created by unorigionaluserrrr on 06/06/2019 at 01:20 UTC
284 upvotes, 4 top-level comments (showing 4)
Well that was a fucking lie.
I pull up at Walgreens and I walk over to the aisle with condoms. I go “well shit, I guess i need some deodorant too.” So I pick some up and then grab a box of condoms.
I get to the checkout line, i’m standing there and this one old lady is like “excuse me son, mind me asking how old you are?” And i’m like “Ummm I’m 16?” Then she purses her lips and makes this judging ass face and says, “Aren’t you a little young to be using those?”
At this point the other 5 people in the line are all looking at me so I got angry and just started acting snarky. “Oh, my bad lady, Imma just hit it raw and hope she don’t get knocked up.” She felt offended so she shut up pretty quick.
AND THEN when I get to the front of the line, the fucking cashier scans the box, smiles and says, “first time with these?” Are you fucking kidding me? Why would he ask that? Whatever. I just said “Um no second actually.” (Even though it was actually my first).
Ughhh. Anyways I hate people. I just want to buy some condoms in peace damn.
Comment by owoifier at 06/06/2019 at 01:20 UTC
14 upvotes, 0 direct replies
Weww that was a fucking wie.
I puww up at Wawgweens and I wawk ovew to the aiswe with condoms. I go “weww shit, I guess i need some deodowant too.” So I pick some up and then gwab a box of condoms.
I get to the checkout wine, i’m standing thewe and this one owd wady is wike “excuse me son, mind me asking how owd you awe?” And i’m wike “Ummm I’m 16?” Then she puwses hew wips and makes this judging ass face and says, “Awen’t you a wittwe young to be using those?”
At this point the othew 5 peopwe in the wine awe aww wooking at me so I got angwy and just stawted acting snawky. “Oh, my bad wady, Imma just hit it waw and hope she don’t get knocked up.” She fewt offended so she shut up pwetty quick.
AND THEN when I get to the fwont of the wine, the fucking cashiew scans the box, smiwes and says, “fiwst time with these?” Awe you fucking kidding me? Why wouwd he ask that? Whatevew. I just said “Um no second actuawwy.” (Even though it was actuawwy my fiwst).
Ughhh. Anyways I hate peopwe. I just want to buy some condoms in peace damn.
Comment by CummyBot2000 at 06/06/2019 at 01:20 UTC
5 upvotes, 0 direct replies
Well that was a fucking lie.
I pull up at Walgreens and I walk over to the aisle with condoms. I go “well shit, I guess i need some deodorant too.” So I pick some up and then grab a box of condoms.
I get to the checkout line, i’m standing there and this one old lady is like “excuse me son, mind me asking how old you are?” And i’m like “Ummm I’m 16?” Then she purses her lips and makes this judging ass face and says, “Aren’t you a little young to be using those?”
At this point the other 5 people in the line are all looking at me so I got angry and just started acting snarky. “Oh, my bad lady, Imma just hit it raw and hope she don’t get knocked up.” She felt offended so she shut up pretty quick.
AND THEN when I get to the front of the line, the fucking cashier scans the box, smiles and says, “first time with these?” Are you fucking kidding me? Why would he ask that? Whatever. I just said “Um no second actually.” (Even though it was actually my first).
Ughhh. Anyways I hate people. I just want to buy some condoms in peace damn.
Comment by Man-in-The-Void at 06/06/2019 at 03:12 UTC
2 upvotes, 0 direct replies
u/alt-no-more’s legend lives on!!!!
Comment by TerraStalker at 27/07/2022 at 11:32 UTC
1 upvotes, 0 direct replies