created by raphadko on 19/05/2024 at 09:46 UTC
7 upvotes, 6 top-level comments (showing 6)
I live in a country where it's extremely difficult to find silence. In Brazil the party / noise culture is everywhere, pretty much all the time. Even in isolated farms there is a risk of some neighbor throwing massively loud parties with questionable-taste Brazilian country music.
I believe that this lack of self reflective moments is one of the reasons why people here struggle to evolve. Been thinking of moving somewhere where silence is more valued (Germany and Portugal are OK) (Spain, Italy, Mexico, definitely not).
Any good recommendations?
Comment by Grumpy1985_ at 19/05/2024 at 12:10 UTC
5 upvotes, 0 direct replies
Scandinavians are known for beeing introverts. You don’t talk to strangers unless you are drunk. And it’s a part of the world with low ammount of people compared to the land mass.
Comment by _lclarence at 19/05/2024 at 13:14 UTC
3 upvotes, 1 direct replies
I have the same problem. Living in Nicaragua it's easy to stumble upon nice people but also that are pretty noisy and daily blow party music out of their windows. Gets down to the point were you have to find a somewhat premium residential area (or go far out the ass to a secluded place) to guarantee yourself consistent calm mornings.
After meeting people from Boyacá (Mountainous region in Colombia), I came to the realisation that most warm places in Latin America are where noisy culture/people are.
Seems to me that people from that Colombian region along indigenous peoples from the hills are very quiet because they appreciate nature a lot as well.
Like, to them, if you're going on a hike with music (or even chit-chatting), you're missing the point. And I agree.
Comment by Acoje at 19/05/2024 at 11:14 UTC
2 upvotes, 0 direct replies
Great question, i'll be interested in the replies, i'm in australia and it's noisy (for me) and usually when i go to asia it's crazy bad. Maybe i have misophonia, but i find a lot of people don't consider who they affect with their noise, they don't even seem to think they're noisy. Hope there's some informative answers. :)
Comment by silencenow2023 at 19/05/2024 at 12:32 UTC
2 upvotes, 0 direct replies
I would also recommend Switzerland or Austria, somewhere in the Mountains in a small village. Or the Scandinavian Countries where the population is not so dense. In general the country side of Germany is also relatively quite.
Comment by silent_scream484 at 20/05/2024 at 08:04 UTC
2 upvotes, 0 direct replies
I don’t think there’s a country you can immigrate to that will fill this void. I’m older now. But when I was younger I thought my happiness was elsewhere. It’s not. That said, I also realise how hard it is to cultivate silence in a world of noise.
There are quieter places in the world. Finland and Norway are fairly quiet. But Russia and Ukraine and Poland are also places where quiet is more accepted.
As one poster already said, you can’t just immigrate. There are some places that are easier to immigrate to. But if you’re looking for quality of life and silence, you’ll have to have a lot of qualifications and a good deal of money.
I’ve found silence in Costa Rica and in Cyprus. I’ve found it in Thailand and Loas. I suggest you take some time now as you are and go to the mountains or into the rainforest. You may find animal sounds and shit. But you won’t find the people. The only other option I can think of is a monastery. The pursuit of ‘God’ leads to silence often enough.
Comment by _agua_viva at 19/05/2024 at 17:23 UTC
1 upvotes, 0 direct replies
You can't just get up and move to the country you desire- especially not a Scandinavian one - without a shit tonne of cash or desirable qualifications.