Baha'i Symbolism Question

created by Meiz5 on 21/05/2015 at 06:13 UTC

13 upvotes, 4 top-level comments (showing 4)

I'm in Haifa right now doing research on the Baha'i faith. I visited the shrine a few days ago and took some pics. I asked one of the guides what the symbolism meant on the outside of the doors. (Here's the picture Imgur[1] ) The reply was, "they're just for decoration" which led me to believe that they are not themselves Baha'i. So I turn to you. I know the first two from the top are the key stone symbol and the star representing the Bab. (Maybe need a correction here, I've read that it also represents the twin manifestations of the Bab and Baha'u'llah. If it's by itself does it just represent the Bab?) But the last two symbols have puzzled me. The single star I cant seem to find what it represents and the last symbol is obviously a Baha'i symbol due to the #9 etched on it.


Any help would be very helpful. I'll be in Haifa for another week, if anyone who is Baha'i that lives here knows of a way to contact the main administrative body let me know. I am finding it extremely difficult to contact any Baha'is while I am here.


Comment by hodlr at 21/05/2015 at 07:02 UTC*

6 upvotes, 1 direct replies

The 5 pointed star is the official symbol of the religion. We just use the 9 pointed one more because it represents baha in numerology which means glory in Arabic. The 5 pointed star represents humanity. Head, arms, and legs.

It is probably difficult to find Bahais because it is against our religion to convert anyone in the land of Israel

Comment by huntingisland at 21/05/2015 at 14:07 UTC

6 upvotes, 0 direct replies

The top symbol is the Baha'i "Ringstone Symbol". Here is a quick guide to its meaning:

The next from the top looks to be a "Haykal", a "stretched" five pointed star, modified to look more like a human figure. It represents the temple of the body, and more specifically the body of the Manifestations of God - Baha'u'llah, the Bab, Muhammad, Jesus, Guatama Buddha, Moses etc.

The five pointed star, next from the bottom, represents the Haykal as well, but symmetric.

The nine-pointed star is a symbol of the Baha'i Faith. The number 9 represents "Baha", or Glory, which is the greatest name of God according to the Baha'i Faith. This is according to a system in Arabic where each letter is assigned a numeric value, the values of characters in "Baha" add up to 9.

Comment by bchurchill at 21/05/2015 at 07:42 UTC

3 upvotes, 2 direct replies

In Haifa, there's a lot of things that don't have symbolic meaning and are really just for decoration. For example, the gardens have lots of 8-pointed stars (have you ever tried to make a 9-pointed star out of flowers?), the sculptures of birds, fountains, etc. Yet, in your picture are the 5-pointed stars and the ringstone symbol -- both of which are significant. I think you already know about those. I haven't seen the bottom one anywhere else, but I think it's similar in symbolism to a 9-pointed star. There's also a 9-pointed star where the columns end at the top facing the sea.

As far as reaching Bahá'ís, there is a public information office under the middle terrace (where the terraces cross over Hatzionut) that I think some of the tours visit, and there's more likely people who can answer questions there. Also, at this time of year there are probably lots of Bahá'í visitors on pilgrimage, and I would be surprised if it's hard to spot them. I can pm you an email address for administrative contact there as a last resort.

Comment by parthian_shot at 21/05/2015 at 07:07 UTC

2 upvotes, 1 direct replies

Well the top symbol is usually called the ring symbol around my area, but it sounds like you are familiar with it, so I won't go into it.

I'd hazard a guess that the two stars could represent both the Bab and Baha'u'llah, the twin Manifestations.

The last just looks like it has nine sides - which Baha'is are fond of (our temples are all nine-sided, as you may know). I don't recognize it as having a particular significance outside of that, but maybe someone else might know.

They probably are for decoration :)