created by BruceJi on 26/01/2025 at 04:10 UTC
3 upvotes, 1 top-level comments (showing 1)
Hi all,
Don't worry, I'm not asking about using CSS in my capsule! The opposite, perhaps.
I read on the gemini protocol capsule that gemini pages only send text, and there isn't any styling aside from the basic headings and stuff.
However I've noticed that when browsing on Lagrange, some pages have a different colour scheme.
For example, the Kennedy search page has a different background, and its headings are different colours, to the smolZINE page.
If there's no styling coming through, how does this work?
Comment by LesZedCB at 26/01/2025 at 04:47 UTC
10 upvotes, 1 direct replies
they are just randomly, but deterministically, generated by Lagrange