180 upvotes, 2 direct replies (showing 2)
View submission: I Stopped Buying Duplicates
My mom explains it as “let the store stock the extras” because you can get it from the store when you need it.
It’s helped me not buy (for example)5 shampoos just because I have a coupon.
Comment by PurpleOctoberPie at 25/01/2025 at 15:51 UTC
15 upvotes, 0 direct replies
Oh, I like that! Literally they are paid to maintain inventory, and I’m the one paying them to do so when I buy it—so why do I replicate their work for free?
Comment by run_daffodil at 25/01/2025 at 21:46 UTC
9 upvotes, 0 direct replies
My mom needs some sort of therapy to get over this mindset. “It was on sale and you had to buy 4!” No you didn’t!