Comment by Spacecowboy78 on 24/01/2025 at 17:55 UTC*

93 upvotes, 2 direct replies (showing 2)

View submission: Expect More Bulldozings

The Democrats should become like Republicans and foment hate against Nazis. They should use symbolism from the WWII era. They should start propaganda machines running.

Oh. Or maybe the two party system is useless?

We need a clear public mandate for the 350,000,000 Contributors v. the 3,100 Billionaires. Maybe when there are multiple coinciding bread basket failures people will riot.


Comment by MRSN4P at 24/01/2025 at 18:20 UTC*

21 upvotes, 2 direct replies

Well, we’re on the way- we’ve got expensive eggs(probably going to get worse), last summer there was a 90-95% peach crop failure in Georgia[1] that somehow only made a small footnote in the news, and also last year’s orange crop failure in Florida[2] caused the state’s lowest yield since ~1929. There’s also global yields decreasing due to widespread drought[3] and extreme weather[4]. Also[5].






Formal paper: Severe climate change risks to food security and nutrition

Comment by WISCOrear at 24/01/2025 at 19:22 UTC*

40 upvotes, 2 direct replies

Democrats need to clean house and embrace a switch focus to millennials, full stop. I feel like they are still hoping boomers will reliably turn out. But millennials are the sleeping giant. Target messaging to them and their needs, we will be the largest generation moving forward. Get younger charismatic candidates, and hammer economic issues starting with a laser focus on housing and increasing supply and bringing costs down, creating jobs in that industry, etc. And, repeat your messaging ad nauseum for the next 4 years.

Idk if I’d Amp up the rhetoric towards conservatives and call them out for what they are, a bunch of fascists. That was attempted last election, not to great effect. The average voter is going to be incredulous to that idea, and may come across as overreacting to them (as ill informed as that is), but it will alienate folks in states you need to win.

But: No more of this Obama era reaching across the aisle, that is dead.

Embrace new media, television interviews don’t matter anymore. People keep saying “the left needs a Joe Rogan”. I disagree. The media landscape is there, you need to meet people where they are at and use those channels/king makers to get your message out ther. And again, hammer your populist economic message over and over again.