Just got matched to Donate Blood Stem Cells


created by snowpixxie45 on 02/12/2024 at 19:40 UTC

21 upvotes, 5 top-level comments (showing 5)

A teacher of mine in highschool had cancer of some kind (can't remember exactly what is was. Maybe leukemia or something) anyways she went into remission after receiving a bone marrow donation. Her story made me want to be able to do that for someone so I signed up right when I turned 18. Today I got an email saying I'm a match for a 77y/o Woman to donate Blood Stem Cells. I'm am pleased I was able to match with someone and now i'm waiting to hear back about additional testing which is the next step. I've been on the donor list for almost 8 years now and it's a really ironic time to have been chosen to be a match for someone because I actually just found out almost exactly 1 week ago that my grandfather has leukemia and is also needing a similar donation. But! I'm glad I can help someone's grandma the way I wish someone could help my grandpa and that is the ultimate reason I wanted to sign up to do something like this in the first place - to help someone :)

I am very nervous though so any advice would be great if you've done anything similar to this!


Comment by AutoModerator at 02/12/2024 at 19:40 UTC

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Comment by omg_pwnies at 02/12/2024 at 22:43 UTC

5 upvotes, 1 direct replies

I don't have any experience with the process, but I did want to say a big Thank You!! for signing up and being willing to donate. A stranger saved the life of one of my family members via a stem cell donation and it meant so much to me.

You're not just helping grandma, but her whole family.

Comment by HappyForyou1998 at 02/12/2024 at 23:31 UTC

4 upvotes, 1 direct replies

I believe there is a donor switch program where if you don’t match for your grandfather you can donate to someone else and it will move your grandfather further up the donor list. You should look into it with his doctors.

Comment by Joeva8me at 02/12/2024 at 20:38 UTC

2 upvotes, 1 direct replies

How invasive is donating marrow?

Comment by SeaFaringPig at 03/12/2024 at 01:53 UTC

-1 upvotes, 0 direct replies

You should show up with some of your blood in a tiny test tube. Sloppily eat a double quarter pounder from McDonald’s in front of your old teacher and wave the blood sample around. Laugh and walk out.