created by Appropriate_Yak_8948 on 12/01/2025 at 08:26 UTC
51 upvotes, 32 top-level comments (showing 25)
Every generation has its “what were they thinking?!” moments. We laugh at powdered wigs, bizarre beauty trends, or old-school tech like floppy disks. But have you ever stopped to wonder: what are *we* doing now that future generations will look back on and say, “Seriously?!”
It could be anything our obsession with social media, endless streaming wars, weird food trends, or even the way we overcomplicate everything with technology.
What’s your pick for a modern trend or habit that’s destined to age poorly? Bonus points if you can predict what might replace it!
Comment by AutoModerator at 12/01/2025 at 08:26 UTC
1 upvotes, 0 direct replies
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Comment by Blue__Agave at 12/01/2025 at 08:31 UTC
61 upvotes, 6 direct replies
probably micro plastics or some health treatment that in the future that will seem absolutely barbaric.
What i suggest is that misinfomation and the way we run our goverments will turn out to be one of these things.
Comment by jackfaire at 12/01/2025 at 09:30 UTC
19 upvotes, 3 direct replies
"Kids these days...."
Every generation us adults bitch about something about kids and when we who were kids become the adults we mock the adults for whatever bullshit they were freaking out about.
Participation Trophies, D&D etc. "Can you believe they thought this was such an issue ha ha"
Comment by AaronMichael726 at 13/01/2025 at 07:02 UTC
11 upvotes, 0 direct replies
I know it sounds so counter intuitive to our lives now. But I think there will be a single generation that over corrects their online presence, and from that point forward people will look at us like crazy for the amount of time we spent on the internet.
Comment by Pewterbreath at 13/01/2025 at 03:45 UTC
10 upvotes, 0 direct replies
How we behave online.
Seriously--I think we're going to come off as a bunch of suckers who will fall for anything, especially considering we're already aware that a lot of things that get posted are questionable at best, that there are trolls who only exist to start fights, and both AI and bots proliferate nonsense.
If things are better in the future it will be because folks outgrew all this, if things are worse people will wonder why we wasted so much time on this foolishness.
Comment by elenatica at 13/01/2025 at 16:08 UTC
8 upvotes, 1 direct replies
Social media filters will be the powdered wigs of our time. ‘Why did everyone want to look like a smoothed-out alien?!’ Also TikTok dance trends will age like milk.
Comment by I_likeYaks at 12/01/2025 at 12:40 UTC
18 upvotes, 1 direct replies
Using fossil fuels for regular consumer use. Fossil files will most likely be needed for industrial transportation. But for regular consumer use future generation will look at us as wasteful
Comment by vitaminbeyourself at 12/01/2025 at 08:41 UTC
19 upvotes, 1 direct replies
Social media, plastic in our food and water, a Justice system entrenched in corrupt actors, capitalism, the cognitive dissonance of free will, the notion of absolute morality, only fans, artificial scarcity for economic stim, hopefully war
Comment by Inner_Biscotti_Yeah at 13/01/2025 at 09:49 UTC
3 upvotes, 1 direct replies
I wonder if cosmetic surgery will be seen as a bizarre beauty trend. It’s already strange to me how many people are coming back from turkey with identical noses… lol
Plus there has to be a sort of ‘blindness’ that some people develop when they get fillers/operations too often. They look so overdone and everyone can tell except they keep doing more and more. It can fully become an addiction ! It’s already screwed up how normalised it is that surgeons will be exploiting mentally unwell people… :|
Comment by timmhaan at 14/01/2025 at 00:07 UTC
3 upvotes, 0 direct replies
selling our privacy for conveniences. like somehow we have accepted that all our emails are scanned and our phones are listening to us 24 hours a day. we will regret allowing this (more so than some of us already do).
Comment by Blue85Heron at 14/01/2025 at 11:30 UTC
3 upvotes, 0 direct replies
I’m a nurse. Convinced that one day soon it’ll be considered barbaric to stick a needle into someone’s vein and remove blood in order to diagnose them. Diagnostic tests will be noninvasive.
Comment by BullfrogPersonal at 15/01/2025 at 03:01 UTC
3 upvotes, 0 direct replies
Wars, racism, environmental destruction, no action on climate change, heavy fossil fuel and water use, growth economies, territoriality, consumer identities, bad food, social darwinism , division of labor, industrialism, etc
Comment by QuadrilleQuadtriceps at 12/01/2025 at 08:49 UTC
15 upvotes, 6 direct replies
Most likely eating meat. Up here in the Nordic countries the lobbying of veganism is getting harder, which shows in the media, in the culture produced and in workplaces such as universities in which the only food served might in some cases be vegan.
Health institutions all around the world are getting more and more into veganism, and though I believe it won't be a universal perspective, I see that in many countries the shift seems to already be happening.
Comment by sanjeet2009 at 13/01/2025 at 13:44 UTC
2 upvotes, 1 direct replies
I’m predicting that future generations will roast us for watching tv for so many hours. People someday might find it strange that we spend so much of our life sitting down and watching images and listening to music playing inside a big flat rectangle. But I guess that tv will also be replaced one day with something more immersive, like realistic vr or holograph technology. And the future folks will waste hours on those instead haha.
Comment by Solargrave at 13/01/2025 at 18:59 UTC
2 upvotes, 0 direct replies
Fast fashion - SHEIN especially, but really any clothing that is cheaper than a hundred bucks is probably made with slave labor/extremely low wages and miserable working conditions, and the transit alone is a major polluter.
Comment by heinelujah at 13/01/2025 at 23:05 UTC
2 upvotes, 0 direct replies
spanking your kids. It is already on its way out, as peaceful parenting methods seem to be standard now.
I think it will eventually be considered a barbaric relic of the past like slavery and female circumcision.
Comment by BitterAttackLawyer at 14/01/2025 at 22:11 UTC
2 upvotes, 0 direct replies
After the power grid is destroyed, people will shake their heads at electric cars that needed to be plugged in. What was the point? Why not solar or wind power generated by the car’s very operation?
That and only having electronic or digital records. We’ve the potential to lose a generation or 2’s worth of history.
Comment by ethyjo at 15/01/2025 at 03:45 UTC
2 upvotes, 0 direct replies
I think much of the plastic surgery is gonna age really poorly, and the sheer number of people getting it will be looked back on as a fad. Don’t get me wrong, sometimes it’s necessary, and I don’t have a problem with people wanting to look a certain way, I just think there’s a longevity problem.
Comment by alanm73 at 15/01/2025 at 19:21 UTC
2 upvotes, 1 direct replies
The silly fixation with large shiny “boards” on stands and metal filled “ropes” that the old ones had. I mean the “boards” aren’t very strong and the “ropes” are awfully short. Why the “ropes” were connected to the “boards” we may never know and frankly, I’m too busy trying to keep my neighbor from eating my kids to ponder on it.
Comment by FunPolarDad at 13/01/2025 at 02:30 UTC
2 upvotes, 1 direct replies
Electing a climate change denying party to control all 3 branches of government. But this pretty much means there won’t be many future generations to roast us, as they will be roasting from our actions
Comment by ReactionAble7945 at 12/01/2025 at 11:55 UTC
3 upvotes, 2 direct replies
1. Look at what Reddit will ban you for.
2. Look at what Facebook would ban you for a couple years ago. Face checker opinions
3. Look at how much time you spend online arguing with people.
4. Then I am sure they will be upset that powerful nations didn't go into oppressive nations and do something. How could the USA leave Afghanistan that way. How can China encourage the new Afghanistan to be that way. Slavery still happens in Africa.....
5. Environment stuff. Solar fields on good farm fields while not installing them on places which we can not farm. Seriously, airport parking lots. They need shade in the summer, solar panels could be that shade. Median strips on the interstate... heck, use the cloverleaf for wind turbines.
Comment by sixseasonsnmovie at 13/01/2025 at 06:18 UTC
2 upvotes, 1 direct replies
I came here to say hopefully buying anything new. Like wouldn't it be awesome if everyone bought everything that they owned used with maybe the exception of underwear and socks. I have semi recently decided that I'm going to never buy anything new again and I'm curious to see what happens or what people think.
Comment by Clear_Grand at 12/01/2025 at 18:34 UTC
1 upvotes, 0 direct replies
What’s seen as acceptable attitude or behaviour today will not be acceptable in the future. So I think it’ll be something around that, though what it will be is anyone’s guess!
Comment by krag_the_Barbarian at 13/01/2025 at 17:19 UTC
1 upvotes, 0 direct replies
Everything. Every single thing you can see was made by fucking this place up. Our civilization is not symbiotic with the ecosystem. What we're doing today is going to roast them.
Comment by heinelujah at 13/01/2025 at 23:10 UTC
1 upvotes, 0 direct replies
fixation on politics.
In addition, fringe or radical politics. I think people will cringe at the notion of teens identifying with the woke right or communist left.