27 upvotes, 2 direct replies (showing 2)
View submission: Expect More Bulldozings
I fully understand the frustration about inflation and rising costs, alongside neoliberal parties all over the world insisting that everything is fine, the line is going up! I feel that frustration personally.
What I do not understand is why anyone thought Trump would try to improve the economic situation, despite the fact that every point of available data made it clear that he would do the exact opposite.
I do appreciate this piece calling out the Jon Favreau constituency's batshit insistence that the Democrats were too progressive, or overly beholden special interests (which ***never*** includes the Israel lobby, naturally). I don't even use social media, but the couple weeks when that garbage was flying around, I lost IQ points just from third-hand exposure.
Comment by naygor at 24/01/2025 at 22:07 UTC*
12 upvotes, 0 direct replies
What I do not understand is why anyone thought Trump would try to improve the economic situation
the american capitalist political economy necessitates there being a permanent underclass and MAGA supposedly represents a return to the old social contract where if you were white and male you should not expect to find yourself there.
MAGA expects to accomplish this not by constructive government social programs for specifically white people, but by weaponizing the state against their political, cultural, racial rivals to remove them from competition for good jobs, housing, etc.
Comment by loffredo95 at 24/01/2025 at 21:42 UTC
8 upvotes, 1 direct replies
The Pod Save America Bros, or the Obama Bros, whatever you’d prefer, are helping in the killing of America.
Neoliberalism and fascism go together like America and apple pie.