Nokia 3310 (2017) Music Player Issue

created by CraftyPhysics8042 on 11/12/2024 at 17:46 UTC

1 upvotes, 1 top-level comments (showing 1)

I apologize if this was covered in advance.

As a music fan and nostalgic of childhood i reverted back to this modernized classic, though found some albums that I had, I have over 266 of them on an SD card, couldnt be played. What a disappointing realization! They are all wav formats, rare mp3s, all downloaded from compressed youtube. Ive also noticed compression from what looks like outdated bluetooth hardware, but nothing hugely disturbing, rather trivial and can get used to, but I am righting this of dire need of an answer, and fix, for why some albums cannot even be played. Seemingly at random the length is rendered to be 372:49 minutes, though the file size doesnt represent this, for example, and a faboulous album if I may, Marvin Pontiacs Greatest hits (2000) size is 570 mb usual for wavs, or Clearlight Symphony self titled (1975), renders at 405:47 and is 417.9 mb. Maybe quality does its shenanigans, but the newer albums, thus better recording hardware, some can be played, as Felt II Psychedelic Memoirs (2012), clocking at 50:02, and 549.7 mb. For example Hawkwind is 634.4mb and 57:45 mins, so file size or lengh seems to be unrelated. All these examples were tested on file explorer and played from SD. Jacula Tardo Pede in Magiam Versus (1972) is 1.3gb, and just spits out cant play this type of file. One album is 776mb but can be played!!! What?

Then I thought maybe the render of the names had something to do with it, but renaming the album internally from the phone yielded no results...

Please I am begging you to help!


Comment by Difficult_Balance_30 at 11/12/2024 at 18:39 UTC

1 upvotes, 1 direct replies

try finding them in the phones file manager and playing them through there. I organize my music in the file path as Artist>Album>Song and use it through there instead of the (borderline unusable) music app