Comment by llamageddon01 on 01/04/2021 at 13:25 UTC*

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View submission: A Guide to Reddit Lingo

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Part 03a - Com-Cus

- Comment Chain 

A Comment Chain is when Redditors spontaneously derail a post with a long chain of repeated Child Comments consisting of just one or two words usually prompted by a “trigger” word or phrase. They can go dozens of comments deep. It’s a Reddit tradition to pick one random identical comment in a chain to be downvoted to oblivion and another to get upvotes and awards as if it were the best comment in Reddit’s long history. Be careful when trying to join the comments in this type of chain; make sure that your comment is identical or it will be downvoted to oblivion.

Other Comment Chain types include “No, you’re thinking of...”, “To be fair...” and Increasingly Verbose. There will be more. There will always be more. r/commentchains, r/RedditCommentChains. *See Also:* Cat. or cat., DownvotedToOblivion, F or "F" In The Comments, Increasingly Verbose, “Nice”, “No, you’re thinking of...”, One-word Comments, Parent / Child Comment, Puns & Pop-culture References, “This”, “To be fair...”.

- Comment Karma

When you submit a Comment, all votes on that comment will be converted to Karma. This is Comment Karma, and it comes from both Parent and Child comments. There isn’t a 1:1 relationship between votes and karma, even though it might look like it does at the early stage of your comment. *See Also:* Karma, Karma for New Starters[1], Vote Fuzzing.


- Comments

You can make your own Top Level (or ‘Parent’) comments to reply to a post, or reply to other people’s comments in a ‘thread’ (these are ‘Child Comments’). You cannot post images or reaction gifs in a comment but this is a feature slowly being rolled out in some communities. However, you can post links. Reddit will automatically give you one upvote for each comment, called Comment Karma. There’s a 10,000 character limit on each comment. Ask me how I know... *See Also:* Linking, Powerups.

- Communities 

Reddit is organised by subject into user-created boards called Subreddits, or Communities, which cover a variety of topics such as news, politics, science, movies, video games, music, books, sports, hobbies, fitness, cooking, pets, image-sharing and many, many more. Communities is also the title of the page of subreddits that you have joined. See this list on mobile by clicking the ‘Square-Circle-Square-Magnifying Glass’ icon at the bottom, second from the left. On desktop, you can click on Home (spaceship icon) at the top of the page and the drop down menu lists your communities. *See Also:* Home Feed, Subreddits.

- Community Points

Reddit is experimenting with a feature in limited communities called Community Points[2]. Community Points will be a way for users to be rewarded for their contributions with a unit of ownership in their Subreddit[3]. Community Points can be earned, tipped, won, collected, and spent on unique items within a community. Each subreddit will have its own stylisation of Community Points. *See Also:* Reddit Moons.



- Confirmation Bias

See Cognitive Biases and Logical Fallacies.

- Content and Copyright 

Reddit has a Content Policy[4] which should be understood by all its users. You should also understand the User Agreement[5] that you agreed to upon joining Reddit.



You should be aware that internet outlets desperate for a continual source of new output often rely on Reddit for their content; an explanation for what this could mean for you can be found here: Privacy Issues: Special Note[6].


- Copypasta 

“I only need two buttons, Ctrl + C and Ctrl + V”. Named for the keyboard action Copy and Paste, this is huge chunks of text saved to copy & paste elsewhere as a satirical wall of words vaguely related to the topic in question. Why? Who knows. There is an archive at r/copypasta and another one at r/CopyPastas. Why? Why not. Original work can sometimes be very well received[7]. The shortest, most common Copypasta is “I just downvoted your comment.” The full version is here but seldom used[8]. *See Also:* r/AteThePasta, “Gilt Guilt”, r/shittymorph, r/woooosh.



- r/creepyasterisks

A link or phrase posted when a post or comment contains words written * between asterisks * to denote performing an action. Often benign * tips hat * these can sometimes become somewhat creepy. Screenshots of the worst examples from other social media groups are often posted on r/Cringetopia. Using asterisks this way on Reddit actually *changes the text to italic* unless further markdown is used. r/creepyasterisks. *See Also:* Markdown Text.

- Crosspost

Crossposting is where someone else’s content has been carried across to another Subreddit by another user. So, for instance, if you see a post about a cute spider in r/awwnverts and you think that r/spiderbro would love it too (or r/mildlyterrifying, depending on your viewpoint) you might decide to Crosspost it there. If you do, it is good practice to include a disclaimer, alerting the audience that the post is a Crosspost (or x-post) of the original. You’ll need to make sure that you understand the rules before you do this as Crossposting in a subreddit that doesn’t allow it will cause your post to be deleted and may result in a ban. Always read the rules in the Sidebar (on mobile this will be the About tab and Community Info found in the three dot “hamburger” menu top RH corner of your screen), any Pinned posts (these will have a lime green ‘pin’ icon on the top corner and will show on top when you sort the Subreddit by ‘Hot’) and Wiki (where there is one) before proceeding.

Reddit has a native feature for reposting existing content to another subreddit. Click on the Share button below any post you wish to crosspost, then from the drop-down menu, click on Crosspost. On mobile, this is also an option on the Hamburger menu. On the next page, select the community you want to crosspost to, then enter a title or quote, and add a label or a flair, if necessary. *See Also:* Multipost, Post, Repost, Sidebar.

- Cursed Subs; r/cursedsubs

Redditors are not obliged to fall in love with, like, or even approve of every user base here. We’re a microcosm of internet life, not an internet utopia no matter how much we might want it to be. Some people are not here at Reddit for the cute puppies; they’re here for content forsaken by God and all that is Holy: the Cursed Subs. Subs that cause an unpleasant emotional reaction to its content; subs that to the rational person provoke a combination of disgust and bewilderment. Visit them at your own risk. They will most likely be extremely gruesome, NSFW and/or NSFL.

- Custom Feed 

You can organise lists of your followed subreddits into Custom Feeds. There are two ways to compile custom feeds. I use the official Reddit app on mobile iOS but I’m given to believe the desktop version is much the same. Formerly known as “multireddit”, here’s an illustrated guide to creating a custom feed[9].


1. Go to the front page of the subreddit you want to add. Look for the three dots “hamburger” menu on the top right hand side, and one of the options should be "Add To Custom Feed". It’s a similar action to delete it from your custom feed.

2. On mobile, go to your Communities/Custom feeds page and choose the “Custom Feeds” tab. Mine says ‘u/llamageddon01’s Custom Feeds’ in white with “Add New Custom Feed” in blue below. Click the white ‘your username custom feed’ which takes you to your first custom feed page with two tabs: Posts and Communities.

Communities gives a list of communities in your feed. There’s also a tab “+ Add Communities”. Click that and a search bar will pop up to find communities to add. It also tells you how many spaces you have left in that feed.

To delete a custom feed you click on it (as if you were going to browse it), then at the top of the page on the right next to ‘share’, there should be the 3 dots “hamburger” menu with the options "Edit Details", "Duplicate" and "Delete Custom Feed". You will still be Joined to the subreddits that were part of that feed.


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