New updates to help moderators, your monthly avatar gear drop, the follower list rollout, and small tests and bug fixes

created by BurritoJusticeLeague on 24/05/2021 at 20:36 UTC*

574 upvotes, 85 top-level comments (showing 25)

Another week and another round of updates. This week, we have some changes to help moderators and a few small tests and fixes to share. So let’s get to it…

Here’s what’s new May 12th–May 24th

If you’ve spent any time over r/modnews[1] recently, you know that over the past year we’ve been focused on improving the quality of life for moderators by shipping a series of updates and new features to reduce harassment, make mod tools easier to understand, and close the parity gap between web and mobile. (To see the full list of what’s changed, check out the most recent post[2].)This week we had two updates that addressed direct feedback from mod teams:



Last week, we updated Mod push notifications based on moderator feedback[3] we got on the initial launch. Now there are more notification types that mods requested, more customization for when a notification gets sent, and some fancy pants automation to help mods get the right notification based on the size of their community. To learn more and get all the details, check out this r/modnews post[4].



As was announced last Thursday[5], moderators can now tell when another one of their co-mods is drafting a response to a specific piece of Modmail. This was a small request from mods and means they can save time and make sure multiple mods aren’t replying to the same message.


We'll also take this chance to once again remind any mods who are reading this, that legacy Modmail is leaving us in June. Now that the new Modmail service has a superior feature set[6], we’ll be deprecating the legacy Modmail service. To learn more, check out the original announcement[7].



On Android, we’ve been testing the ability to view and manage your follower list and expect this change to fully roll out this week. On iOS, we’ll also start testing this week, with full rollout planned for mid-June. We’ll begin working on bringing this feature to the web in the next couple of months.

For more information on how followers will work, check out the original announcement in r/changelog[8].


Style your avatar for festival season, check out the new assortment of musical instruments and accessories, or funkify your look with new gear inspired by musicians and pop stars[9] rolling out today and tomorrow.


Bugs, small fixes, and tests across various platforms.

On iOS:

On Android:

Rolling out to more platforms:


Comment by [deleted] at 25/05/2021 at 00:02 UTC

75 upvotes, 1 direct replies


Comment by unsteadied at 24/05/2021 at 21:02 UTC

819 upvotes, 12 direct replies

monthly avatar gear drop

Literally no one is asking for this.

Comment by DigitalSteven1 at 24/05/2021 at 21:42 UTC

54 upvotes, 1 direct replies

Why can't we manage followers on the site? Why are you only limiting this to mobile? Did I miss a way to manage on site?

Comment by Lousy_hater at 24/05/2021 at 20:39 UTC

1262 upvotes, 10 direct replies

Thanks but I am still going to use

Comment by Penguin-a-Tron at 24/05/2021 at 20:41 UTC*

291 upvotes, 4 direct replies

Any plan to add an option to turn avatars off for users who don’t want them?

Edit: on the mobile app, specifically.

Comment by obvious_bot at 24/05/2021 at 23:31 UTC*

142 upvotes, 5 direct replies

to help people find more posts and content they may be interested in, there’s a test showing related posts below comments

Please, please, please allow us to opt out of all “related communities” on the mobile app. I’ve been on Reddit for over 10 years, I know how to find new subreddits. All those do is clog up my feed with useless shit (no I don’t want to subscribe to r/lakers just because I’m subbed to r/nba 🤮)

edit: since this comment thanks to your suggestions i've downloaded and fully switched to Apollo. Holy shit why did I take this long, its so much better

Comment by BunkMoreland1017 at 24/05/2021 at 21:55 UTC*

78 upvotes, 1 direct replies

I really dislike the suggested posts hiding comments on mobile. Suggestion spam is already my least favorite part of the app, and if I just wanted to be fed a bunch of pictures in a row I’d hang out on imgur.

If I wanted to see more posts, I wouldn’t have tapped on the comment section

Comment by ekolis at 25/05/2021 at 01:35 UTC

31 upvotes, 1 direct replies

We’re testing letting old notifications expire after 24 hours.

No no no please no, so if I don't visit reddit one day, my notifications from that day are permanently lost and I'll never be able to find them? Please make this optional, or if it's because of a lack of data storage space (really?) then make them expire after a week instead.

Comment by _7q4 at 24/05/2021 at 21:20 UTC

320 upvotes, 5 direct replies

Every time you post, it slowly sinks in to my brain a little more that you genuinely don't give a single shit about the users.

There's some ultimate goal here that you're working towards and it's not beneficial for us whatsoever.

Comment by iwhitt567 at 24/05/2021 at 21:38 UTC

202 upvotes, 2 direct replies

Amy news about that time you quietly changed user settings to track outbound clicks and said nothing about it?

Comment by Bardfinn at 24/05/2021 at 20:48 UTC

175 upvotes, 3 direct replies

We’ll begin working on bringing this feature to the web in the next couple of months.

Comment by 4kVHS at 24/05/2021 at 21:14 UTC*

376 upvotes, 5 direct replies

It’s amazing how Reddit continues to deliver updates on things no one is asking for yet everything needed and asked for is ignored.

Edit: ok maybe some mods are fine with this release but I am speaking more on average with the past several releases, the features that benefit the majority of users have not been helpful.

Comment by m1ndwipe at 24/05/2021 at 23:19 UTC

52 upvotes, 1 direct replies has been broken for a week, but please, let us know more about how there's an avatar closet.

Comment by JcFerggy at 24/05/2021 at 22:08 UTC

87 upvotes, 2 direct replies

What the hell is avatar gear!? I come to reddit to read stories and articles about my interests. Don't go turning this into a MyFacebookSpace social media platform for god sake. Yes I still use

Comment by [deleted] at 24/05/2021 at 21:26 UTC

80 upvotes, 3 direct replies

"bringing features"

features that nobody cares about?

Comment by Kervin396 at 25/05/2021 at 00:30 UTC

20 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Man, Admins are tone deaf..

Comment by Hold_my_Dirk at 24/05/2021 at 23:56 UTC

36 upvotes, 1 direct replies

Why do you guys spend all your time on features users don’t want? Will you go on record to say it’s because advertisers/investors want it and that’s more important?

Comment by 420wFTP at 24/05/2021 at 21:02 UTC

145 upvotes, 2 direct replies

Any progress on making sure mods actually review and deal with posts/comments that spread disinformation?

And is there any work being done to ensure that legitimate complaints don't end up "backfiring" on the user submitting the reports?

Comment by MyBoyJoeBudden at 25/05/2021 at 02:24 UTC

19 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Wtf avatar drops,like opening a gift bag so I can personalize my profile on a platform that stands for anonymous users, fuck yea I also wanna chat with friends on reddit because why not, fuck whatsapp, I sure love this random user that posted a picture of his plant Im gonna follow him to see more plants, not like there's a subreddir for smth like that, that guy draws comics, Im gonna follow him and not go into his subreddir, because why shouldn't I.

I sure love this website turning into a huge mix of Twitter Facebook and Instagram so it loses its key function

Comment by OmgImAlexis at 24/05/2021 at 20:43 UTC

66 upvotes, 2 direct replies

And yet we still can’t change flair via the api. Gotta love when small things are just completely overlooked.

Comment by heresacorrection at 24/05/2021 at 23:17 UTC

17 upvotes, 1 direct replies

Any chance we could get the ability for moderators to add a removal reason when we remove a post using the mobile app? Thanks.

Comment by [deleted] at 24/05/2021 at 21:28 UTC

59 upvotes, 2 direct replies


Comment by ibm2431 at 24/05/2021 at 20:46 UTC

614 upvotes, 20 direct replies

Why does Reddit do nothing about subreddits like NoNewNormal which spread disinformation detrimental to public health, and encourages illegal activity of forging medical records?

Comment by [deleted] at 25/05/2021 at 00:07 UTC

11 upvotes, 1 direct replies

Is there a way for me to downgrade my reddit app on iOS? The newer versions are fucking my battery up big time.

Comment by Theghost129 at 24/05/2021 at 21:13 UTC

93 upvotes, 3 direct replies

I dont really have much to say... But is there a way to turn the porn back on in my user settings? I know you guys need to remove it from the front page, but can I personalize my account so it comes back? Im tired of having to dig for it.