created by DemandStunning6172 on 09/03/2025 at 04:37 UTC
215 upvotes, 2 top-level comments (showing 2)
the Hamburger galaxy in Leo. I wanted to get 2 nights on this target but unfortunately due to mount malfunctions i only managed 4hrs of rgb data total. Captured using my Astro-tech at130edt and playerone mono 533
Comment by AutoModerator at 09/03/2025 at 04:37 UTC
1 upvotes, 0 direct replies
Hello, /u/DemandStunning6172! Thank you for posting! Just a quick reminder, all images posted to /r/astrophotography **must include** all acquisition and processing details you may have. This can be in your post body, in a top-level comment in your post, or included in your astrobin metadata if you're posting with astrobin.
If your post is found to be missing this information after a short grace period it will be removed.
Thank you!
1: /message/compose/?to=/r/astrophotography
Comment by Photon_Pharmer1 at 09/03/2025 at 11:25 UTC
1 upvotes, 0 direct replies
Astro gremlins very rarely take a break. You needed up with a nice image despite them!