A New Initiative


created by llamageddon01 on 01/04/2022 at 07:07 UTC

14 upvotes, 7 top-level comments (showing 7)

Previously, on this subreddit, we’ve had various Mod Posts and Llama Llectures about “how to do Reddit” with mixed results. Something new I’d like to try here is suggest a few scenarios and responses to see if all of our guides and info dumps are actually helpful to everyone, or if we should just go back to the drawing board[1] and start all over again.

1: https://a.pgtb.me/z6XJ4x

Read through the following questions and without revealing the spoilers pick the numbered answer you are most likely to have. Then for **that answer only,** reveal the corresponding spoiler to find some additional text. There are four questions in all, and you should only reveal one answer spoiler per question. For the moment, leave the three answer spoilers you did not choose for each question as “spoiler texts” - we will come back to these at the end of the quiz.


1st Question:

!Fun insults can be generated by using the formula "adjective + vegetable + noun" and maybe read it in a British accent for extra effect.!<

!Because that’ll teach them all a lesson, especially if yours becomes more popular.!<

!Because nobody else deserves upvotes if you don’t have them.!<

!They’ll be sorry when you’re gone. Their lives will be bereft of meaning and it won’t be long before they’re tearfully begging for your return.!<


2nd Question:

!Because you are right and everyone needs to know it. Nothing ever goes wrong with arguing with someone on Reddit…!<

!Besides, you rule the internet now. No need to trouble yourself with the little people anymore.!<

!You’ve reached the top echelon of Redditors and everyone will be awestruck at your status. You’ll gain hundreds of followers and rule Reddit for ever.!<

!Welcome to my world. We have snacks. Below average ones, but what else would you expect because I’ve never made the front page.!<


3rd Question:

!In fact, Reddit should really add “Life Event” to our profile for situations like this.!<

!It’s the least you could do, after all. Every subscriber counts, and this will make them feel super-special.!<

!Users. The bane of your life. Honestly, modding a subreddit is much easier without those pesky users cluttering it up.!<

!You demand complete loyalty from your members and maintain a Zero Tolerance policy for dissent.!<


4th Question:

!Naturally. People need to know when they’re wrong about stuff.!<

!Yeah, who wants Original Content anyway? The true recognition should be for the reposters.!<

!Serves them right for your disliking them. They should get off your lawn.!<

!Voting is worthless and doesn’t change anything anyway because fake internet points don’t matter.!<


Once you’ve made your **one** choice from each of the four questions above, you’re ready to go to the final part of this quiz - the Answers!

Leave the rest of the “Spoiler Text” intact for now as you’re going to come back here afterwards.


Comment by Bedotnobot at 01/04/2022 at 15:23 UTC*

7 upvotes, 0 direct replies

The first question is already demanding a high amount of my imagination! Well you never said it would be easy. Edit: that was fun! Thanks Llama for creating the quiz

Comment by latetodie at 01/04/2022 at 08:29 UTC

6 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Very important topic. Thanks for raising this issue.

Comment by gretchsunny at 01/04/2022 at 15:53 UTC

6 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Well played!! Missed opportunity to Rick Roll me a bunch of times though.


Comment by Confused_Pine_Tree at 01/04/2022 at 13:11 UTC

5 upvotes, 1 direct replies

This is a really well made quiz! I love this new initiative just as much as I love chocolate cake :)

Comment by Go_fuck_off_damn_it at 01/04/2022 at 07:14 UTC

5 upvotes, 1 direct replies

1. 3

2. 4

3. 2

4. 4


Comment by PomPomsforLlamLlams at 02/04/2022 at 01:45 UTC

5 upvotes, 0 direct replies

That was quite fun, thank you!

gif [IMG]

Comment by CanAhJustSay at 01/04/2022 at 11:46 UTC

6 upvotes, 1 direct replies

What a lot of work making a new helpful guide. I suggest you take a short break with a thick slice of chocolate cake and a nice cup of tea!