created by SaucelnTheRough on 25/02/2025 at 22:40 UTC
20 upvotes, 25 top-level comments (showing 25)
I want to declutter my closest but I have trouble figuring out if I should just keep the absolute minimum or actually keep some outfits I like, I’ve been taking too long dressing in the morning 😭
Comment by mouse-bites at 25/02/2025 at 23:32 UTC
28 upvotes, 2 direct replies
You can always try the hanger trick. You hang all your clothes with the hanger facing the wrong way, and when you wear them you place the item back with the hanger facing the correct way. Then after like a month or a few months, you can see what you’re actually wearing and declutter from there. If I’m unsure if an item, I will hold onto it and give it a few months and if I haven’t reached for it or even remembered it, it doesn’t pass the next decluttering round.
As for a set amount, I really don’t believe in set numbers or rules. It’s individual. Do what is realistic for you but also BE realistic about the items you are keeping. Don’t keep things just because you “might” want to wear it one day.
Comment by MinimalCollector at 25/02/2025 at 23:42 UTC
6 upvotes, 0 direct replies
Keep stuff you capital L Love. Stuff you wear regularly or for occasional items, stuff you look forward to wearing. Don't fixate on the number
Comment by yours_truly_1976 at 25/02/2025 at 22:53 UTC
6 upvotes, 1 direct replies
If I absolutely had to go through my closet and pack ONLY what I needed, I know what I’d keep. The rest can go. It would be heart breaking but it can go. Just imagine zombies are coming and you can pack maybe two good sized suitcases full of clothes. What would you *absolutely* take with you for all four seasons? Maybe start there -good luck!
Comment by 420_Real_Estate at 25/02/2025 at 23:48 UTC
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When I downsized, I took EVERYTHING out of my closet. I tried it all on, piece by piece. Qualifications to stay .. did it fit? Was it stained? Do I like it? Is it in style? I got rid of anything that was just an emotional attachment or things I kept around just in case.
3 years later, I still go through my closet monthly to see it I can purge anything. Also I have tried to build more of a capsule wardrobe and it makes buying items so much easier.
Comment by Strict-Ebb-8959 at 25/02/2025 at 22:43 UTC
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I would keep some outfits you like but keep it to the bare minimum.
Comment by different-is-nice at 26/02/2025 at 00:24 UTC
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Everyone is different, but i do a capsule wardrobe! :)
Its made up only of pieces i love so i still feel good about myself when i dress, even if the outfits arent crazy unique or anything (when i want to throw a little pizzazz in there I use accessories).
Comment by sirkidd2003 at 26/02/2025 at 03:54 UTC
4 upvotes, 1 direct replies
I have been wearing (roughly) the same outfit every day for nearly 10 years. A week's worth of plain black tees, black pants, socks, the same belt, flat cap, and boots. The only "extras" I have are a kilt, jacket, winter scarf/hat/gloves, and a thermal Under Armour set.
I don't know where the "unhealthy" line is, but the whole "one consistent outfit"-thing makes me very happy!
Comment by reclaimednation at 25/02/2025 at 23:14 UTC
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I suppose if you can get between laundry days without digging something out of the dirty laundry basket, you probably have enough. One way to limit the number of clothing you *need* is to do your laundry more often, like once a week.
If you just aren't happy with your clothing options, you might want to consider doing some wardrobe work[1]. I found her book[2] to be extremely helpful/informative.
Comment by HamBroth at 26/02/2025 at 00:20 UTC
2 upvotes, 0 direct replies
Keep what you like but only what you WEAR. No outfits you like “in theory” but that don’t actually work for you or that you don’t put on because they don’t suit your lifestyle / aren’t comfortable.
Comment by No_Appointment6273 at 26/02/2025 at 00:54 UTC
2 upvotes, 1 direct replies
Try project 333, look it up and read the rules, a lot of people misinterpret what they find online so make sure you go to courtney carver's website.
Comment by katanayak at 26/02/2025 at 01:41 UTC
2 upvotes, 0 direct replies
Ive set a number limit (lower limit) for myself, and for me that number is 6 + 2. I work from home m-f and go out w friends on weekends, so i have 6 pairs of everything for daily use (socks, undies, t shirts, pants, etc.) and then i have 2 nice outfits for weekends and friends (2 fancy socks, 2 fancy undies, 2 fancy shirts, etc.)
I think a healthy lower limit is whatever you can wear and wash in a week, without rewearing anything or running out, but also not having too much extra.
Comment by Erialcatteyy at 26/02/2025 at 01:45 UTC
2 upvotes, 0 direct replies
Instead of thinking about what you should declutter- focus on what you want to keep. Pull the clothes that you love & wear tons and pack away the rest for at least a month, only taking things back out if you really want / need them! Then it’s easier to reevaluate what to get rid of
Comment by kyuuei at 26/02/2025 at 02:24 UTC
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Some people could have 3 outfits and be incredibly happy. Some can have a whole closet and be miserable. But clothing are expressive tools. I'd say if it's affecting your life's needs it's not enough at that point or needs refining.
Comment by IandSolitude at 26/02/2025 at 03:10 UTC
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It's difficult to say anything but I'll describe my wardrobe, a minimalist man who lives in a tropical country and uses the capsule wardrobe concept:
1 blue jeans 1 black jeans 1 kaki shorts 1 blue shorts 1 pair of black tailored trousers (set with blazer) 1 black blazer 1 pair of work boots provided by work 1 pair of black sneakers 1 pair of white sneakers 1 pair of flip-flops or flip-flops 1 light blue t-shirt 1 wine t-shirt 1 kaki t-shirt 1 black t-shirt 1 green t-shirt 1 white dress t-shirt 1 black belt 1 blue belt (I received it for my birthday and will replace the other one when it comes to an end) 1 black beret 1 gray sweatshirt 1 pair of gray sweatpants A few pairs of black socks Underwear
Comment by KarooAcacia at 26/02/2025 at 15:43 UTC
2 upvotes, 0 direct replies
I used to think I needed a lot of different dresses for work events. But I piloted wearing the same black dress for a season and it made getting ready so much easier and less stressful. It still hurts a little to get rid of all the other fancy ones but to be honest some of them have also aged and look dated, while my well made Jackie Kennedy style black dress just sails on timelessly. However, I don't want to wear black to weddings so I am keeping one dress that's good for weddings and one other super dramatic dress for when I want to make a splash.
Comment by GlitteringSynapse at 27/02/2025 at 03:13 UTC
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When I had a lot of articles of clothing- I picked my outfits for the week. At first I have them dry cleaned/pressed. Then I became on a budget. I did the cleaning and ironing. I cannot figure out any steamer and it’s an illusion trick: I’m amazed at when other people do it!
I had a lot of clothes because I was prior military and the option of choice was fun and exciting (at first).
I realized I was favoring some articles or some outfits.
So what I did. I emptied my closets and what fit and I thought loved- back in the closet. The sentimental items- have none. So I can’t share my method. The rest - didn’t fit or didn’t like= donate.
So each week to design my outfits for the week. I picked new (no repeat) articles to wear to verify. Do I like owning them, caring for them (wash/press), wearing them to work/gym/lounge? Theory is good, but real life-in action testing is different. Plus items I was about to donate- if someone compliments the item, I would be grateful and honest that I was getting rid of it and asked if they would want it? I also knew what outfit was good for date night (don’t get rid of that! ~eyebrows/eyebrows~).
After each wear I’d assess do I actually like the outfit or article of clothing (good on hanger is different). So I had a box on top of my closet shelf I put it in that day of wearing I put it in, instead of hanging up.
Now for work I have 3 of the same dress for each season. With a few accessories to modify an outfit. May it be a blazer, cardigan, belt, jewelry, flats, heels, boots, different kind of stockings.
The gym I have the same pants and tennis skorts but different tees from the pasts.
I have a few seasonal/decorative outfits (Halloween costume and beach/luau theme/country western) in storage and my black tie and banquet dresses are a few and in garment bags. I have 10 date dresses.
But all in all I have the same clothes (I’m a cartoon, a coworker said). And it took me a while to get to where I’m at. But making what you have work and realizing that you don’t love to figure that out wasn’t helpful until I was not loving the choice.
Coworkers don’t comment that I wear the same thing every day- so to speak. They say with a different combo- “Oh that outfit is cute!” (I thank them and roll my eyes. I’m just wearing a red belt instead of no belt)
Comment by Sad-Structure2541 at 27/02/2025 at 17:17 UTC
2 upvotes, 0 direct replies
Instead of getting rid of clothes I’m not 100% sure about, I like to pack them away into a storage bin i keep under my bed. They’ll usually stay there for at least a season, if not a whole year, before I go through it again. This often gives me a renewed perspective on the article - did I miss it and I’m so excited to put it back in the rotation? Or did I completely forget about it and realized I don’t need it anymore. With extra articles packed away, you can create a sort of capsule wardrobe, or at least a more minimal daily closet.
Comment by Guerrilheira963 at 26/02/2025 at 01:34 UTC
1 upvotes, 0 direct replies
Minimalism is not penury, it is not throwing everything away without criteria, it is above all getting rid of what you don't need in any way. Subjectivity is also important, you may want to keep some kind of souvenir or clothes that you will use in the future, it's okay, you may want to collect something, have a greater variety of clothes, this won't make you less of a minimalist.
Comment by sass-pants at 26/02/2025 at 02:39 UTC
1 upvotes, 0 direct replies
If you’re taking too long to get dressed you are probably fighting with clothes that don’t suit your lifestyle or don’t fit. I would get rid of those.
Comment by 79-Hunter at 26/02/2025 at 02:55 UTC
1 upvotes, 0 direct replies
A novel term to me: “unhealthy minimalism” Fascinating.
What does that mean?
Comment by 15-minutes-of-shame at 26/02/2025 at 04:10 UTC
1 upvotes, 0 direct replies
Try creating a routine wardrobe; this is my min Wednesday Friday look etc and those that don’t make the wardrobe cut…donate and move on. Find ones for the special occasion(s) and if those are infrequent or not of a concern those items can go. Another thing that helped me is matching items for seasonal changes so the same thing I’d wear in a warmer part of the year I’d get a matching one for the colder times of the year … and sometimes I’d cut back on that to avoid having. Excess once a year type things but it can help with not full tossing everything and giving you some variety while you cull and cut
Comment by LadyE008 at 26/02/2025 at 12:35 UTC
1 upvotes, 0 direct replies
Keep all your favourites and dirch the meh and second class stuff
Comment by NorthChicago_girl at 28/02/2025 at 19:55 UTC
1 upvotes, 0 direct replies
I keep a black dress for a funeral because I remember no one in my immediate family having anything proper to wear to the wake and funeral when my Dad died in 1977. We had to rush out to get something and we didn't have a lot of money and I wound up with an ugly jumper I hated and had bad memories.
The memory of the helpless feeling of not having anything to wear hangs over me when I try to declutter. I have my funeral dress and two dresses for special occasions that I still haven't worn. I will keep the special occasion dresses one more year then I will donate them. I kept buying sundresses and never wore them. I got rid of those.
Now I look at each item. Do I wear it. If not, what occasion would I wear it for and do I have something else that's appropriate? That helps eliminate many items.
Then you get to multiples. I wear solid T-shirts in the summer. I had too many. First I went through and took out anything faded, pilled, or stretched out at the neck. I cut them up for rags that I can throw away guilt free. Then I narrowed down duplicates. I still have three black and two red T-shirts because I like them and wear them most often. I hang shirts by sleeve length and then color and it lets me know that when I see a black top in the store or online, I already have plenty.
Comment by Traditional-Sky-1210 at 02/03/2025 at 07:24 UTC
1 upvotes, 0 direct replies
Being totally empty crossed my mind
Comment by Makosjourney at 26/02/2025 at 00:20 UTC
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When you have to go out to work naked.