Comment by nickchuck on 06/06/2015 at 08:51 UTC

18 upvotes, 1 direct replies (showing 1)

View submission: When I met two friendly Mormons...

As a former Mormon missionary this makes me happy :) I loved meeting people of other faiths that were respectful like you were.


Comment by zaffiromite at 07/06/2015 at 06:10 UTC

4 upvotes, 2 direct replies

As someone who has been approached by Mormon missionaries many times over the years, I've never encountered any who were respectful of my faith enough to just have a conversation. Not a one showed any interest in what I believed, it was all about their faith. I could say or explain something, there would be a slight pause after I'd spoken and an acknowledgement that I had said some words, something along the lines of "that's nice", then they'd return to "lecture"mode. Always felt like they were dismissing me and my faith, since they never seemed listen to me but wanted to talk while I was supposed to listen to them.. I was quite turned off by the treatment in my late teens and early twenties, a time that me and many of my friends were exploring faith.