created by spez on 25/01/2017 at 18:05 UTC*
14592 upvotes, 59 top-level comments (showing 25)
Hi All,
I would like to take a minute to look back on 2016 and share what is in store for Reddit in 2017.
2016 was a transformational year for Reddit. We are a completely different company than we were a year ago, having improved in just about every dimension. We hired most of the company, creating many new teams and growing the rest. As a result, we are capable of building more than ever before.
Last year was our most productive ever. We shipped well-reviewed apps for both iOS[1] and Android[2]. It is crazy to think these apps did not exist a year ago—especially considering they now account for over 40% of our content views. Despite being relatively new and not yet having all the functionality of the desktop site, the apps are fastest and best way to browse Reddit. If you haven’t given them a try yet, you should definitely take them for a spin.
Additionally, we built a new web tech stack, upon which we built the long promised new version moderator mail[3] and our mobile website[4]. We added image hosting[5] on all platforms as well, which now supports the majority of images uploaded to Reddit.
We want Reddit to be a welcoming place for all. We know we still have a long way to go, but I want to share with you some of the progress we have made. Our Anti-Evil and Trust & Safety teams reduced spam by over 90%, and we released the first version of our blocking tool[6], which made a nice dent in reported abuse. In the wake of Spezgiving[7], we increased actions taken against individual bad actors by nine times. Your continued engagement helps us make the site better for everyone, thank you for that feedback.
As always, the Reddit community did many wonderful things for the world. You raised a lot[8] of[9] money[10]; stepped up to help grieving[11] families[12]; and even helped diagnose[13] a rare genetic disorder. There are stories like this every day, and they are one of the reasons why we are all so proud to work here. Thank you.
We have lot upcoming this year. Some of the things we are working on right now include a new frontpage algorithm, improved performance on all platforms, and moderation tools on mobile[14] (native support to follow). We will publish our yearly transparency report in March.
One project I would like to preview is a rewrite of the desktop website. It is a long time coming. The desktop website has not meaningfully changed in many years; it is not particularly welcoming to new users (or old for that matter); and still runs code from the earliest days of Reddit over ten years ago. We know there are implications for community styles and various browser extensions. This is a massive project, and the transition is going to take some time. We are going to need a lot of volunteers to help with testing: new users, old users, creators, lurkers, mods, please sign up here[15]!
Here's to a happy, productive, drama-free (ha), 2017!
Steve and the Reddit team
update: I'm off for now. Will check back in a couple hours. Thanks!
Comment by cggreene2 at 25/01/2017 at 18:26 UTC
4316 upvotes, 4 direct replies
Please remember why the current reddit site is the way it is. It is functional not pretty. If making it look good comes at thr expense of making the site more difficult to navigate, do not do it!
Comment by rt4nyp at 25/01/2017 at 18:13 UTC
1327 upvotes, 3 direct replies
Please don't make the rewrite of the desktop site result in a Digg 2 fiasco
Comment by SpaceMasters at 25/01/2017 at 18:17 UTC
742 upvotes, 2 direct replies
How can reddit avoid the same fate as Digg after their desktop site update?
Comment by [deleted] at 25/01/2017 at 18:32 UTC*
466 upvotes, 3 direct replies
Comment by [deleted] at 25/01/2017 at 18:26 UTC
1428 upvotes, 2 direct replies
How long till this year's first reddit admin scandal? I'd like an ETA so I have snacks ready pls respond
Comment by coredumperror at 25/01/2017 at 18:59 UTC*
398 upvotes, 5 direct replies
Why did the mobile site's functionality suddenly invade my iPad? I was very happy with browsing Reddit with the desktop site on here, but now I get the mobile site, which I hate. How can I go back to the desktop site?
EDIT: Looks like this was a bug, and the admins have fixed it. Yay!
Comment by RiceOnTheRun at 25/01/2017 at 18:09 UTC
772 upvotes, 3 direct replies
New website?
I feel like the current Reddit UI is so iconic I don't even know how else I'd picutre it
Comment by [deleted] at 25/01/2017 at 18:16 UTC*
8363 upvotes, 5 direct replies
Comment by Non_Player-Character at 25/01/2017 at 18:15 UTC*
2528 upvotes, 3 direct replies
I'm liking the increase of these 'what's happening' announcement posts. Keep up the great work!
40% of views from apps is surprising to me! Might have to check them out.
Also, first time hearing of this rework. I think a lot of reddit's charm is the relative plainness of the website, although I don't know enough about code to tell how the backend works. Is this a functional change, visual rework or just a complete overhaul of everything?
Comment by snorlz at 25/01/2017 at 18:20 UTC
507 upvotes, 2 direct replies
For the desktop site, can you just buy and integrate RES? thats really all we need.
Comment by Sambo13 at 25/01/2017 at 18:32 UTC
268 upvotes, 3 direct replies
Could you share the stats on image hosting? I'd be really interested to see how Reddits own platform has taken over imgur in a relatively short time frame. Keep up the great work!
Comment by RunHanRun at 25/01/2017 at 18:12 UTC
285 upvotes, 2 direct replies
Can we get "sort by rising" in the iOS app? I need to view Reddit in as many different ways possible during my work bathroom trips.
Comment by AllisonRages at 25/01/2017 at 18:52 UTC
92 upvotes, 2 direct replies
the apps are fastest and best way to browse Reddit. If you haven’t given them a try yet, you should definitely take them for a spin.
Not to be a bad egg, but it's actually really difficult to use compared to "Reddit is Fun". That's why even before you guys shut down the function to view Reddit on a mobile browser, I used a mobile browser because the app doesn't function correctly anyway. I just would rather have the website on my phone than app version, just maybe easier to click buttons and read stuff.
One project I would like to preview is a rewrite of the desktop website. It is a long time coming. The desktop website has not meaningfully changed in many years; it is not particularly welcoming to new users (or old for that matter);
For this possible huge update, do you think you could maybe for people that aren't used to coding websites give them guidelines when creating their own subreddits? Like basic things like formatting pictures and editing the theme?
Comment by wickedplayer494 at 25/01/2017 at 18:31 UTC
62 upvotes, 2 direct replies
One project I would like to preview is a rewrite of the desktop website.
it is not particularly welcoming to new users (or old for that matter)
Comment by megamoviecritic at 25/01/2017 at 19:30 UTC
31 upvotes, 1 direct replies
Why am I being forced to use the mobile site on my tablet? Even if i select desktop site, whenever I click home or back to the front page I get directed back onto the mobile site. Do not like this.
Comment by reseph at 25/01/2017 at 18:19 UTC*
365 upvotes, 3 direct replies
A rewrite of the desktop site is scary.
Why? Because the new apps and new mobile design are all wrong. They are pushing design over functionality. We've lost so much functionality (including most mod tools) in the new designs, as well as speed. The new mobile site is just so slow[1]. The new modmail is much slower than the original as well. The devs are open to feedback as we've seen, but clearly the end product is... how we have it today. Bulky. Slow. Lacking features.
For example, in the mobile app there is no way to view subreddit rules. You have no idea how frustrated I am as a moderator to hear this. You say 40% are using the new app; this means 40% of reddit don't know about subreddit rules, and this just forces the quality of a community to spiral downwards (and increases workload on mods).
Functionality and responsiveness needs to come *first* ahead of design. Also: don't fix what isn't broken.
I've already signed up to your link, but I generally feel like the devs just don't listen:[2] (9 months ago)
I've been using reddit desktop for 8+ years now. It's quick. It's responsive. I guess this is going to change.
Let me request this: Keep an option for the original design, forever. We need it.
Comment by Yurilovescats at 25/01/2017 at 19:38 UTC
25 upvotes, 1 direct replies
Please stop trying to force me onto a mobile app, especially when I'm on a tablet.
Comment by ctharvey at 25/01/2017 at 18:28 UTC
74 upvotes, 4 direct replies
You say you're proud of the mobile apps but on Android the app is pretty worthless with comments never loading in for the most part and using the mobile site is pretty dreadful as well.
Comment by [deleted] at 25/01/2017 at 18:14 UTC
112 upvotes, 1 direct replies
Comment by [deleted] at 25/01/2017 at 18:13 UTC*
939 upvotes, 2 direct replies
1. Do you guys check out /r/ideasfortheadmins? There are quite a few great ideas that you could choose from there to introduce to reddit
2. What is the process to get subs that blatantly violate reddit's involuntary pornography rules[1] banned or atleast have an admin look at them?
3. I wish the /r/communitydialogue project gets started again. There are quite a lot of things moderators wish to discuss with the admins like /u/achievementunlockd. I hope you're able to allocate more resources to this subreddit. Two particular areas of concern for me anyway is how to deal with spam that is not caught by the spambot at /r/spam, and how to better deal with ban evaders.
4. Why do admins mod hate subs like /r/onionhate? They ban innocent users from /r/OnionLovers
5. Can we have better traffic stats for subreddits? The existing stats exclude mobile traffic and are not very indepth.
Comment by bwaredapenguin at 25/01/2017 at 18:55 UTC
23 upvotes, 1 direct replies
When you roll out the new UI, will you implement a classic or legacy option for those that will end up preferring old the one? I refuse to use the official Reddit app because I hate the UI (and it's missing like half the site's functionality), but absolutely love RiF because you can make it look and behave pretty much identical to desktop.
Comment by Raezak_Am at 25/01/2017 at 18:13 UTC*
63 upvotes, 3 direct replies
As somebody who still sticks with desktop, even on mobile, how are you planning on changing it?
^^*please* ^^*don't* ^^*mess* ^^*it* ^^*up*
Edit: Shit. Now mobile site is forced[1] even when you choose desktop site, making users need to request desktop through the site *every time it is opened*. I stuck with it through all the fatpeoplehate/Ellen Pao debacles, but forcing that awful interface will definitely make me seek alternatives.
Comment by amethyst_lover at 25/01/2017 at 19:09 UTC
79 upvotes, 3 direct replies
I happen to like the desktop version and use it on my Android tablet because it is both personally aesthetically pleasing and easier on my eyes. Currently, *without any warning or recourse*, I'm having links going to the mobile version (although there is no m in the address to indicate it). If I've set my options to desktop, can it please be consistently applied?
I won't touch the app until it's at full desktop functionality, including seeing the sidebars.
Comment by CaptainCummings at 25/01/2017 at 19:04 UTC
21 upvotes, 1 direct replies
As you have probably noticed, there's a pretty good split between people who like the desktop site now as is, and people who want shiny shit.
Do us all a favor, and include a legacy option? Even if this requires recreating the front end with the new design, lots of us prefer the minimalist style of today. Making an effort to replicate that, in any form, would be very nice even if it isn't the default.
Comment by [deleted] at 25/01/2017 at 19:12 UTC
43 upvotes, 1 direct replies