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View submission: The NewToReddit Encyclopaedia Redditica v2
“When is the best time to Post for maximum attention?”
Comment by llamageddon01 at 20/10/2021 at 13:30 UTC*
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Theres a lot of speculation and analysis out there about this. The answers range from a specific 10:00am - 3:00pm EST (2:00pm - 7:00am GMT) through to “when the majority of Americans are awake”. Reddit itself doesn't boost posts depending on the time they are made but obviously a big world event posted on r/news will need to be posted immediately it happens but that type of post will generate its own traction.
There is a school of thought that with judicious timing you can definitely help determine how well your post does[1] and that the time you post to Reddit actually matters a great deal[2]. If you are really serious about planning the timing of your posts, tools like Later for Reddit[3] and Delay for Reddit[4] may be useful. Let me know the results!
1: https://maxcandocia.com/article/2017/Jul/29/what-time-to-post-to-reddit/
2: https://foundationinc.co/lab/reddit-statistics/
3: https://dashboard.laterforreddit.com/analysis/
4: https://www.delayforreddit.com/analysis
I personally believe that timing isn't as big of a factor as, say, quality or originality. If a post is engaging or interesting to people, it will catch on. Posting quality content will always be more important than posting at any particular time. But I’ve never had a post make it to r/popular, so what do I know…
Comment by llamageddon01 at 20/10/2021 at 13:28 UTC*
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Old, very old[1], but here because it still occasionally resurfaces.
1: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/we-did-it-reddit
Comment by llamageddon01 at 24/10/2021 at 10:53 UTC*
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An old-fashioned word beloved by Reddit meaning innocent, clean, moral, decent. Think squeaky-clean child-friendly, possibly even enlightening entertainment and you’re there. On Reddit over the years, Wholesome, like many other words, has changed its meaning. It was originally used ironically to mean weak or anodyne in much the same way that the use of the word “lame” does not describe a walking impediment but instead means something is uninspiring, dull, or even “cringe”; another word that has acquired additional meaning.
Reddit has two Awards called Wholesome; a low-cost one sometimes given free for "When you come across a feel-good thing" and an Appreciation Award called Wholesome (Pro). Both icons are based on the Seal of Approval or Satisfied Seal meme picture[1].
We have many “feel-good” subreddits, and a good starter Custom Feed is the Wholesome Network[2].
2: https://www.reddit.com/user/awkwardtheturtle/m/wholesome/
Comment by llamageddon01 at 24/10/2021 at 10:54 UTC*
1 upvotes, 0 direct replies
“Would I be the Asshole?”. Originally sub specific from r/AmITheAsshole now with wider Reddit usage.
Comment by llamageddon01 at 24/10/2021 at 10:54 UTC*
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Something you might see on a subreddit is a “Wiki” tab. A subreddit Wiki is basically the F.A.Q’s of a sub. The entries are often based on the work of one or two long-time moderators, then expanded and refined over time to become a repository of the subreddit’s knowledge and experience.
A wiki can take the form of full-length articles, collections of useful statements, or collections of external links. Our Wiki is here: https://www.reddit.com/r/NewToReddit/wiki/index[1] and is the result of the ongoing communal effort of our awesome mod team who review it often to keep it current, useful and easy to use.
1: https://www.reddit.com/r/NewToReddit/wiki/index
Unfortunately, the Reddit mobile app isn’t yet compatible with the format of sub wikis and doesn’t recognise much of the formatting, any of the internal hotlinks or any hyperlink from a post or comment to it. Viewing a sub wiki in its full glory on mobile is currently only possible by opening a browser and going directly to the website.
2: https://www.reddit.com/r/NewToReddit/comments/p8t966/reddit_and_karma_explained/h9spx16
Comment by llamageddon01 at 24/10/2021 at 10:56 UTC*
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A link or phrase posted when people forget the name of a...thing...to post to...what are they called again...Minireddits? Those stupid names you come up with when you've forgotten the real word[1]. r/wildbeef.
1: https://www.reddit.com/r/birthofasub/comments/arbnxm/birth_of_rwildbeef/
Comment by llamageddon01 at 24/10/2021 at 10:57 UTC*
1 upvotes, 0 direct replies
A phrase when you see a post that you think is highly underrated and want to let everyone know it, such as "I regret that I have but one upvote to give.", or “Take my upvote and leave”.
Comment by llamageddon01 at 24/10/2021 at 10:57 UTC*
1 upvotes, 0 direct replies
Everyone wants to feel victorious as they walk away from an argument, and nothing’s better than coming up with *that* sick burn at the precise moment. Reddit has a few tried-and-tested ways of doing this which you will find scattered around this lexicon, usually in “quotation marks”. There are also many websites or even Pinterests dedicated to helping you in your quest, of which 100 Good Comebacks[1] is one of the better ones. There are also a few subreddits that might inspire you:
1: https://parade.com/1105374/marynliles/good-comebacks/
Of course, you could also just say “no u”[2] or if you’re feeling especially loquacious, “eat pant”[3]. Not forgetting, of course,“kthxbye"[4]; the very pinnacle of the development of the English language, shortening "All is correct. Thank you, and may God be with you." into seven lowercase letters.
2: https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=no%20u
3: https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/bootleg-bart
4: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/kthxbye
And because every day’s a school day[5], *L'esprit de l'escalier* or l'esprit d'escalier: “mind of the staircase”[6] is a French term used in English for the predicament of thinking of the perfect reply too late. Hence, r/staircasewit was for those moments of wit that left you wishing you had thought of them earlier. r/showercomebacks needs reviving too…
5: https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=every%20day%27s%20a%20school%20day
6: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/l%27esprit_de_l%27escalier
Comment by llamageddon01 at 24/10/2021 at 10:58 UTC*
1 upvotes, 0 direct replies
r/woooosh is a subreddit link posted as a reply to when the OP or someone in the comments has missed the joke. You reply r/woooosh when someone doesn't get a joke, and reply r/itswooooshwith4os when someone misspells r/woooosh. Because someone always misspells it[1] and ends up at r/whooosh.
Woosh in all its varieties is an onomatopoeic word meant to represent the sound of rushing air infilling the vacuum when a joke rushes above someone’s head faster than the speed of sound.
There’s also r/woosh for the same thing, and r/WOSH which certainly isn’t.
Comment by llamageddon01 at 24/10/2021 at 10:59 UTC
1 upvotes, 0 direct replies
r/wallstreetbets. A subreddit that gained worldwide notoriety in February 2021. See https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/wiki/glossary[1].
1: https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/wiki/glossary