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View submission: Back to minimalism for sanity
I can imagine that being a minimalist in the US must be harder than in other countries, where space is more limited, and buying things is not as easy (in the US everything is huge: cars, milk bottles, houses. Plus I find that there are more opportunities to spend because stuff is cheaper or marketed much agressively… and you have endless credit it seems). I have always found that limiting the space I have can help me keep the amount of things I own to a minimum. That might help you in some way? And I do keep doubles of stuff I use up quickly (groceries, toilettries, etc.). We have a busy professional and private life, so we dont always have the time to go get what we need. Where we live, stores are open mo-sat, 8am-4/7pm. If you work full time, by the time you get out you barely have time to go get what you need…
Being a minimalist isnt as easy depending of your lifestyle or where you live. To be so hard on yourself!
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