Comment by iwantthathat on 21/11/2017 at 04:14 UTC

2 upvotes, 0 direct replies (showing 0)

View submission: Rick and Morty

to be fair, you havce t0 ahjve a very highj iq to undErstnd riX0r and mtoty... teh humro si extrmeely sUbtle, And withoU tA s0lid graspo f tehRo3tyical pysics nost of the jokes will go obver at ypicla veiwewrs hwe4d tehfr"ze ALso riX0r"znih1L1stic outlook, which sid eftly woven 1nto his charatcerisation - his LAmErral ph1losophy Darws haivly from narodnaya volya lit3rature, for inst4nce!!!!!!!1 TEH FANS UND3STAND THIS StUFF; TEHU HAVe TEH INTELLEVCTU4L C4PACITY TO TRU7Y APPERC18 THE DEPTHZ OF THESE JOKES, TO REALIZE THAT THEY'RE ||OT JSST FUNNY- THEY SAY SOMETHING DEEP ABOUT LIFE!!!!!!!!!!11~~ AS A cONSEQUENCE D00DZ wHJO dISlIEK R1X0 AND MORTY TRULY 4R IDIOTS-- OF COURS3 TEHY WOULDN'T APPRECIATE, FRO I||STANCE THEH UIMoUR I|| ERI0XTRS EXISTENCIAL C4TCHPHrASE 'WUBBA LUBBA DUB DUB,' HICH ITSELF SI AQ CRYPTIC REERENCVE TO TURGENEV"S RUSSIAN EPIC F4TEHRZ ANN DSONS M SMIRKING RGIHT NOW JUST 1MGAINING ONE FO THOSE ADDLEPATED SIMPLETNS SCRARTCHING THEIR HEADS IN CPNfUSION AS DAN AHRMOnS GENIUS UNFOLDS ITS37F oN TEHIR TRELEV1SION SCREENS~~ what fools.. .. come2 my ftp~ lololololo !!!!!!!!!1 lolllololoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~~~ H0W I PITY TEHM!!!!!!!!11~~~~ 😂 and yes by the way, i di ahv3 a riX0tr and miorty tatto0!!!!!!!!1 LOLOOLOLOL~~ and no, u cannot see it!!!!!!!!!!111~~~~ it'ds fro teh ladeius eyes only- and eVde|| they have to demontsrate thaT tehyRe WitHin 5 iq poitnz of //\yy own (preferablY lower) beforeha||d.


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