Connection Timeout on most capsules?

created by TerrisBranding on 22/01/2025 at 23:52 UTC

1 upvotes, 2 top-level comments (showing 2)

I just started getting into Gemini protocol so I installed two browsers (Kristall and Lagranger) so I could explore. But I'm getting timeout errors for every personal site (even well-known ones) and GUS.

The server timed out while answering your response.
The server didn't respond in time.

Is anyone else facing this problem? I've tried changing the network timeout settings in the browser, for example changing from 5000 ms up to 9999 ms. Still getting errors.

Can someone tell me if they too can't reach GUS, or hexdsl or Chris Ware's capsules?


Comment by jchaves at 23/01/2025 at 13:54 UTC*

2 upvotes, 1 direct replies

Some of the 'classic' sites mentioned in some 'starting in Gemini' tutorials have moved or sometimes disappeared.

Try antenna for an updated aggregator, and go by 'bbs' to enjoy a dynamic site with healthy activity

gemini:// gemini://

And, from there, happy browsing!

Edit: And, something I apparently discovered just now:


Lots of updated content

Comment by Creepy_Boat_5433 at 23/01/2025 at 04:50 UTC

1 upvotes, 1 direct replies

All of my usual links are working. No idea what GUS is or Chris Ware’s capsule.