Questions regarding addressing someone in Ainu

created by ReklesBoi on 06/09/2024 at 12:47 UTC

12 upvotes, 1 top-level comments (showing 1)

First timer here! Actually was introduced to Ainu stuff through Golden Kamuy. I would like to ask some questions though, namely how does one address another in Ainu language. For example, Asirpa often referred to Sugimoto with ‘nispa’ which i think is like ‘sir’ so i would like to know the Ainu equivalent of ‘miss’ and a few more


Comment by SenjutsuL at 06/09/2024 at 22:09 UTC

7 upvotes, 0 direct replies

The female counterpart of *"nispa"* is *"katkemat"*. Overall Ainu has way fewer such suffixed titles than e.g. Japanese does. Other than *nispa* and *katkemat*, off the top off my head there are: tono - lord, master (loan from Japanese); ottena - (village) chief (possibly loan from Japanese); acapo - uncle, mister, older man; unarpe - aunt, missus, older woman; ekasi - grandfather, male elder; huci - grandmother, female elder; -popo - equivalent to the Japanese *"-chan"* and in Ishikari "aynu" can be used the same way as "nispa". Other than that I can't remember any other titles that can be suffixed directly to names, though there obviously may be more that I'm just forgetting.