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View submission: Quick Questions on the Baha'i Faith
Comment by huggy19 at 26/06/2017 at 22:25 UTC
1 upvotes, 0 direct replies
couldn't Krishna, Buddha, Jesus, Muhammad in the same sense could have been said to be under the Shadow of Adam, i.e. they became manifest within the Adamic cycle? However, 'God seeks to perfect his light', and thus each successive revelation is more perfect. In the Persian Bayan the Bab compares the religion of Adam to the human embryo, and notes that had the embryo not existed, man could not have reached his present form. So could Bahaullah's dispensation, a stage in the half-million year Baha'i cycle, be like a new embryo, so to speak? Not trying to speculate, but trying to connect the dots.. :)