Comment by Jack_Q_Frost_Jr on 06/10/2023 at 04:19 UTC

3 upvotes, 7 direct replies (showing 7)

View submission: Casual Questions Thread

Does anyone have any actual insight into why Trump keeps telling a story about needing ID to buy bread?


Comment by SeekSeekScan at 19/11/2023 at 07:24 UTC

1 upvotes, 0 direct replies

If you want to buy bread with a check, you can and you need ID to do so.

It's incredibly rare to buy your groceries with a check since credit and debit cards have become so available. However, in the 80s, buying groceries with a check was pretty common. You needed an ID to buy bread that way

Comment by Octubre22 at 09/10/2023 at 11:03 UTC*

-1 upvotes, 0 direct replies

If you buy Groceries with a check, you need ID. Very few people buy groceries with a check anymore, but this used to be a pretty common thing in the 80's. (That may have been the last time he went and bought his own groceries).

The point he is making is that you even need an ID to buy groceries, but it is somehow evil to need an ID to vote.

It's an outdated thing that barely affects anyone anymore, but if you try to buy groceries with a check, you will need a picture ID.

Once again its one of those things where Trump could be mocked for such an outdated statement. But instead of simply mocking him for an outdated statement, the media etc go on some rant about him making it up entirely and that he is off his rocker etc. He is just old, referencing something that is old. Mock him for that, not all the nonsense in the other responses you got for this.

Comment by bl1y at 08/10/2023 at 13:10 UTC

4 upvotes, 1 direct replies

So let's start with the presumption that while this statement is just wildly inaccurate (go buy bread to confirm for yourself), there must be *something* Trump was thinking about when he said it.

At first I figured he was referencing places that had vaccine passports. But, it turns out he's been making these statements since at least 2018, so that's not it.

I'd wager that he's remembering a time when IDs would have been needed to either write a check or use a credit card. And it's unlikely he's been doing much of his own shopping for a while, so it's an extremely outdated practice.

Comment by Potato_Pristine at 06/10/2023 at 17:31 UTC

7 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Because he's indifferent to the truth (at best) and hasn't bought groceries himself in years (if he ever has). So he just says something that sounds true (to him) to justify voter ID.

Comment by Koboldofyou at 06/10/2023 at 15:47 UTC

10 upvotes, 2 direct replies

To start, people are really bad using the philosophical idea of logic[1] arguments. A large percentage of people go: I believe this, so it must be true because I want to believe true things. But they're really bad at learning things, and will hold beliefs with no backing.


Trumps rhetoric takes advantage of this to set up and reinforce beliefs in people's heads. Trump doesn't say accurate things backed by data, he says outlandish indirect things and people interpret what he means. His supporters walk away with a deep feeling that reinforces their own beliefs.

In this case he sets up the beliefs "Voter ID is a no-brainer" with the underlying *feeling* that "we use ID all the time for less important things". But there's no actual logic or examples.

This rhetoric also presents a red herring to opposition. You say "Hey that's not true", and his supporter can go "of course it's not true, it's not meant to be true". Because there is never an expectation that what he says is accurate. But now his supporters get additional reinforcement because "opposition is too dumb to take things non-literally". And often when challenged supporters will get angry because their beliefs were not based on something they can explain.

To be clear, I don't think Trump is a mastermind. That's another part of his his rhetoric works. Because it's nonsensical opposition often goes "He must be a genius manipulator". But In reality, it's probably just a tool he's used and has worked, so he keeps using it.

Comment by [deleted] at 06/10/2023 at 13:32 UTC

7 upvotes, 0 direct replies

It's just Trump crying about the election again but in a different form. He wants to paint a picture where everything in this country requires some form of identification verification, aside from voting, and how that's unfair to him personally. Problem is, you obviously do not need an ID to buy bread or do simple every day errands like he claims. His followers still buy it, or make excuses for it, like the other poster who responded.

Comment by SteelmanINC at 06/10/2023 at 10:50 UTC

-5 upvotes, 1 direct replies

I haven’t heard the story but I would assume it is meant to point to the pitfalls of out of control beuracracies. Something he rails against a lot and is somewhat a bit against democrats since they are more pro government regulations.