Comment by llamageddon01 on 04/04/2021 at 10:57 UTC*

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Part 01 - Award Types and Notifications: Special Note

- Awards

Awards are tokens of appreciation given by Redditors to other Redditors in recognition of merit for their contributions, whether they be heartwarming, helpful, hilarious or otherwise distinctive.

There are many types of Reddit Awards, ranging from ones that look pretty on your comment or post but do nothing else, through to ones that give you Reddit Coins, periods of advert-free Reddit Premium and/or even a trophy for your Reddit Profile. Some are animated, and some Highlighting awards make a comment really stand out from other replies. Another set of awards give you Coins and others give accumulated benefits, such as Party Train, where for every five awarded on one post, the better the benefit and the icon. These enable several people to pool together to eventually show this[1].


Seasonal award variations are added and retired from time to time. Some subreddits have Mod Awards or other special awards exclusively for that sub, and some awards give Coins to both the recipient and the community - a pool that mods can use in their sub to give out Community Awards. Some awards require you to have Reddit Premium to give (but not receive) them, such as the All-Seeing-Upvote or Narwhal Salute.

The awards I describe below are just the ones that give gifts as well as the award (coins, premium or a highlight) and the availability, costs and types were correct at time of writing. I may or may not update accordingly as these change quite frequently.

- Award Types: Gifts Both Coins and Reddit Premium

The main awards that give both Reddit Coins and Reddit Premium are:

There are rumours of admin-only awards greater than this which cannot be purchased. You might even encounter one. Treasure the moment.[2] *See Also:* Gilding Level Trophies.


- Award Types: Highlighting Awards

These don’t give any gifts but do make your comment look very distinctive.

I’ve taken the price off the Aww-some award because it was withdrawn early 2021.

- Award Types: Community Awards

Community Awards give coins to both the recipient and the community.

There may be other Community Awards unique to the subreddit you are in.

- Award Types: Coin Awards

Coin Awards give coins and no other benefits to the recipient only.

Some figures are based partly on an original post by u/memedbyshrek at r/AwardBonanza. Another comprehensive list of award types is shown here[3].


- Awards: A Note on the Platinum Award

Platinum is not like any other Reddit premium award in that you might not get the coins immediately, depending on other factors such as any awards you might have previously won. Those who pay for their premium subscription get 700 regular Reddit coins delivered every 31 days, and those who are awarded Platinum get theirs the same way. Getting your 700 Platinum coins also depends upon when in the month you won the award[4].


Let’s say you are an ordinary Redditor with no premium, paid for or gifted.

Your Reddit Premium then ends after 13 weeks. You will be notified by Reddit when your coins arrive: *Gadzooks! Your monthly Coins have been delivered! Your 700 monthly Coins have been added to your balance! Thank you for supporting Reddit as a Premium member!*

- Award Notifications

With few exceptions, if you get a Reddit award, the awarder will have spent hard-earned or even purchased Reddit coins to give it.

When you receive an award from a fellow Redditor, you will receive a Notification in your Inbox that says something like this:


There will be a short list of the benefits (if any) to your award, followed by instructions on how to use your Coins (if you were awarded any):

Finally, there will be an opportunity to reply to whoever awarded you:

Awards can be given anonymously, and most are. Even so, it’s only polite to thank someone for giving you an award and this is best done by responding to the Award Notification than editing your awarded post. “Thanks for the Gold, kind stranger!” or “Thanks for the award, Kind Redditor” are the traditional responses. Reddit loves traditions.


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