Introducing Reddit in new languages

created by jleeky on 23/06/2021 at 18:20 UTC*

1268 upvotes, 74 top-level comments (showing 25)

Hello everyone,

I’m u/jleeky from the International team at ~~Lases~~Reddit and I’m here to give an update on some of the work we’re doing to bring Reddit to more people around the world [cue Daft Punk song].

As we continue to grow as a platform, we want to reflect the diverse users and communities across the globe. Part of this means making Reddit’s interface (the buttons, menus, and other surfaces that you all see on the platform) available in different languages.

Starting today, Android, iOS, and Desktop users will be able to access the first phase of our product translation in German, French, Portuguese, Spanish, and Italian. We are taking an iterative approach towards supporting more languages—which means future phases will include more product coverage, more language coverage, and further refinement of our translations.

We are still optimizing the language experience and are working to translate the core parts of Reddit that most people use every day—but we haven't caught everything. You will probably see some areas of the product that aren’t translated and you might see some awkward translations.

Please help us by leaving any feedback you have below, or reach out to us through modmail[1] to report issues or let us know what you think! You can write to us in English or in your own language as the feedback will go directly to the translation team.


Go to your settings and navigate to ‘view options’ where you will find a new ‘Language’ setting.

The New Language Setting in Account Settings on Android

Once you click on this new option, you will be able to select from a list of available languages to switch the language of your Reddit interface.

Select Your Preferred Language

Go to your user settings and you will find the new ‘Language’ setting.

The New Language Setting on Desktop

Go to your settings and navigate to ‘view options’ where you will find a new ‘Language’ setting.


The New Language Setting in Account Settings on iOS

Clicking on the language setting will link you to the app-specific language setting that’s part of your OS. When prompted, tap “Open Settings”.

Go to Reddit App Specific OS Settings to Change Your Language

In the app-specific settings screen, there will be a section for “Preferred Language”. Select the language and return to the app.

The Reddit Specific OS Settings on iOS

Select Your Language on iOS

Note: For this to work, you may need to add English as a language option for your phone. (iOS Settings > General > Language & Region > Other Languages)

And that’s it! I’ll stick around to answer your questions and hear your thoughts.


Comment by thaimod at 23/06/2021 at 18:27 UTC*

911 upvotes, 13 direct replies

If you ever start doing this on the website as well please can i ask you to pay special attention to NOT copy the dumb thing other websites like google do such as detecting your location and auto switching the language away from English with zero way to set it back even when you're logged in and have previously set your language preferences. This is a huge pet peeve of mine that every large company can't seem to get such a simple thing right. Google is the worse offender because they translate the word English into the local language making it impossible to switch back unless you can read that local language.

Comment by UltraGaren at 23/06/2021 at 18:50 UTC

43 upvotes, 1 direct replies

Will it be European Portuguese, Brazilian Portuguese, or both?

Comment by DemonicDevice at 23/06/2021 at 18:36 UTC

112 upvotes, 3 direct replies

Wait a second, I remember seeing a reddit page entirely in Spanish like 5 years ago

Comment by TheOnlyFallenCookie at 23/06/2021 at 18:45 UTC

58 upvotes, 3 direct replies

Ich werde nicht lügen, die Deutsche Übersetzung ist nicht wirklich gut geworden

Comment by babygrenade at 23/06/2021 at 18:55 UTC

80 upvotes, 4 direct replies

I changed my language to Portugese.

I don't understand Portugese and can't figure out how to change it back.

Comment by Kingsolomanhere at 23/06/2021 at 18:29 UTC

51 upvotes, 1 direct replies

Just wait for it, someone will be requesting Klingon

Comment by Samiel_Fronsac at 23/06/2021 at 22:25 UTC

21 upvotes, 1 direct replies

For all that is holy and pure, this thing is bugged as hell. Sometimes the app is in the device language, Portuguese, others in my preferred language, English and back and forth until I close the app.

Now it got worse.

No matter what settings I choose, it changes from one thing to the next. I scroll through a post to with the app in English, next post it has changed to Portuguese. It's doing this at random.

Comment by Uristqwerty at 23/06/2021 at 20:45 UTC

40 upvotes, 2 direct replies

Here's a positively *ancient* language bug: "en-ca" translates the settings page's "show post flair" checkbox as a second "show user flair". Since there are few (if any?) differences between en-ca and en-us, presumably that was a simple copy-paste error for a language that I'd be surprised if many people use in the first place, especially nowadays with so many users moved to the redesign and apps.

If nobody else has noticed, then it's probably not worth the time to fix, but I'm not going to pass up the first time in *years* that it's actually slightly relevant to point out. If nothing else, so that others are aware of it.

Comment by vaevictis21 at 23/06/2021 at 18:33 UTC

49 upvotes, 1 direct replies

can we contribute for providing translations in our language by any chance :)

Comment by Zirael_Swallow at 23/06/2021 at 20:34 UTC*

33 upvotes, 2 direct replies

I'm German, but I understand english just fine. I use it more in my daily life than german. [Insert people murdering me for a typo here]

I've been dealing with absolutly massacred 'translations' (i.e. worse than google translate) for a few weeks now. So please: can we still just stick to english if we want to? I don't need forced german where it translates 'cancel' to 'stornieren' instead of 'abbrechen'.

Comment by post_break at 23/06/2021 at 18:24 UTC

66 upvotes, 5 direct replies

Does this allow translating of say a german subreddit to english?

Comment by leolameu95 at 23/06/2021 at 19:35 UTC

8 upvotes, 0 direct replies

That's nice, just make sure it will stay in the language I've selected. Several times it was reset to my phone language by itself

Comment by Imborednow at 23/06/2021 at 21:29 UTC

8 upvotes, 3 direct replies

Wait, hasn't reddit supported multiple languages for years? I know I've seen people ask for help changing the language back to English after switching accidentally.

Comment by [deleted] at 23/06/2021 at 18:32 UTC

19 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Thanks for this. I really like that Reddit has a Latin language option, but the actual implementation seems pretty scuffed.

Are you planning to revisit? Definitely check out r/latin if you do, they (and I) would love to help out and improve it.

Comment by jelvinjs7 at 23/06/2021 at 19:12 UTC

4 upvotes, 0 direct replies

It better become available in Klingon or Quenya, or else what’s the point?

Comment by [deleted] at 23/06/2021 at 19:46 UTC*

6 upvotes, 1 direct replies


Comment by tumultuousness at 23/06/2021 at 23:15 UTC

5 upvotes, 0 direct replies

An issue that I witnessed someone run into two weeks ago[1]: The language they chose in the redesign does not tie into the language on the old design - so their inbox was in a language that they couldn't change (because the inbox is like a redesign skin on the old design inbox). Any idea on if those two could be linked so people on the redesign might not have to deal with that?


Comment by NickWoW1000 at 23/06/2021 at 18:23 UTC

11 upvotes, 0 direct replies


Comment by flaim at 23/06/2021 at 19:18 UTC

4 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Will this eventually include the ability to filter out subreddits that aren't in the preferred language?

Comment by jackaline at 24/06/2021 at 08:37 UTC*

3 upvotes, 0 direct replies

The initial rollout of this should really have focusing on adding a translate toggle on comments.

Once you see where and when people are using it, you have sample comments for testing the autodetection and can test whether it would work or not without a full rollout.

If you are hoping this will expand to new markets, this is not going to work. For one, subreddit names have already been reserved and already enforce with moderators who have a localized bias. This also means the subreddit names that could be localized, who have been snatched up in an environment where the international markets don't care. But there are subreddit names you can't localize, and I seriously doubt Reddit is about to get the common sense to begin allowing duplicate subreddit names with a separate unique identifier, even though that would be what you would expect where these indeed "communities" as opposed to keywords for subjects and memes of interest.

Comment by [deleted] at 23/06/2021 at 22:23 UTC

7 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Merci Reddit !

Comment by redditmixer at 23/06/2021 at 23:45 UTC

7 upvotes, 1 direct replies

Thank you for adding this!!! This will help the international users! I love this! Thank you for everything you have done! ❤️❤️❤️

Comment by emcee_gee at 23/06/2021 at 19:40 UTC

15 upvotes, 2 direct replies

This is great -- more languages = more access for more people, which is always a good thing.

However, one (likely unintended) consequence of the UI traditionally being English-only is that the *vast* majority of content on the platform is also written in English, enabling all users to communicate directly with one another by putting up a road block for people who don't understand English. Reddit is what it is in large part because of the globally interconnected nature of its community. As that community is now likely to grow among people who don't understand English, is there a plan for how to maintain some semblance of barrier-free communication across the entire user base?

Comment by reallyweirdperson at 23/06/2021 at 18:27 UTC

29 upvotes, 1 direct replies

Can we have pirate speak? I feel that pirates are a seriously under-represented group on here.

Comment by [deleted] at 23/06/2021 at 19:14 UTC

3 upvotes, 0 direct replies

I went to check it out, and the text have the same colour as the text background