created by ensellharbrish on 14/01/2020 at 05:53 UTC*
1022 upvotes, 13 top-level comments (showing 13)
**TL;DR** Read this infographic
**Where to post if not here:** See this
Hello, all users of r/boneachingjuice!
We’ve noticed quite a few submissions from users that seem to be unsure of the brand of humor we appreciate here.
Firstly, we are a sub for edits of existing memes and comics. However, our tastes are more specific than that.
We here at r/boneachingjuice enjoy humor in the spirit of the original “bone hurting juice” meme[1].
But what does that actually mean?
Well, we’ve thought about it, and it basically comes down to this:
OUCH is an easy to remember mnemonic for the following:
(Why do we allow adding text? Well, the template[6] for the OG “bone hurting juice” meme just had J. Jonah Jameson pausing and laughing, not saying “It tasted good” and “Ow my bones hurt oof ouch”, so text was obviously added.)
Furthermore, the imagery can be edited in minor ways *if they are not needed for the joke to make sense*.
By editing the imagery too much to suit your joke, you can basically force the template to say whatever you want. Then what’s the difference between a normal meme and what you’ve just done?
Instead, let the template *tell* you what it wants to be.
Example[7] from u/ensellharbrish, that removes the text from the “Open” sign of the original[8] to turn it into a paper boat.
Reordering of panels is not allowed (again, you’re forcing the template to say what you want), but cropping of panels from a larger template is allowed as long as they don’t come from different parts of the template.
Example[9] from u/Amargosamountain, which takes only a few panels from the original[10], but only from one part of the template, and doesn’t reorder them.
Example[11] from u/Mrj760, which flips the entire template[12] to change its context.
EDIT: These and other blank meme templates are now not allowed.
~~We are aware that SrGrafo regularly makes meme templates that have a fill-in-your-own punchline contest attached to them. Some have already become a meme unto themselves, such as~~
~~Since these don’t actually have a punchline, there’s no real **C**ontext to shift. We will therefore make an exception for these and similar blank templates, as long as the edits produced are juicy enough.~~
Comment by FlyingTurtle_kdk at 14/01/2020 at 06:22 UTC
140 upvotes, 1 direct replies
Thank you for this! You are hereby ^temporarily bi
Comment by Dorksimus at 14/01/2020 at 16:29 UTC
67 upvotes, 1 direct replies
this is ruleset to define all rulesets. it captures the most important points concisely. great job!
Comment by d7mtg at 14/01/2020 at 17:55 UTC
61 upvotes, 0 direct replies
Comment by pagwin at 10/02/2020 at 03:17 UTC
28 upvotes, 1 direct replies
this image[1] is also good(to educate people on which sub is the correct one to post on)
Comment by covid19homie at 06/04/2020 at 03:19 UTC
10 upvotes, 0 direct replies
I love humanity's appreciation for incredibly specific humour
Comment by jakeinator21 at 28/02/2020 at 18:16 UTC*
6 upvotes, 0 direct replies
If I could contribute something as well to this topic:
This[1] is a google doc made by a user named Fubz in the earlier days of /r/bonehurtingjuice that was originally part of the mods attempts[2] to define what BHJ was before it went off the rails. It's incomplete, but it's a good bit of information about what BHJ was originally about.
Also yes, the Jameson meme was the one that started the sub, but the first recorded mention of bonehurtingjuice online was this meme[3], per the KnowYourMeme page[4].
Comment by [deleted] at 28/03/2020 at 22:24 UTC
3 upvotes, 1 direct replies
Petition to tighten up the definition of U in O.U.C.H. I've been seeing a lot of posts on this sub lately that aren't really unorthodox misinterpretations of meme templates. Often it'll just be a character asking for whatever happens in the next slide to happen to them, or the characters will make a meta reference to how oddly drawn they are. That is an overly literal (not to mention low effort and unfunny) interpretation of the meme template which falls under the definition of anti-meme.
Comment by depetir at 22/06/2020 at 15:11 UTC
3 upvotes, 0 direct replies
Finally, mods that are actually competent
Comment by UsernameTaken017 at 20/08/2022 at 13:53 UTC
2 upvotes, 0 direct replies
Whats the difference between this sub and r/bonehurtingjuice
Comment by [deleted] at 25/02/2020 at 16:14 UTC
1 upvotes, 1 direct replies
I don’t get the juicy part tho
My post was removed for not being juicy enough, but what does that mean(not that my post was wrongfully take down of course)
Comment by Proper-Atmosphere at 05/04/2020 at 19:07 UTC
1 upvotes, 1 direct replies
What is the original bone hurting juice
Comment by Allomantic-Mists at 09/07/2020 at 18:29 UTC
1 upvotes, 0 direct replies
Good mod
Comment by DrakXD at 17/10/2021 at 11:26 UTC
1 upvotes, 0 direct replies
I just farted so loud you cant believe it