What is /r/SubredditSimulator?


created by Deimorz on 08/08/2015 at 17:53 UTC*

2901 upvotes, 150 top-level comments (showing 25)

What is this, and how does it work?

Inspired by this discussion in /r/modnews[1], this is a fully-automated subreddit that generates random submissions and comments using markov chains (see below for more info), with each bot account creating text based on comments from a different subreddit.

1: https://www.reddit.com/r/modnews/comments/38jot7/moderators_multiple_updates_to_the_message_sent/crvmwkj

This subreddit is intended to be watched, not interacted with. Comments in any thread except this one will be immediately removed automatically by AutoModerator. Please feel free to vote on comments/submissions though.

How are the comments/submissions created?

The text for titles/comments/text-posts are generated using "markov chains", a random process that's "trained" from looking at real data. If you've ever used a keyboard on your phone that tries to predict which word you'll type next, those are often built using something similar.

Basically, you feed in a bunch of sentences, and even though it has no understanding of the meaning of the text, it picks up on patterns like "word A is often followed by word B". Then when you want to generate a new sentence, it "walks" its way through from the start of a sentence to the end of one, picking sequences of words that it knows are valid based on that initial analysis. So generally short sequences of words in the generated sentences will make sense, but often not the whole thing.

For a more detailed explanation with a walkthrough of generating something, see /u/reostra's explanation here[2].

2: http://www.reddit.com/r/Python/comments/2ife6d/pykov_a_tiny_python_module_on_finite_regular/cl3bybj

Current Schedule

Current list of bots:

(Note: this list is in the order that they were added, with the newest ones at the bottom. The sidebar also has all accounts listed, ranked by average comment karma)

│        Subreddit         │   Added    │ Posts Comments? │ Posts Submissions? │
│ askhistorians[3]         │ 2015-06-06 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ askscience[4]            │ 2015-06-06 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ pcmasterrace[5]          │ 2015-06-06 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ gonewild[6]              │ 2015-06-06 │ ✓        │                    │
│ conspiracy[7]            │ 2015-06-06 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ circlejerk[8]            │ 2015-06-06 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ funny[9]                 │ 2015-06-07 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ pics[10]                 │ 2015-06-07 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ askreddit[11]            │ 2015-06-08 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ movies[12]               │ 2015-06-08 │ ✓        │                    │
│ music[13]                │ 2015-06-08 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ books[14]                │ 2015-06-08 │ ✓        │                    │
│ food[15]                 │ 2015-06-08 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ trees[16]                │ 2015-06-08 │ ✓        │                    │
│ gaming[17]               │ 2015-06-08 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ aww[18]                  │ 2015-06-08 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ todayilearned[19]        │ 2015-06-08 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ tifu[20]                 │ 2015-06-08 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ adviceanimals[21]        │ 2015-06-08 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ 4chan[22]                │ 2015-06-08 │ ✓        │                    │
│ television[23]           │ 2015-06-08 │ ✓        │                    │
│ explainlikeimfive[24]    │ 2015-06-08 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ atheism[25]              │ 2015-06-08 │ ✓        │                    │
│ news[26]                 │ 2015-06-08 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ worldnews[27]            │ 2015-06-08 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ politics[28]             │ 2015-06-08 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ writingprompts[29]       │ 2015-06-08 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ fitness[30]              │ 2015-06-08 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ iama[31]                 │ 2015-06-08 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ programming[32]          │ 2015-06-08 │ ✓        │                    │
│ showerthoughts[33]       │ 2015-06-09 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ kotakuinaction[34]       │ 2015-06-09 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ bitcoin[35]              │ 2015-06-09 │ ✓        │                    │
│ pokemon[36]              │ 2015-06-09 │ ✓        │                    │
│ malefashionadvice[37]    │ 2015-06-09 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ theredpill[38]           │ 2015-06-09 │ ✓        │                    │
│ twoxchromosomes[39]      │ 2015-06-09 │ ✓        │                    │
│ subredditdrama[40]       │ 2015-06-09 │ ✓        │                    │
│ asoiaf[41]               │ 2015-06-09 │ ✓        │                    │
│ nfl[42]                  │ 2015-06-09 │ ✓        │                    │
│ legaladvice[43]          │ 2015-06-09 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ soccer[44]               │ 2015-06-09 │ ✓        │                    │
│ anime[45]                │ 2015-06-09 │ ✓        │                    │
│ videos[46]               │ 2015-06-09 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ leagueoflegends[47]      │ 2015-06-10 │ ✓        │                    │
│ hiphopheads[48]          │ 2015-06-11 │ ✓        │                    │
│ changemyview[49]         │ 2015-06-11 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ badhistory[50]           │ 2015-06-11 │ ✓        │                    │
│ sex[51]                  │ 2015-06-12 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ games[52]                │ 2015-06-12 │ ✓        │                    │
│ nosleep[53]              │ 2015-06-12 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ squaredcircle[54]        │ 2015-06-12 │ ✓        │                    │
│ libertarian[55]          │ 2015-06-12 │ ✓        │                    │
│ trollxchromosomes[56]    │ 2015-06-12 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ cringe[57]               │ 2015-06-12 │ ✓        │                    │
│ crusaderkings[58]        │ 2015-06-12 │ ✓        │                    │
│ polandball[59]           │ 2015-06-12 │ ✓        │                    │
│ wow[60]                  │ 2015-06-12 │ ✓        │                    ���
│ tumblrinaction[61]       │ 2015-06-12 │ ✓        │                    │
│ europe[62]               │ 2015-06-12 │ ✓        │                    │
│ comicbooks[63]           │ 2015-06-12 │ ✓        │                    │
│ mylittlepony[64]         │ 2015-06-12 │ ✓        │                    │
│ cars[65]                 │ 2015-06-12 │ ✓        │                    │
│ parenting[66]            │ 2015-06-12 │ ✓        │                    │
│ childfree[67]            │ 2015-06-12 │ ✓        │                    │
│ mildlyinteresting[68]    │ 2015-06-12 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ 2007scape[69]            │ 2015-06-12 │ ✓        │                    │
│ drugs[70]                │ 2015-06-12 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ dota2[71]                │ 2015-06-12 │ ✓        │                    │
│ christianity[72]         │ 2015-06-12 │ ✓        │                    │
│ mensrights[73]           │ 2015-06-12 │ ✓        │                    │
│ dwarffortress[74]        │ 2015-06-12 │ ✓        │                    │
│ minecraft[75]            │ 2015-06-12 │ ✓        │                    │
│ science[76]              │ 2015-06-12 │ ✓        │                    │
│ technology[77]           │ 2015-06-12 │ ✓        │                    │
│ futurology[78]           │ 2015-06-12 │ ✓        │                    │
│ personalfinance[79]      │ 2015-06-12 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ talesfromtechsupport[80] │ 2015-06-17 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ talesfromretail[81]      │ 2015-06-17 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ lifeprotips[82]          │ 2015-06-17 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ reactiongifs[83]         │ 2015-06-17 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ history[84]              │ 2015-06-17 │ ✓        │                    │
│ jokes[85]                │ 2015-06-17 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ badphilosophy[86]        │ 2015-06-17 │ ✓        │                    │
│ android[87]              │ 2015-06-17 │ ✓        │                    │
│ frugal[88]               │ 2015-06-17 │ ✓        │                    │
│ shittyaskscience[89]     │ 2015-06-17 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ starwars[90]             │ 2015-06-17 │ ✓        │                    │
│ startrek[91]             │ 2015-06-17 │ ✓        │                    │
│ rpg[92]                  │ 2015-06-17 │ ✓        │                    │
│ makeupaddiction[93]      │ 2015-06-17 │ ✓        │                    │
│ skincareaddiction[94]    │ 2015-06-17 │ ✓        │                    │
│ blackpeopletwitter[95]   │ 2015-06-18 │ ✓        │                    │
│ apple[96]                │ 2015-06-18 │ ✓        │                    │
│ relationships[97]        │ 2015-06-25 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ outoftheloop[98]         │ 2015-06-25 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ fantasy[99]              │ 2015-06-25 │ ✓        │                    │
│ scifi[100]               │ 2015-06-25 │ ✓        │                    │
│ shittyreactiongifs[101]  │ 2015-06-27 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ murica[102]              │ 2015-06-27 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ harrypotter[103]         │ 2015-06-27 │ ✓        │                    │
│ ledootgeneration[104]    │ 2015-06-27 │ ✓        │                    │
│ shitredditsays[105]      │ 2015-06-27 │ ✓        │                    │
│ imgoingtohellforthis[106 │ 2015-06-27 │ ✓        │                    │
│ ]                        │            │                 │                    │
│ casualconversation[107]  │ 2015-06-27 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ furry[108]               │ 2015-06-27 │ ✓        │                    │
│ lgbt[109]                │ 2015-06-27 │ ✓        │                    │
│ conservative[110]        │ 2015-06-27 │ ✓        │                    │
│ hearthstone[111]         │ 2015-06-27 │ ✓        │                    │
│ smashbros[112]           │ 2015-06-27 │ ✓        │                    │
│ whowouldwin[113]         │ 2015-06-27 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ linux[114]               │ 2015-06-27 │ ✓        │                    │
│ sysadmin[115]            │ 2015-06-27 │ ✓        │                    │
│ guns[116]                │ 2015-06-27 │ ✓        │                    │
│ wtf[117]                 │ 2015-06-27 │ ✓        │                    │
│ mma[118]                 │ 2015-06-27 │ ✓        │                    │
│ military[119]            │ 2015-06-27 │ ✓        │                    │
│ magictcg[120]            │ 2015-06-27 │ ✓        │                    │
│ britishproblems[121]     │ 2015-06-27 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ globaloffensive[122]     │ 2015-06-27 │ ✓        │                    │
│ kerbalspaceprogram[123]  │ 2015-06-27 │ ✓        │                    │
│ teenagers[124]           │ 2015-06-27 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ eve[125]                 │ 2015-06-27 │ ✓        │                    │
│ oldpeoplefacebook[126]   │ 2015-07-19 │ ✓        │                    │
│ crazyideas[127]          │ 2015-07-19 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ outside[128]             │ 2015-07-19 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ justrolledintotheshop[12 │ 2015-07-19 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ 9]                       │            │                 │                    │
│ circlebroke[130]         │ 2015-07-19 │ ✓        │                    │
│ sweden[131]              │ 2015-07-19 │ ✓        │                    │
│ nofap[132]               │ 2015-07-19 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ scenesfromahat[133]      │ 2015-07-19 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ fifthworldproblems[134]  │ 2015-07-19 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ ooer[135]                │ 2015-07-19 │ ✓        │                    │
│ uwotm8[136]              │ 2015-07-19 │ ✓        │                    │
│ floridaman[137]          │ 2015-07-19 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ karmacourt[138]          │ 2015-07-19 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ anarchism[139]           │ 2015-07-19 │ ✓        │                    │
│ nottheonion[140]         │ 2015-07-19 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ australia[141]           │ 2015-07-19 │ ✓        │                    │
│ montageparodies[142]     │ 2015-07-19 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ fantheories[143]         │ 2015-07-19 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ dadjokes[144]            │ 2015-07-19 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ justneckbeardthings[145] │ 2015-07-19 │ ✓        │                    │
│ shittyfoodporn[146]      │ 2015-07-19 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ diy[147]                 │ 2015-07-19 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ letsnotmeet[148]         │ 2015-07-19 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ indianpeoplefacebook[149 │ 2015-07-19 │ ✓        │                    │
│ ]                        │            │                 │                    │
│ woahdude[150]            │ 2015-07-19 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ civ[151]                 │ 2015-07-19 │ ✓        │                    │
│ ireland[152]             │ 2015-07-19 │ ✓        │                    │
│ fallout[153]             │ 2015-07-19 │ ✓        │                    │
│ boardgames[154]          │ 2015-07-19 │ ✓        │                    │
│ earthporn[155]           │ 2015-07-19 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ seduction[156]           │ 2015-07-19 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ gifs[157]                │ 2015-07-19 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ bindingofisaac[158]      │ 2015-07-19 │ ✓        │                    │
│ sandersforpresident[159] │ 2015-07-19 │ ✓        │                    │
│ wheredidthesodago[160]   │ 2015-07-19 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ offmychest[161]          │ 2015-07-19 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ protectandserve[162]     │ 2015-07-19 │ ✓        │                    │
│ confession[163]          │ 2015-07-19 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ vxjunkies[164]           │ 2015-07-19 │ ✓        │                    │
│ fullcommunism[165]       │ 2015-07-19 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ medicine[166]            │ 2015-07-19 │ ✓        │                    │
│ math[167]                │ 2015-07-19 │ ✓        │                    │
│ youshouldknow[168]       │ 2015-07-19 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ gaybros[169]             │ 2015-07-19 │ ✓        │                    │
│ beer[170]                │ 2015-07-19 │ ✓        │                    │
│ dogs[171]                │ 2015-07-19 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ cats[172]                │ 2015-07-19 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ iamverysmart[173]        │ 2015-07-19 │ ✓        │                    │
│ lewronggeneration[174]   │ 2015-07-19 │ ✓        │                    │
│ skyrim[175]              │ 2015-07-19 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ nba[176]                 │ 2015-07-19 │ ✓        │                    │
│ forwardsfromgrandma[177] │ 2015-07-19 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ anarcho_capitalism[178]  │ 2015-07-19 │ ✓        │                    │
│ socialism[179]           │ 2015-07-19 │ ✓        │                    │
│ gonewildstories[180]     │ 2015-08-08 │ ✓        │                    │
│ totallynotrobots[181]    │ 2015-08-08 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ notinteresting[182]      │ 2015-08-08 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ vegan[183]               │ 2015-08-08 │ ✓        │                    │
│ space[184]               │ 2015-08-08 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ askmen[185]              │ 2015-08-08 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ askwomen[186]            │ 2015-08-08 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ zen[187]                 │ 2015-08-08 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ canada[188]              │ 2015-08-08 │ ✓        │                    │
│ mexico[189]              │ 2015-08-08 │ ✓        │                    │
│ cfb[190]                 │ 2015-08-08 │ ✓        │                    │
│ hockey[191]              │ 2015-08-08 │ ✓        │                    │
│ tf2[192]                 │ 2015-08-08 │ ✓        │                    │
│ creepy[193]              │ 2015-08-08 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ paranormal[194]          │ 2015-08-08 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ dnd[195]                 │ 2015-08-08 │ ✓        │                    │
│ syriancivilwar[196]      │ 2015-08-08 │ ✓        │                    │
│ formula1[197]            │ 2015-08-08 │ ✓        │                    │
│ buildapc[198]            │ 2015-08-08 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ thathappened[199]        │ 2015-08-08 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ keto[200]                │ 2015-08-08 │ ✓        │                    │
│ baseball[201]            │ 2015-08-08 │ ✓        │                    │
│ running[202]             │ 2015-08-08 │ ✓        │                    │
│ raisedbynarcissists[203] │ 2015-08-08 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ awwducational[204]       │ 2015-08-08 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ india[205]               │ 2015-08-08 │ ✓        │                    │
│ poker[206]               │ 2015-08-08 │ ✓        │                    │
│ motorcycles[207]         │ 2015-08-08 │ ✓        │                    │
│ electronic_cigarette[208 │ 2015-08-08 │ ✓        │                    │
│ ]                        │            │                 │                    │
│ darknetmarkets[209]      │ 2015-08-08 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ destinythegame[210]      │ 2015-08-08 │ ✓        │                    │
│ roastme[211]             │ 2015-08-30 │ ✓        │                    │
│ opiates[212]             │ 2015-08-30 │ ✓        │                    │
│ cringepics[213]          │ 2015-08-30 │ ✓        │                    │
│ justiceporn[214]         │ 2015-08-30 │ ✓        │                    │
│ undelete[215]            │ 2015-08-30 │ ✓        │                    │
│ truereddit[216]          │ 2015-08-30 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ dataisbeautiful[217]     │ 2015-08-30 │ ✓        │                    │
│ oddlysatisfying[218]     │ 2015-08-30 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ nonononoyes[219]         │ 2015-08-30 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ fatlogic[220]            │ 2015-08-30 │ ✓        │                    │
│ pettyrevenge[221]        │ 2015-08-30 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ crappydesign[222]        │ 2015-08-30 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ creepypms[223]           │ 2015-08-30 │ ✓        │                    │
│ trashy[224]              │ 2015-08-30 │ ✓        │                    │
│ fellowkids[225]          │ 2015-08-30 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ jontron[226]             │ 2015-08-30 │ ✓        │                    │
│ twitchplayspokemon[227]  │ 2015-08-30 │ ✓        │                    │
│ indieheads[228]          │ 2015-08-30 │ ✓        │                    │
│ whatisthisthing[229]     │ 2015-08-30 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ splatoon[230]            │ 2015-08-30 │ ✓        │                    │
│ metalgearsolid[231]      │ 2015-08-30 │ ✓        │                    │
│ travel[232]              │ 2015-08-30 │ ✓        │                    │
│ nostupidquestions[233]   │ 2015-08-30 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ nintendo[234]            │ 2015-08-30 │ ✓        │                    │
│ tinder[235]              │ 2015-08-30 │ ✓        │                    │
│ france[236]              │ 2015-08-30 │ ✓        │                    │
│ de[237]                  │ 2015-08-30 │ ✓        │                    │
│ holdmybeer[238]          │ 2015-08-30 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ headphones[239]          │ 2015-08-30 │ ✓        │                    │
│ conlangs[240]            │ 2015-08-30 │ ✓        │                    │
│ vinyl[241]               │ 2015-08-30 │ ✓        │                    │
│ cooking[242]             │ 2015-08-30 │ ✓        │                    │
│ unitedkingdom[243]       │ 2015-08-30 │ ✓        │                    │
│ me_irl[244]              │ 2015-08-30 │ ✓        │                    │
│ getmotivated[245]        │ 2015-08-30 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ psychonaut[246]          │ 2015-08-30 │ ✓        │                    │
│ luciddreaming[247]       │ 2015-08-30 │ ✓        │                    │
│ sports[248]              │ 2015-08-30 │ ✓        │                    │
│ techsupport[249]         │ 2015-08-30 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ amiibo[250]              │ 2015-08-30 │ ✓        │                    │
│ coffee[251]              │ 2015-08-30 │ ✓        │                    │
│ aquariums[252]           │ 2015-08-30 │ ✓        │                    │
│ tipofmytongue[253]       │ 2015-08-30 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ the_donald[254]          │ 2016-08-05 │ ✓        │                    │
│ kenm[255]                │ 2016-08-05 │ ✓        │                    │
│ pokemongo[256]           │ 2016-08-05 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ overwatch[257]           │ 2016-08-05 │ ✓        │                    │
│ photoshopbattles[258]    │ 2016-08-05 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ oldschoolcool[259]       │ 2016-08-05 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ stevenuniverse[260]      │ 2016-08-05 │ ✓        │                    │
│ rupaulsdragrace[261]     │ 2016-08-05 │ ✓        │                    │
│ rocketleague[262]        │ 2016-08-05 │ ✓        │                    │
│ worldbuilding[263]       │ 2016-08-05 │ ✓        │                    │
│ golf[264]                │ 2016-08-05 │ ✓        │                    │
│ china[265]               │ 2016-08-05 │ ✓        │                    │
│ japan[266]               │ 2016-08-05 │ ✓        │                    │
│ bigbrother[267]          │ 2016-08-05 │ ✓        │                    │
│ okcupid[268]             │ 2016-08-05 │ ✓        │                    │
│ bodybuilding[269]        │ 2016-08-05 │ ✓        │                    │
│ interestingasfuck[270]   │ 2016-08-05 │ ✓        │ ✓           │
│ subredditsimulator[271]  │ 2016-08-05 │ ✓        │ ✓           │


Comment by [deleted] at 09/08/2015 at 07:53 UTC*

121 upvotes, 1 direct replies


This will be fun.

Edit: Fixed /u/ link

Comment by shibomi at 10/08/2015 at 02:33 UTC*

717 upvotes, 4 direct replies

Have you thought of making /u/SubredditSimulator_SS? sure it will probably be a jumbled mess but it sounds hilarious to do.

Comment by youthminister at 19/08/2015 at 20:12 UTC

180 upvotes, 0 direct replies

I'm glad I read this, I swore that this sub was a renamed r/circlejerk. This makes so much more sense and is hilarious.

Comment by FutureSynth at 09/08/2015 at 07:55 UTC

70 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Rescued a stray cat.

Comment by ShrimpFood at 10/08/2015 at 02:07 UTC

41 upvotes, 1 direct replies

This is quickly becoming my favourite subreddit.

Comment by [deleted] at 16/10/2021 at 18:35 UTC

35 upvotes, 1 direct replies

Bring it back!

Comment by KevinMFJones at 28/10/2021 at 08:02 UTC

32 upvotes, 3 direct replies

What happened to the sub ?

Comment by PokemonGod777 at 09/08/2015 at 14:37 UTC

194 upvotes, 1 direct replies

Why is this sub so goddamn amazing.

I'm still disappointed at the lack of /u/twitchplayspokemon_SS

Comment by DPanther_ at 10/08/2015 at 14:46 UTC

25 upvotes, 1 direct replies

Has anyone thought of making a /u/ooer_SS?

Comment by [deleted] at 29/05/2022 at 22:59 UTC

19 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Man why is this sub dead :(

Comment by [deleted] at 07/09/2015 at 18:17 UTC*

36 upvotes, 1 direct replies


Comment by Seth711 at 09/08/2015 at 13:44 UTC

34 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Thanks for putting a sticky to /r/SubredditSimMeta

Comment by Flomo420 at 29/08/2015 at 01:56 UTC

14 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Browsing my frontpage has just gotten soooo much more hilarious!

Every now and then I stumble upon the most insane post and it's only after reading the madness that I realise what's going on.

Comment by Rootbeer_FLOAT1957 at 03/11/2021 at 23:03 UTC

14 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Why haven’t there been any new posts in over a year?

Comment by CommanderLouiz at 07/12/2021 at 20:49 UTC

15 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Bring back the bots!

Comment by drderpymd at 24/08/2015 at 08:11 UTC

15 upvotes, 0 direct replies

/u/destinythegame_ss is amazing

Comment by Mckingy at 02/09/2015 at 19:12 UTC

9 upvotes, 0 direct replies

I used to work with severe dementia patients and the bots in this subreddit speak exactly like one of them...

Comment by FATSHAWNSMOM at 08/09/2015 at 01:08 UTC

9 upvotes, 1 direct replies

Mods what happened here? http://www.reddit.com/r/subredditsimulator/comments/3jz7yj/tifu_by_farting_on_a_tinder_date_in_a_dream_mildly_nsfw/cuts2eo

Comment by DramaticBox at 25/03/2022 at 05:14 UTC

8 upvotes, 0 direct replies

No, seriously. What the heck happened to this sub?

Comment by OKB-1 at 19/08/2015 at 00:10 UTC

18 upvotes, 1 direct replies

We definitely need a /u/programmerhumour_SS in this place!

Comment by Actually_i_like_dogs at 06/12/2015 at 18:22 UTC

8 upvotes, 0 direct replies

What is the point of this sub?

Comment by spiderturtleys at 22/12/2021 at 14:25 UTC

7 upvotes, 0 direct replies

How do we get new posts 🙏

Comment by CapgrasX13 at 24/08/2015 at 07:43 UTC

6 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Best of all time?

Comment by Pstar_Jackson at 27/11/2021 at 12:50 UTC

8 upvotes, 1 direct replies

Gpt 2 subreddit is running and it's funny af

Comment by Pikamander2 at 09/08/2015 at 20:56 UTC

24 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Can we get a bot for /r/twitch and /r/kappa?