How do genes get passed down?

created by Unhappy_Tax_7876 on 23/11/2024 at 15:42 UTC

136 upvotes, 8 top-level comments (showing 8)

I understand the basic concept, but I’m wondering about is a bit more specific. How granular does it get when passing down genes?

You hear things like, he has his moms eyes or his dads nose, but when passing down traits, how is it broken down? Are they really getting the “nose” from their dad? Or is it really more like, the tip of the nose is more like dad, the nostrils more like mom, etc. (I’m using mom and dad, but I know there can also be hidden genes from past generations, I’m mostly curiosity about how large or small of a feature is effected)

Basically I’m just curious about how a trait is inherited and how small of an area or feature is affected by the different genes. Do you get a kind of swath of an area or is it actually really minute things, and maybe someone just happens to get a majority from one side or the other making at appear like that total feature was inherited, but there may actually be small details that differ that just aren’t as noticeable.

Hope I explained this ok.


Comment by Gonjigz at 23/11/2024 at 23:02 UTC

49 upvotes, 4 direct replies

Your DNA gets inherited in the fashion you describe, where you will randomly get genes from either one of your parents. However, genes don’t map onto the type of anatomic traits that you’re interested in very well. That is, there is not a single gene that determines the shape of your nose, or even a small part of your nose. Because development is really complicated, the interplay between genes is also super complicated. That’s why we don’t tend to have noses that look identical to either one of our parents, but instead have our own unique look that can be more or less similar to one of our parents.

Height is another great example; even though it seems simple, it’s determined by many hundreds of genes at least. You inherit those genes from your parents, yes, so it’s likely that if both of your parents are tall you will also be tall. However, if you are male, your father is 1.9m, and your mother’s father is 1.6m, you could be pretty much any height, not only 1.9m, 1.6m, or the average of 1.75m.

Not sure if I’m making sense or not. There are about 20k genes so in terms of the unit size of genetic inheritance it’s in about 0.005% increments, but you can’t easily map each of those 1:1 with an observable trait.

Comment by 095179005 at 23/11/2024 at 23:17 UTC

8 upvotes, 1 direct replies

Hopefully a biologist that specializes in developmental biology and cell signaling can answer, but essentially "genes" are just coding regions of DNA that spit out protein. Those can have various functions, like for structure, or for function.

People with lactose intolerance aren't producing the protein that forms the enzyme lactase, which can breakdown lactose.

In terms of granularity, it's down to the cellular level, as that's where everything happens.

The shape of your nose is determined by your bone cells and how they form/destroy bone based on the instructions in your DNA.

Your cells have chemical signals they release that tell their neighbours what they're doing and certain genes are turned on or off depending where the cell is in the body. This information would be stored in your developmental genes.

An example would be that human embryos develop gills, as we still have the instructions for gills from when we were fish, but those skin flaps are quickly sealed up as those genes are turned off in no time.

Inheritance not only applies to genes, but also to non-coding regions of your DNA, what we used to call "junk DNA". Today its called the epigenome, meaning above the genome.

You have promoter regions upstream from your genes, as well as assistant proteins that help with gene expression.

Your DNA is also packaged by being wrapped around histones, like beads on a string or knots. Environmental factors can influence how tightly your DNA is wrapped - if its in its open form, euchromatin, the gene can be expressed. If it's wound tightly and physically closed off, as heterochromatin, the gene is silenced.

Histone modification is heritable, and is one of the factors responsible for gene penetrance - just because you have a gene, doesn't mean its a 100% chance you express it.

It's also responsible for gene expressivity - how intense is the trait?[1])


Comment by [deleted] at 23/11/2024 at 19:33 UTC

60 upvotes, 1 direct replies


Comment by IYKWIM_AITYD at 24/11/2024 at 04:35 UTC

4 upvotes, 0 direct replies

One fundamental point that hasn't been made is that everyone has 2 copies of every gene because they (normally) have two copies of every chromosome. We get one copy from each parent (the chromosomes in the sperm and the chromosomes in the egg). Each parent also has two copies of every chromosome, but the individual single chromosomes they pass on to their offspring are a mix of their chromosomes due to a process called recombination. Recombination occurs in meiosis, when cells duplicate and then split into 4 daughter cells, each with one copy of each of the chromosomes. So you have a gene from your mother and a gene from your father in your genome. How those two copies are expressed and the characteristics of the proteins they code for will form the genetic basis of your traits. The environment also plays a role in how the genes are expressed and the activity of their products.

Comment by Unironically_grunge at 25/11/2024 at 06:18 UTC*

1 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Some physical characteristics are mistaken for genes, but they're not caused by any genes. Some people are said to have big/small facial features, or a long/short torso, limbs, etc, and sometimes there's a misconception there's genes that cause big/small features which are passed down. The human body grows in height/bone structure from 0-13 approx for girls, and 0-20 approx for guys, and it goes through puberty after the bulk of height/bone structure is done. So if someone is observed to have big/small physical features like facial features, torso, limbs, etc etc, it's not always that the feature is large objectively, but compared to the rest of their body it's large.

This could be because a person didn't get enough nutrition/rest etc, when the body was in a certain stage of growth, but got more nutrition afterwards. An example is that some humans who were undernourished in childhood are at stunted adult heights, but they have a larger skull in comparison to their bodies (whereas children of the same height as them tend to have smaller skulls) because the skull kept growing a bit more after their bodies finished growing. It's not possible to control the body's growth. Often if a human is undernourished whilst they're growing up the body could try and hang onto the growing phase for longer, so if they get right nourishment, they'll catch up in growth. But it's possible to be undernourished enough the body cannot delay the growing phase anymore and they'll end up permanently stunted in some way.

However, growth is also caused by genes which are passed down from parents. Some genes cause puberty to happen at the later range of normal and some earlier.

Because of this it's hard to predict a human's size bc you have to look at both their nutrition/general lifestyle whilst they're growing up, as well as the genes which code for onset of puberty.

A lot of size differences in body features is due to a complicated combination of all of those traits/genes, and not just 1 gene. There's no size gene that's passed down.

Another example is hair colour, it's often coded in an additive way in the human body and furred mammals. There's several pigments in our DNA, but a lot of different genes which can produce the same pigment. Some hair/coat colours are produced by the expression of the genes for 1 pigment, but others are by the expression of genes for 2-3 different pigments. (Humans don't have too much pigments though, but we have lots of genes to produce the same pigment) Some of those genes may be recessive or dominant. So hair/fur colour is actually quite a huge grab bag and there's no gene for hair colour that's really passed down.

I think if you want to do further reading on this topic it's better to study known genes and what they code for, rather than study physical differences and try to guess how the genes that influence them are passed down. The former approach will allow you to see more clearly how genes/certain traits, are similar across lineages.

Comment by Boertie at 25/11/2024 at 13:51 UTC

1 upvotes, 0 direct replies

The gametes of that father and mother are each unique, but only contain half the genetic information of a regular human.

These chromosomes combine during fertilization, and crossing over (combination) occurs.

This combination is slightly different each time because of the mechanism in how it works.

This means that the same egg and sperm cell don't create the identical person each time.

Comment by eagledrummer2 at 28/11/2024 at 02:27 UTC

1 upvotes, 0 direct replies

You receive parts of, or entire chromosomes from your parents. The chromosomes of your parents can swap sections with eachother (crossing over), which increases the numbers of possible gene combinations you have. These combinations have various dominance levels, meaning sometimes you need two copies of a gene to get the trait, other times only one.

Most traits are impacted by a large number of genes. Its not necessarily one gene per trait.

Comment by [deleted] at 23/11/2024 at 20:28 UTC

-4 upvotes, 1 direct replies
