Welcome. About RelationshipsOver35 and Rules For Posting.


created by PM_ME_UR_INSIGHTS on 11/04/2021 at 19:10 UTC*

44 upvotes, 0 top-level comments (showing 0)



1: https://www.reddit.com/r/relationshipsover35/about/rules/

Every post has a **report** link underneath it. The moderators read **every** report. If you see problematic content please use the report link.

If you have an issue with how RelationshipsOver35 is run please do not bring it up on the subreddit.

Please contact the moderators through the **message the mods[2]** link.

2: https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/RelationshipsOver35

Please do try to contact individual moderators privately. We have our private inboxes and private chats turned off.




There's nothing here!