2213 upvotes, 27 direct replies (showing 25)
There's already talk that authorities and hedge funds want Reddit to ban /r/WSB because they consider what they are doing "market manipulation".
If hedge funds get a subreddit of unemployed 30 year-old manchildren gambling with their stimulus checks indicted for market manipulation the world may collapse from the irony.
Comment by [deleted] at 27/01/2021 at 01:47 UTC*
1781 upvotes, 8 direct replies
Comment by AuthorityRespecter at 27/01/2021 at 04:03 UTC
148 upvotes, 4 direct replies
It’s all gossip at this point. There is no evidence that the SEC or hedge funds are trying to shut down WSB
Comment by flait7 at 27/01/2021 at 06:38 UTC
32 upvotes, 1 direct replies
Obviously wsb just needs to register itself as a hedge fund
Comment by Cryptoporticus at 27/01/2021 at 02:25 UTC
177 upvotes, 2 direct replies
No one should be surprised if it happens. The people with the money always win in the USA.
I wonder if a lot of these guys on WSB are too young to properly remember the build up to 2008? The money people will pull off whatever shady shit they need to win.
Comment by [deleted] at 27/01/2021 at 14:22 UTC
4 upvotes, 1 direct replies
Comment by geriatricsoul at 27/01/2021 at 07:20 UTC
2 upvotes, 0 direct replies
If the SEC is investigating they will probably look at instances of actively trading to induce activity as their marker for market manipulation
Comment by PenPinapplPen at 27/01/2021 at 07:39 UTC
2 upvotes, 0 direct replies
I can't access the sub anymore. I think it just got banned lmao
Comment by LordSn00ty at 27/01/2021 at 01:35 UTC
1 upvotes, 1 direct replies
How is this not the top comment?
Comment by 2high4life at 27/01/2021 at 07:55 UTC
1 upvotes, 0 direct replies
It’s not about the money anymore. It’s about sending a message.
Comment by [deleted] at 27/01/2021 at 11:10 UTC
1 upvotes, 0 direct replies
there is no way this is market manipulation. Its bullshit because these short sellers are the real manipulators since when they short a stock they will write an article on why the stock they shorted is dogshit, causing everyone to sell and the short sellers to make profit. The mainstream media is trying to blame WSB for manipulation when in reality its these billionaire hedge fund managers manipulating the market
Comment by grubas at 27/01/2021 at 02:37 UTC
-8 upvotes, 3 direct replies
It's absolutely market manipulation. The issue is that one mod was acting like WSB was a centralized institution, which would be ILLEGAL.
It all comes down to how pissy the SEC gets about it. And with Elon throwing in, the answer is, "they are certainly looking".
Comment by stagfury at 27/01/2021 at 11:07 UTC
0 upvotes, 1 direct replies
Fuck every single one of these hedge fund fuckers.
Market manipulation is their middle name, fuck them. I'm actually less excited about seeing the WSB autists making insane gain and more excited seeing the short sellers eating shit and crash and burn.
Comment by plasmaSunflower at 27/01/2021 at 14:35 UTC
0 upvotes, 0 direct replies
Market manipulation? You mean like when trillions of dollars are wiped from Main Street, millions of job loses. Yet the stock market is exploding, but that’s not manipulated. But when poor people band together to stick it to the man, then it’s manipulative and needs to stop.
Comment by namer98 at 27/01/2021 at 02:32 UTC
-11 upvotes, 2 direct replies
It absolutely is market manipulation. It is just a question of does the SEC care.
Comment by flac_rules at 27/01/2021 at 13:58 UTC
0 upvotes, 0 direct replies
"Market manipulation", what a crock of shit, nothing is better than making shorters suffer a bit, and it is no more manipulation than shorting itself is.
Comment by SuperDingbatAlly at 27/01/2021 at 16:05 UTC
0 upvotes, 0 direct replies
Then ban all millionaires and billionaires from social media. Elon Musk farts and TSE goes up or down depending on the smell. Ban Wallstreet in general because chatter on the floor results in swings.
WSB is playing games their asses can't win. They control money, not the legislative. Someone is going to use this opportunity to cut their balls off, and as you can see, it's already starting.
I don't agree with cutting their balls off, but what I agree with and reality of actions are two different things. I would love WSB to continue this trend because fuck billionaires. Then again, I know their asses are literally cashing checks their asses can't cash, and it's going to catch up to someone on WSB. Someone's head is going to roll, and that will be the end of the sub.
Comment by WargreymonIsCool at 27/01/2021 at 10:18 UTC
-1 upvotes, 0 direct replies
Your comment offended me
Comment by ProlixTST at 27/01/2021 at 07:27 UTC
1 upvotes, 0 direct replies
Comment by [deleted] at 27/01/2021 at 17:15 UTC
1 upvotes, 0 direct replies
It WILL happen. I guarantee it. Reddit /u/spez you can go fuck your self if you even dare bow down to companies and let this happen.
Comment by smarent at 27/01/2021 at 18:16 UTC
1 upvotes, 0 direct replies
Fuck them. How about actually enforcing naked shorting?
Comment by CrouchingDomo at 27/01/2021 at 19:03 UTC*
1 upvotes, 0 direct replies
~~Okay but *does anyone know how I can ban it from my damn feed?* I don’t have Premium, I use the regular official app, and I just want this shit off my front page. But I can’t find a way to do that, even from the desktop. I have literally *negative* interest in this topic and honestly at this point I’d rather see post after post of anime weirdness and creepy OnlyFans shit. That little cartoon abomination that looks like tr*mp and Johnny Bravo gave birth to a Boss Baby is driving me fucking insane.~~
~~I just want it to stop! Please, someone, make it stop!~~
Comment by Chaff5 at 27/01/2021 at 19:08 UTC
1 upvotes, 0 direct replies
They better have a plan to halt trading for everything if that's the case.
Comment by imawin at 27/01/2021 at 20:26 UTC
1 upvotes, 0 direct replies
I don't think they realize what will happen if they banned trades associated with social media chatter. Do they know how the internet works?
Comment by SenatorRobPortman at 27/01/2021 at 21:06 UTC
1 upvotes, 0 direct replies
That is so infuriating!
Comment by whimsical_fecal_face at 27/01/2021 at 21:40 UTC
1 upvotes, 0 direct replies
knowing how unemployed 30 year olds think. If Nasdaq halts trading based off of social media chatter, they will bombard "social media " with as much stock chatter as possible pertaining to every stock they can think of.
It's almost as if the burnout cokehead boomer generation doesn't know how the internet works.