide the below updates on where we stand and share a sneak peek at some early product designs. Please see below:



If you have any questions about this week's feature launches or the roadmap we’ve outlined, please let us know in the comments[4]!




Comment by Watchful1 at 21/06/2023 at 18:47 UTC

346 upvotes, 4 direct replies

Is reddit going to make any public statements about just removing entire long established mod teams of major subreddits that explicitly took votes from their users about the rule changes they enacted? Or are all the admins just going to pretend it's not happening.

There's a big difference between reddit making a business decision to not continue subsidising third party apps, but the stuff that's happened in the last week is on a completely new level. Reddit is eroding all trust in anything they say or do since apparently they can just change their minds on a whim if they disagree with someone.

Comment by PitchforkAssistant at 21/06/2023 at 18:41 UTC

234 upvotes, 7 direct replies

• Native Mobile Mod Mail - launching in September

You know what already has native mobile modmail and has had it for years? **RiF**. Maybe you should let them keep operating until September.

Comment by Bossman1086 at 21/06/2023 at 19:55 UTC

35 upvotes, 1 direct replies

So we're not getting native modmail or better mod queues until 2-3 months after third party apps stop working? How are we supposed to moderate effectively during those few months without working mobile mod tools?

Comment by creesch at 21/06/2023 at 18:53 UTC

191 upvotes, 1 direct replies

This feels like a bit of a tone deaf post. I know you are just announcing the bits and pieces you are working on /u/lift_ticket83. But many of us have been waiting on more than the scattered communication from reddit we have been getting over the past week or so.

Announcing features as if nothing is going on just doesn't seem like the most sensible thing to do right now. I mean, **we know** you are working on modtools and that **is not the point**.

This is not against you. I am sure you are just trying your best ot coordinate getting these tools build. But it is aimed at those higher in the totem pole.

Comment by antidense at 21/06/2023 at 19:21 UTC

34 upvotes, 0 direct replies

I can never use new reddit or the reddit app for modding /r/needafriend or other text-heavy subs because it always clips the posts. A lot of submitters will put the rule-breaking stuff at the very end for obvious reasons.

Comment by Uberguuy at 21/06/2023 at 19:11 UTC

49 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Is corporate giving you hazard pay for posting this?

Comment by HangoverTuesday at 21/06/2023 at 18:43 UTC*

79 upvotes, 0 direct replies

subsequent paltry worry familiar crush connect shrill zesty coordinated groovy `this message was mass deleted/edited with`

Comment by SweetMissMG at 21/06/2023 at 18:48 UTC

50 upvotes, 0 direct replies

The Modmail on Rif is still superior.

Why can't we mute for multiple days still, even from this new enhanced "mod centric user profile card"?

Comment by Pravusmentis at 21/06/2023 at 19:33 UTC

47 upvotes, 0 direct replies

horse, stay. Cart, go!

none of this matters right now, this website is a flaming ship and you talking about decorations while we watch the fire seems like you don't care or worse don't understand.

Considering reddit admins have removed me forcibly from most of the subs I mod'd and then deleted (see changed the name) other subs that I created, I think the good vibes are running on fumes.

User cards are worthless to me because I can't even look at reddit without old.reddit, it's like a eye cancer

Comment by desdendelle at 21/06/2023 at 19:30 UTC

37 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Have y'all heard of "too little, too late"?

'cause that's what it feels like.

Also you should fire your PR department and get PR coaching for your CEO.

Comment by SnausageFest at 21/06/2023 at 19:16 UTC

13 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Comment by ExcitingishUsername at 21/06/2023 at 18:57 UTC

57 upvotes, 2 direct replies

Our communities have a vast number of procedurally-generated flairs, which we can search on Desktop using flair search queries, since we can do partial-text matching; but only 3rd-party apps have ever supported this on mobile, not the official app.

Is there any chance we can get a way to tie this into Devvit? If we could make a search app with Devvit that allowed users to input what they're searching for, and use it to generate the same flair, we could do some very advanced searching, which would be game-changing for many communities that use flair for search purposes. We actually have an API app working right now that can do this, but with Reddit's killing off the API, that'll of course never see the light of day.

Comment by GodOfAtheism at 21/06/2023 at 18:40 UTC

39 upvotes, 1 direct replies

please let us know in the comments


Comment by reaper527 at 21/06/2023 at 21:36 UTC

20 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Genuine question: do any reddit employees actually use reddit? (Like for example, prior to the trainwreck of an AMA spez hadn’t posted in almost a year)

Comment by TGotAReddit at 21/06/2023 at 19:26 UTC*

9 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Also when will we be able to highlight and copy text from a post or comment so we can quote it in-app? Thats one of the most basic things people often need, including for moderating. Its preferable in a lot of places to have the comment/post text copied into the reason for removal in case the user deletes their comment/post later, so we can have receipts and better manage repeat abuse issues. Having to copy the entire post/comment and cut down to a single sentence is crazy

Comment by cyrilio at 21/06/2023 at 19:13 UTC

38 upvotes, 1 direct replies

Will we be able to import the Mod Notes from r/toolbox ? We’ve been using them since it’s inception and would love to have these notes in the reddit app.

Comment by KeythKatz at 21/06/2023 at 19:11 UTC

46 upvotes, 1 direct replies

What about the more useful feature of post flairs that many subreddits large use them for, which is to show all posts minus selected flairs for users who want to curate their feed? Many community complaints about allowed content have easily been solved by this exact feature which old reddit through RES and third party apps support.

Comment by Beli_Mawrr at 22/06/2023 at 05:44 UTC

9 upvotes, 0 direct replies

When is the native app getting accessibility for blind or hard of sight users to parity with the third party apps they're killing? see the post on r/blind for questions.

Comment by stufff at 22/06/2023 at 12:53 UTC

16 upvotes, 0 direct replies

These posts are incredibly tone deaf and disrespectful.

Reddit is imploding. You're telling us about all the new features you are adding or are going to add in the future, without acknowledging that you're taking away features we currently have without an immediate replacement. You're doing that despite your explicit promise not to make any such changes in 2023, and not to have API pricing that was overly restrictive. **Please explain why reddit lied to the community.**

You have recently taken the extreme action of removing moderators, even entire mod teams, leaving subreddits unmoderated, in contravention of reddits long standing policy that mods run communities as they see fit as long as nothing illegal or in violation of the content policy is happening. **Please explain these hypocritical and destructive actions.**

Stop telling us about your plans to make the official apps less shit in the future, and start correcting your *current* behavior.

/u/spez *delenda est*

Comment by [deleted] at 21/06/2023 at 18:42 UTC

47 upvotes, 1 direct replies


Comment by Nagemasu at 22/06/2023 at 04:02 UTC

7 upvotes, 0 direct replies

What about users who use old reddit? when are you going to update old reddit to support all the new features? The redesign is absolute barf.

Comment by Mathias_Greyjoy at 22/06/2023 at 06:00 UTC*

12 upvotes, 1 direct replies

For almost an entire year, in every modnews post, I ask for this change to removal reasons. I've never even gotten an acknowledgment from an Admin that they've seen my suggestion. I get that I'm one person, and not entitled to a response, but prior to the mess Reddit created this month, these posts usually only got around 50-100 comments (certainly enough for a team of Admins to read through them all), and I was really hoping that this would be acknowledged *by now*.


Can you please offer the option to send *both* a modmail *and* a stickied comment for removal reasons with one action? I find I need to send *both* to users breaking rules. It's incredibly tedious to do all this every time I remove something-

1. Hit remove.

2. Select the right rule.

3. Select removal reason Private: Modmail, and send.

4. Approve the post/comment.

5. Remove the post/comment again.

6. Select the right rule.

7. Select removal reason Private: Sticky comment, and send.

As well as the fact that this seven step process makes it very likely that I'll hit the wrong rule and/or make some kind of mistake. Can you imagine what this is like when you get to a post with multiple comments in it you have to remove? The way some of my subreddits are setup, some posts require the removal of dozens or hundreds of comments.

Now can you imagine what this is like on mobile? I'm genuinely sorry to say, but your official mobile app is *so awful*. I have been trying in good faith for almost a year to use the official app for modding, the experience is like **pulling teeth**. I want it to be good. It is so bad.

Comment by PaulJP at 21/06/2023 at 18:48 UTC

42 upvotes, 4 direct replies

Related to the enhanced mobile mod queues:

The mod feed has posts only, but often times a post will be OK and some chucklehead spawns a comment chain of slurs and bigotry under it. If we don't manually open the post up we don't catch it, and this can happen in older posts as well. Unfortunately, hard word lists don't cut it because people just learn to "skip the hard r", so to speak.

I've tried to use the official reddit mobile app more recently, I noticed I wasn't seeing report reasons when opening a reported comment. Just the little yellow flag, regardless of if I hit the "mod shield" button or not. Sometimes it's obvious why a comment was reported, but sometimes it's hard to tell and the additional context of the report reason is needed. It did show the reason in the mod queue, but not when opening the comment - I.e. no way to get full context of the comment chain + report reason.

Comment by PitchforkAssistant at 21/06/2023 at 18:46 UTC

19 upvotes, 2 direct replies

When will the official mobile apps support /r/subbie/about/sticky?num=1[1] links?

1: http:///r/subbie/about/sticky?num=1

Comment by PlenitudeOpulence at 22/06/2023 at 04:29 UTC

6 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Please give us a “ignore reports” button for the mobile app. It is essential for mods of larger subs so that the same cleared comments don’t keep ending up in modqueue.