created by SolariaHues on 29/10/2019 at 18:51 UTC*
20 upvotes, 4 top-level comments (showing 4)
Community Awards are like the usual reddit awards/gold/silver/platinum, however Community Awards are unique to each community. Mods can set them up to suit their community (including in-jokes) and their members can award them to each other.
You can *currently* create up to 16 Community Awards:
8x Awards at 500 Coins
4x Awards at 1000 Coins
1x Award at 2000 Coins
1x Award at 5000 Coins
1x Award at 10,000 Coins
1x Award at 40,000 Coins
You can also have up to 4 mod awards, which are awards that only the mods can give out (full permissions) and that gifts months of reddit premium.
As users give awards to each other, some of the coins go into the community pot. This can be spent by mods giving out the mod only award, these are useful for competitions.
Mod awards can be at 1,800 coins (1 month premium), 5,400 (3 months), 10,800 (6 months), or 21,600 (12 months).
Reddit explains them at r/ModNews here[1], and on the Reddithelp page on awards[2]
Example awards - Community Awards on different subs
Award width and height should be equal, and 512px. File size is limited to 2MB.
Awards can display really small, just like reddit gold, silver, and platinum, so your designs should be clear and simple.
I tend to attempt to draw awards, but you can also make them by removing the background from an image you'd like to use (please keep copyright law in mind).
Image / Drawing Editors
r/bannerrequest - request graphics for your sub if you meet the requirements in the rules.
(Edit: An image or two in this guide will look different to how your sub looks - reddit changed the look of redesign in Jan 2020)
Our guide[16] | Reddit guide[17]
There isn't a way to test awards that I know of, but when you upload you see a preview[18] and I assumed the smallest preview was what they might look like when given out.
Awards display very small. On redesign you can hover over them and see a larger image and description. This doesn't happen in old.reddit. Here is a snippet of CSS you can add to your stylesheet to make them a bit bigger and even larger when hovered over with a mouse pointer.
/* Award sizing (based on code from r/nba) */
.awarding-link[data-award-id=""] .awarding-icon, .awarding-link[data-award-id=""], .awarding-icon-container {
height: 20px;
width: 20px!important;
.awarding-icon {
max-height: 20px!important;
max-width: 20px!important;
margin: 5px 5px -5px 0;
transition: transform .5s ease;
.awarding-icon:hover {
transform: scale(2.5);
position: absolute;
Thanks to u/juulh for the resources, and r/nba and u/buckrowdy for the CSS snippet.
Comment by BuckRowdy at 30/10/2019 at 14:33 UTC
5 upvotes, 0 direct replies
I wanted to add a couple of random thoughts to this post in hopes it will help users avoid these pitfalls.
1. Once you upload an image to the awards panel you won't be able to get it back, so keep the original image on your computer if you intend to ever use it again.
2. The first awards I created for a sub were all wrong. The images and names were relevant and interesting, but when I went to award a post they didn't make sense. It may be best to think of awards as a statement you're making about the post. Now I'm trying to create awards in this vein, because the ones I started out with weren't being used.
3. If you are on a Macintosh, the Preview program is incredibly powerful and helpful in creating and manipulating images. It's not as powerful as photoshop, but it can do quite a bit. If you have questions, let me know.
4. I use LunaPic for making images transparent[1] because it's free and easy. You can do a lot with it besides making an image transparent.
Comment by iamdeirdre at 17/01/2022 at 14:50 UTC
2 upvotes, 0 direct replies
Krita is another free app for design, it available on lots of platforms.
Clip Studio Paint is a modestly priced program also available on most platforms.
Both programs have most of the functionality of Photoshop & Illustrator.
Comment by BlankVerse at 17/02/2020 at 01:46 UTC
1 upvotes, 1 direct replies
Awards display very small
Do you know how small?
Many of the community awards look like unrecognizable blobs at the smallest size.
Comment by kawaiin00b at 01/12/2021 at 20:54 UTC
1 upvotes, 1 direct replies
i only see "enable or disable awards"
please help