The greatest roast in Reddit history

created by [deleted] on 26/08/2019 at 16:43 UTC

4102 upvotes, 75 top-level comments (showing 25)


Comment by Candre_23 at 28/08/2019 at 20:05 UTC

530 upvotes, 2 direct replies

This isn’t the best roast. I’ve never read any of the others but I know this isn’t it. “You’re hot so you’re insecure and worthless” isn’t original, isn’t funny, and really just inspires an image of the roaster as deeply, frighteningly insecure.

Comment by UnholyDemigod at 27/08/2019 at 02:03 UTC

1 upvotes, 13 direct replies

The roast in question:

Your implants and cry for attention on here only highlight what you and everyone else already suspect... you are insecure. Likely your insecurity stems from always questioning if you really ever earned anything by merit. Most people probably hand you things because they like looking at you. But that's made you vapid, shallow, and unable to perform in any way that adds true value in the world. Your relationships are superficial. Your romance life always has the shadow of doubt. Does he love you... or how you look? If you were disfigured, would anyone give you a second glance based on personality?

That nagging feeling will keep you looking for validation. It keeps you in the gym. It makes you post photos online looking for praise or positive attention. It keeps you going back for a nip here and tuck there. Before long you'll look like Donatella Versace with the personality of one of her handbags.

You'll shift from being the center of attention to being part of a gaggle of women who make rude comments about younger girls because you feel jealous and rude comments about men who no longer pay attention to you.

You'd be better served working on being a better person than hunting for attention on Reddit, but you'll likely die young and your grave will be about as shallow as your personality.


Well this blew up. First off, thanks for the gold. I do want to ask for the folks being vitriolic in the comments, please give this girl a break. She deleted her account. She was probably just marketing herself and didn't know what she was doing. Other posts outside of a roast someone asks to participate in are a violation of the /r/roastme rules and are generally just not cool.

To those who think I went too far, or was mean and out of line with the nature of the sub... sorry. My sense of humor is dry and I enjoy saying unexpected things. That combination came off as more mean spirited than I generally am.

A few of you have been doxxing me or the girl who posted this. That is a clear violation of Reddit's TOS and is creepy and possibly illegal depending on how far you're taking it. Don't harass that girl on other accounts if you find her. Just leave it at what it was, a roast.

Comment by UnholyDemigod at 26/08/2019 at 17:15 UTC

979 upvotes, 5 direct replies

I gotta be honest, I am stunned that it took this long for this to be posted. That being said, it didn't even occur to me to do it myself, so there you go.

Comment by darth_tiffany at 27/08/2019 at 12:36 UTC

105 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Honestly I'm more fond of the woman who pointed out that her foundation is the wrong color.

Comment by [deleted] at 26/08/2019 at 21:05 UTC

75 upvotes, 2 direct replies


Comment by LilSugarT at 26/08/2019 at 17:55 UTC

351 upvotes, 3 direct replies

It was so dry and so cutting.... reading that was like eating an entire loaf of bread that’s been sitting in a desert for two weeks.

Also, *fuck* people who bully r/roastme posters outside of the sub. Seriously not cool.

Comment by BlackHaze97 at 11/07/2022 at 23:30 UTC

45 upvotes, 2 direct replies

She dead now. R.I.P. Niece Waidhofer

Comment by TequilaKilla_ at 25/06/2022 at 21:28 UTC

39 upvotes, 0 direct replies

RIP, niece waidhofer Sorry to be super depressing but hopefully she found peace, thanks for the many hours of entertainment she brought to this forum.

Comment by uber_troll at 26/08/2019 at 18:19 UTC

353 upvotes, 5 direct replies

Anybody else think this is cringe or just me. It’s projection at best.

Comment by Rudirotiert1510 at 17/11/2022 at 01:26 UTC

18 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Nah, this is a fucking generic "roast" that gets posted nearly everytime a woman posts on roastme. Especially this "thanks for the gold" edit was pathetic

Comment by Consistent_Nail at 30/12/2019 at 11:12 UTC

30 upvotes, 1 direct replies

This is not a roast and you should be embarrassed that you are stupid enough to consider it one at all, let alone good, let alone the greatest in reddit history. You are pathetic.

Comment by ImmaculateCryBaby at 30/03/2022 at 23:09 UTC

10 upvotes, 1 direct replies

While the roast was good and possibly accurate, in the post the OP made I find it funny how the edit says: "Don't dox or look up her socials" but in comments the deleted OP is saying "Yea. Go look at her Instagram and socials"

Edit: Typo

Comment by Flobarooner at 27/08/2019 at 12:04 UTC*

36 upvotes, 0 direct replies

What's so special about it..? I've read variations of more or less that tons of times on Reddit. At this point it's cliché to just claim that any egotistical person must be secretly insecure and projecting. No, they're just attractive and they know it. Do you think someone that dim is sitting about pondering whether they got into their position "on merit"? Besides, that would be suggesting they don't actually think they're entitled to what they have. Any attractive person on r/RoastMe is met with weak reaches about "daddy issues" or "insecurities" blah blah blah

It's honestly quite a cringe comment and borderline r/iamverysmart or something along those lines. The "I'm sorry, I didn't really think about it, my humour is just very dry" reeks of that fedora-tipping kid who thinks he's Jason Statham because he bought a sword and isn't afraid to use it.

This shit is exactly what I hate about Reddit. You claim to hate "Instagram influencers" etc blah blah blah but then you'll happily go running around giving them the attention they want, so long as you get to sit there in the comments circlejerking about how annoying it is and how above it you are.

9 times out of 10 the neeks that say someone is "projecting their insecurities" *are the insecure ones*. They're insecure about their insecurity, so much so that they project that and claim that *other* people are insecure. Other people that are attractive, rich, famous, successful, etc. People with very little to be insecure about.

Comment by Harry_monk at 07/04/2023 at 08:10 UTC

9 upvotes, 0 direct replies

This feels a lot worse given she killed herself last year.

Comment by notapunk at 26/08/2019 at 17:36 UTC

52 upvotes, 2 direct replies

There was another in the same thread where an ex shows up and gives a pretty hot roast.

Comment by [deleted] at 26/08/2019 at 19:32 UTC*

54 upvotes, 4 direct replies


Comment by [deleted] at 26/08/2019 at 21:04 UTC

17 upvotes, 0 direct replies


Comment by [deleted] at 02/09/2019 at 12:32 UTC

6 upvotes, 0 direct replies

It's pretty extra disappointing to find the stuff deleted. Can anyone give the link.

Comment by [deleted] at 26/08/2019 at 21:08 UTC

12 upvotes, 1 direct replies


Comment by ArcAngel071 at 27/08/2019 at 12:46 UTC

11 upvotes, 0 direct replies

here's the thread without the removed comments

Comment by sc00p at 27/08/2019 at 09:30 UTC

12 upvotes, 0 direct replies

That comment is just sad.

Comment by [deleted] at 26/08/2019 at 18:14 UTC

19 upvotes, 1 direct replies

Ruined by the award speech edit

Comment by [deleted] at 27/08/2019 at 10:08 UTC

11 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Wow, what a wortless comment that proves r/roastme is just pointing at features that people have. If this is the best they've done then it should be deleted.

Comment by [deleted] at 26/08/2019 at 17:33 UTC

35 upvotes, 1 direct replies


Comment by Segendo_Panda11 at 15/09/2019 at 21:27 UTC

5 upvotes, 1 direct replies

What did it say it was deleted