Comment by codenameana on 04/10/2024 at 21:01 UTC*

2 upvotes, 1 direct replies (showing 1)

View submission: I Need WhatsApp/Spotify/(Insert App) Master Post

Wait, so WhatsApp doesn’t work with the Nokia 800T anymore?

Please ELI5 as I’m in the UK and no one does SMS or iMessage texting here.

I just want a dumb phone that has WhatsApp/Signal + Spotify + maps and nothing else (no email or social media), seems impossible to find.


Comment by jbriones95 at 04/10/2024 at 21:12 UTC

2 upvotes, 1 direct replies

All new activations of KaiOS phones don't have WhatsApp. If you want WhatsApp, don't buy a KaiOS phone.