created by ThereWasAnEmpireHere on 25/01/2025 at 16:57 UTC
39 upvotes, 2 top-level comments (showing 2)
Comment by ThereWasAnEmpireHere at 25/01/2025 at 17:13 UTC*
23 upvotes, 0 direct replies
One small detail I found interesting: Connell argues that the lack of change in the "patriarchal dividend" explains the lack of growth in earlier men's movements. I think today there's a shared view of masculinity as political by men, whether that's on the left or right, and I think a lot of people intuitively tie that to the fact that the "patriarchal dividend" has really changed as of late.
This has some implications for the rest of her piece. I intuitively agree with the conceptual issues she raises with past attempts at building a "men's movement," the fact that this sort of model is always about strengthening group identification and focus on political interests that differ from those of others. But, the shift in the dividend means that right-wing attempts to use that model are really strengthened in a way that I worry the decentralized solidarity model is too fragile to stand up against.
My main struggle with the idea of men's lib is how to thread this needle - the fact that it's just not realistic to expect masses of people to buy into politics that do not affirm their identity or speak to their needs on one hand, but the fact that this identity-building, needs-fixated politics can be really dangerous on the other.
Comment by Soultakerx1 at 26/01/2025 at 02:08 UTC
15 upvotes, 2 direct replies
Gender Poltics for white able-bodied men*
Stuff like this is just upsetting, because how can Men be expected to come to the table to organize when there such a narrow view of who is considered a man.