created by killmonger_v1 on 07/07/2023 at 13:12 UTC
161 upvotes, 21 top-level comments (showing 21)
Recently I posted a guide[1] and it was pretty well-received, so I thought I should expand on it to touch on the daily driving aspect of a keitai once you have everything set up and ready to go! Hopefully this gives you a better understanding of the capabilities (and limitations) of a typical keitai as of 2023 :)
In this guide, I'll be using my Kyocera DIGNO 701KC as an example of a typical keitai, hence mileage may vary. That said, I think this can be applied to most if not all keitais running android 5.1 or later!
Since a keitai is fundamentally a phone, it can definitely handle calls and texts without much issue. However, it's worth nothing that most keitai models don't have the setting available to activate voLTE calling. I've never had the need to try it out, but I doubt group texts work on most keitais too.
Outside of calling and texting, a keitai is also capable of internet browsing, taking photos and other (JP-exclusive) features out of the box. Android 5.1 is pretty much obsolete by now, but the stock browser and included pointer works *fine* for when you're in a pinch.
The camera on my 701KC is potato by modern standards, but well, having a camera is already a bonus in the dumbphone market.
Gives you that 2000s digicam vibe
As for the alarm, calendar etc, they function as you'd expect. Some keitais can also support additional features like hotspot sharing and a pedometer!
As mentioned earlier, the OS my 701KC is running on is ancient now. However, popular messaging apps like WhatsApp and Telegram still support android 5, so I've not run into any major issues with them. Navigating these apps can be achieved with the help of the pointer!
I use a Walkman for my music, but Spotify Lite works fine on a keitai. The full Spotify app is also somewhat supported, but it's laggy af and I wouldn't recommend. Didn't try any other music apps, but I guess the experience should be about the same. To watch the occasional YouTube video, I find Newpipe usable on my keitai.
If you want a more up-to-date browser, Firefox and Opera are the more well-known browsers that can run on android 5.1, though cumbersome to use without a touchscreen.
Social media apps...why are you even downloading those? But anyway for the sake of this guide, Insta and Facebook works.
A often-talked about drawback of keitais is the lack of Google Play Services (in fact, it's a complaint I've seen many times on Japanese sites). That said, it is possible to use apps that require Google Services to some extent. Here is Google Maps as an example:
In a nutshell, app support on keitais are limited by two main factors: the OS and the pointer navigation. This post[2] by u/Bananakaya[3] discusses using apps on keitais too, so do check it out!
Most keitais that you can readily buy are likely to be used, so just like any second-hand tech device, you can expect some battery deterioration by the time it reaches your hands. However, I can say that the majority of pre-loved keitais won't have a problem lasting through a day on a single full charge, and if you check your phone as infrequently as I do, two days or more won't be too much of a problem!
Pretty impressive for a six-year-old phone
On the same note, most keitais use Micro-USB for charging (newer models will support USB-C).
Although not strictly adhering to the definition of 'dumbphone', keitais are great at being transitionary devices which helps you familiarise with a clamshell form factor while retaining limited smartphone capabilities (plus the aesthetic!)
I hope this gives a better idea of what owning a keitai as a daily driver is like~
Comment by [deleted] at 07/07/2023 at 13:45 UTC
8 upvotes, 2 direct replies
Thanks a lot for these guides, it's very much appreciated. I'm quite new to Keitais, however I've taken a liking to the look of them compared to other flip phones / dumb phones from (for example) Nokia.
By the way, unsure if it was mentioned in your last guide, but what websites would you recommend for buying / browsing for keitais? I'm currently browing[1], however I'd like to hear if anyone has any other websites they tend to use.
Comment by moviemoocher at 07/07/2023 at 18:43 UTC*
5 upvotes, 2 direct replies
dumbphone is just the easy term for a phone with a physical keyboard/pad i'm not sure a true dumbphone still exists (calls and texts only maybe allowing an embedded "game" like snake)
Comment by tibbers_and_annie at 20/12/2023 at 21:13 UTC
3 upvotes, 0 direct replies
okay i know this is an older post but how on earth did you get google maps working???
Comment by IIyou at 17/01/2024 at 06:34 UTC
3 upvotes, 1 direct replies
hey I'm helping a friend with a keitai, and it's receiving calls but not making calls, probably due to the bunch of international dial assist options. Can you please take a look? Really appreciate it!![1][2]
Comment by shirby_ at 18/06/2024 at 18:35 UTC
3 upvotes, 1 direct replies
Thank you for all these guides, it made me know about lots of things before buying! Can I ask if Kyocera 601SH could work with a Turkish carrier? Because I can't find anything about carriers... I really appreciate help.
Comment by sandinonett at 15/08/2023 at 06:38 UTC
2 upvotes, 1 direct replies
Amazing Info you shared with us! Very but very appreciated! I’m getting mine soon and will likely share my experience too. Thanks again!
Comment by nothono19 at 17/09/2023 at 21:30 UTC
2 upvotes, 1 direct replies
GUYS ! Does they have data hotspot ??
Comment by bad_sat3ll1t3 at 14/10/2023 at 23:57 UTC
2 upvotes, 2 direct replies
Late to the party, wondering if there was a way via ADB or something I'm missing to activate wifi calling? I have the Kyocera Gratina kyf37. I love the phone but have to dump it because I get ZERO service in my house.
Comment by qptf at 07/04/2024 at 07:05 UTC*
2 upvotes, 0 direct replies
Thank you for sharing this. I own a Kyocera Gratina KYF31, but recently, the 4G signal disappeared. Now, I only see 'E' on the status bar, and I'm unable to connect to the internet via data. Does anyone know of a workaround for this issue? I've had this phone for 5 years, and the LTE has always worked perfectly until now. u/killmonger_v1
Comment by mentally_fatigue at 25/04/2024 at 02:16 UTC
2 upvotes, 2 direct replies
How did you change the background wallpaper in your app drawer?
Comment by Iria401 at 20/08/2024 at 06:32 UTC
2 upvotes, 0 direct replies
Which Kyoceras could work in the usa?
Comment by softbutchprince at 10/07/2023 at 00:10 UTC
1 upvotes, 1 direct replies
the 701kc is my absolute favourite keitai! Do you know if it will work in the US though? Like calling/texting without wifi? (even if semi poorly, I honestly don't need to be texting much) I have AT&T and live in Maryland, but would switch to T-mobile also
Comment by Puzzleheaded-Back-32 at 30/05/2024 at 08:45 UTC
1 upvotes, 1 direct replies
so im going to japan and im wondering where should i go to buy one?
Comment by yungxtesla at 31/05/2024 at 00:36 UTC
1 upvotes, 0 direct replies
hey what maps app are you using and does it work?
Comment by blessedtenshi at 23/07/2024 at 17:00 UTC
1 upvotes, 0 direct replies
I’ve been looking at Keitais for a while now, but not sure which ones come with/support VoLTE. I see a lot of them have FDD-LTE, but not sure if it works the same or not. I’m pretty keen to pickup a dumb phone that has keitai styling and functions. However, with Australia not supporting 3G a lot of these phones are paperweights :( Any help would be awesome :)
Comment by blahblahlucas at 30/07/2024 at 09:25 UTC
1 upvotes, 0 direct replies
Does the phone have a track pad?
Comment by Jeannienne at 27/09/2024 at 09:41 UTC
1 upvotes, 1 direct replies
I'm hoping this comment will receive a reply please ...
I'm planning to buy a Kyocera 501kc and I know that it doesn't have a VoLTE function. But i've seen in the internet that there is a way to activate VoLTE in android phones with no VoLTE function. I'm wondering if it will work on Kyocera as well.
Comment by East_Structure3192 at 30/11/2024 at 13:48 UTC
1 upvotes, 1 direct replies
Im mad about being one year late lol but does the keitai 601sh work in singapore? I reconised that lrt LOL im not letting go of that pink. it's so pretty 😭😭🙏🏻 my dream phone.
Comment by [deleted] at 07/07/2023 at 20:20 UTC*
1 upvotes, 0 direct replies
Try here map it works on my phone
Comment by junethelulamoon at 19/08/2023 at 14:51 UTC
1 upvotes, 0 direct replies
Thanks for all this info. Hopefully these can work on google fi so i could perhaps add a second line for it
Comment by junt9404 at 01/09/2023 at 18:38 UTC
1 upvotes, 3 direct replies
Hello fellow SG person! Just ordered my SoftBank 601SH. Can’t wait for it to arrive, thank you for the useful guides!