[OC] Price of Reddit Awards


created by heresacorrection on 05/07/2020 at 11:21 UTC

43108 upvotes, 90 top-level comments (showing 25)


Comment by Kenesaw_Mt_Landis at 05/07/2020 at 12:53 UTC

8229 upvotes, 14 direct replies

I’ve never spent money on this site and don’t really intend to.

The $40 award could serve a few purposes.

It is “weird flex” which is pretty on brand for some corners of this place.

It also makes the ~3$ platinum award seem much more reasonable in comparison. It’s like $34 surf and turf. It makes the $17 hamburger a reasonable purchase because it’s half the price.

Comment by sassydodo at 05/07/2020 at 11:37 UTC

9330 upvotes, 16 direct replies

do people actually give out argentium?

Comment by SupaFugDup at 05/07/2020 at 13:38 UTC

1023 upvotes, 6 direct replies

The magic portal awards don't quite line up, which kinda ruins their whole thing. Very disappointing

Comment by [deleted] at 05/07/2020 at 14:25 UTC

173 upvotes, 4 direct replies


Comment by [deleted] at 05/07/2020 at 12:32 UTC

1786 upvotes, 12 direct replies


Comment by [deleted] at 05/07/2020 at 13:48 UTC

449 upvotes, 3 direct replies

The funniest part is that argentumjust means silver in latin, so if someone gives argentum they're really just giving silver

Comment by [deleted] at 05/07/2020 at 11:28 UTC

239 upvotes, 3 direct replies

I'm gonna have to go ahead and give you the level 0 award: "I'd give you silver if I had money!"

Comment by heresacorrection at 05/07/2020 at 11:22 UTC

294 upvotes, 5 direct replies

│  │                            │ USD ($) │ Euro (€) │ Yen (¥)  │  │
│  │            Healthcare Hero │   0.060 │    0.050 │ 6.450    │  │
│  │                  Home Time │   0.060 │    0.050 │ 6.450    │  │
│  │          Safe & Social │   0.060 │    0.050 │ 6.450    │  │
│  │          All-Seeing Upvote │   0.060 │    0.050 │ 6.450    │  │
│  │             Narwhal Salute │   0.060 │    0.050 │ 6.450    │  │
│  │ Wholesome Seal of Approval │   0.060 │    0.050 │ 6.450    │  │
│  │                       Ally │   0.100 │    0.090 │ 10.750   │  │
│  │   Couch, Fridge, Bed, Work │   0.100 │    0.090 │ 10.750   │  │
│  │            I am disappoint │   0.100 │    0.090 │ 10.750   │  │
│  │              Nothing To Do │   0.100 │    0.090 │ 10.750   │  │
│  │              Quarantine 15 │   0.100 │    0.090 │ 10.750   │  │
│  │             Take My Energy │   0.100 │    0.090 │ 10.750   │  │
│  │             Toasty at Home │   0.100 │    0.090 │ 10.750   │  │
│  │                   Facepalm │   0.140 │    0.120 │ 15.050   │  │
│  │ Faith In Humanity Restored │   0.140 │    0.120 │ 15.050   │  │
│  │                       Snek │   0.140 │    0.120 │ 15.050   │  │
│  │                   Tree Hug │   0.140 │    0.120 │ 15.050   │  │
│  │                       Hugz │   0.150 │    0.130 │ 16.130   │  │
│  │                  Lawyer Up │   0.150 │    0.130 │ 16.130   │  │
│  │              Bravo Grande! │   0.150 │    0.130 │ 16.130   │  │
│  │              Take My Power │   0.150 │    0.130 │ 16.130   │  │
│  │                     Silver │   0.200 │    0.180 │ 21.500   │  │
│  │                  Wholesome │   0.250 │    0.220 │ 26.880   │  │
│  │                   Bless Up │   0.300 │    0.270 │ 32.260   │  │
│  │                    Helpful │   0.300 │    0.270 │ 32.260   │  │
│  │                    Press F │   0.300 │    0.270 │ 32.260   │  │
│  │                       Cake │   0.300 │    0.270 │ 32.260   │  │
│  │       I'd Like to Thank... │   0.400 │    0.360 │ 43.010   │  │
│  │               I'm Deceased │   0.400 │    0.360 │ 43.010   │  │
│  │             Stonks Falling │   0.400 │    0.360 │ 43.010   │  │
│  │              Stonks Rising │   0.400 │    0.360 │ 43.010   │  │
│  │                   Plus One │   0.400 │    0.360 │ 43.010   │  │
│  │           Super Heart Eyes │   0.500 │    0.440 │ 53.760   │  │
│  │             Awesome Answer │   0.500 │    0.440 │ 53.760   │  │
│  │                       ELI5 │   0.500 │    0.440 │ 53.760   │  │
│  │                 It's Cute! │   0.500 │    0.440 │ 53.760   │  │
│  │                 Mind Blown │   0.500 │    0.440 │ 53.760   │  │
│  │                   Original │   0.500 │    0.440 │ 53.760   │  │
│  │            Timeless Beauty │   0.500 │    0.440 │ 53.760   │  │
│  │            Today I Learned │   0.500 │    0.440 │ 53.760   │  │
│  │                  Yas Queen │   0.500 │    0.440 │ 53.760   │  │
│  │                2020 Vision │   0.610 │    0.540 │ 65.590   │  │
│  │                  Coin Gift │   0.610 │    0.540 │ 65.590   │  │
│  │                       GOAT │   0.610 │    0.540 │ 65.590   │  │
│  │                  Got the W │   0.610 │    0.540 │ 65.590   │  │
│  │                Rocket Like │   0.610 │    0.540 │ 65.590   │  │
│  │                       This │   0.610 │    0.540 │ 65.590   │  │
│  │                     Updoot │   0.610 │    0.540 │ 65.590   │  │
│  │      Into the Magic Portal │   0.710 │    0.630 │ 76.340   │  │
│  │    Out of the Magic Portal │   0.710 │    0.630 │ 76.340   │  │
│  │                     Bravo! │   0.810 │    0.720 │ 87.090   │  │
│  │              Doot ‚ô´ Doot │   0.810 │    0.720 │ 87.090   │  │
│  │             Bless Up (Pro) │   1.010 │    0.900 │ 108.600  │  │
│  │                       Gold │   1.010 │    0.900 │ 108.600  │  │
│  │              Helpful (Pro) │   1.010 │    0.900 │ 108.600  │  │
│  │                  Snoo Nice │   1.010 │    0.900 │ 108.600  │  │
│  │            Wholesome (Pro) │   1.010 │    0.900 │ 108.600  │  │
│  │                 Heart Eyes │   1.010 │    0.900 │ 108.600  │  │
│  │              Made Me Smile │   1.010 │    0.900 │ 108.600  │  │
│  │               Pot o' Coins │   2.020 │    1.800 │ 217.190  │  │
│  │                   Platinum │   3.630 │    3.230 │ 390.300  │  │
│  │                  Argentium │  40.400 │   35.960 │ 4343.810 │  │

Comment by narbss at 05/07/2020 at 12:29 UTC*

270 upvotes, 5 direct replies

$40 on one award. Absolutely moronic.

Nice job though OP.

Edit: someone gave me one. You’re mad..

Comment by krypto_the_husk at 05/07/2020 at 14:11 UTC

261 upvotes, 1 direct replies

I don’t get the number of awards line, isn’t each award just one?

Comment by kitelooper at 05/07/2020 at 12:07 UTC

581 upvotes, 7 direct replies

What a pile of useless crap awards. Do we really need hundreds of different awards? What good do they do anyway other than giving money to reddit?

Edit : I'm not undermining OPs post, I think it's nice someone trying to explain the confusing award system. Just saying I do not see the point of having more than 3/4 awards, and also I don't understand people going crazy giving awards, many times for things that end up being fake, like the infamous case of the cancer kid

Comment by seventwosixnine at 05/07/2020 at 11:52 UTC

59 upvotes, 2 direct replies

Why though? What's the point?

Comment by [deleted] at 05/07/2020 at 12:03 UTC

104 upvotes, 2 direct replies

I was given the Healthcare Hero award and now I’m totally underwhelmed....

Comment by idk332 at 05/07/2020 at 14:55 UTC*

59 upvotes, 1 direct replies

I actually thought about getting coins so i could give awards but then i realized, You know, i don't even give upvotes

Edit: Ayyy, First gold!! Thanks person

Comment by Aly_Kaulitz at 05/07/2020 at 11:53 UTC

127 upvotes, 1 direct replies

But each of these have an equal high value in my heart.

Comment by Blueson at 05/07/2020 at 16:00 UTC

53 upvotes, 3 direct replies

I don't really think this is /r/dataisbeautiful material.

The X-axis is really bad at conveying the price differences between the tiers. I.m.o. it shouldn't have been a graphed visualisation.

Comment by GMginger at 05/07/2020 at 14:31 UTC

43 upvotes, 5 direct replies

Since I use a 3rd party app I don't see all the different awards given out, just the main coins - don't think I miss out in the slightest!

Comment by Stefan0_ at 05/07/2020 at 13:16 UTC

34 upvotes, 2 direct replies

Back in 2010, there was just Reddit Gold.

Now there’s 60+ ways to give money to Reddit.

Comment by AchwaqKhalid at 05/07/2020 at 15:43 UTC

10 upvotes, 1 direct replies

Am I the only one who thinks that Reddit needs to have a native tipping option 💡

Comment by [deleted] at 05/07/2020 at 13:44 UTC

8 upvotes, 1 direct replies

Why do people pay money for these things?

Comment by dataisbeautiful-bot at 05/07/2020 at 11:31 UTC

1 upvotes, 4 direct replies

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Comment by Threeknucklesdeeper at 05/07/2020 at 12:08 UTC

16 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Well whoopty do Basile, what does it all mean?

Comment by monkeyking91 at 05/07/2020 at 14:22 UTC

10 upvotes, 1 direct replies

Why do these things do? Do I get money for getting one?

Comment by [deleted] at 05/07/2020 at 19:11 UTC*

9 upvotes, 0 direct replies

This is one of the most useless systems clearly designed to do nothing but fund reddit.


Comment by [deleted] at 05/07/2020 at 12:35 UTC

5 upvotes, 1 direct replies

I have only ever seen the option to buy and award silver gold and platinum.

Where does all this other stuff come from?