created by Lizrd_demon on 24/01/2025 at 00:42 UTC
25 upvotes, 2 top-level comments (showing 2)
Comment by Lizrd_demon at 25/01/2025 at 15:44 UTC
15 upvotes, 1 direct replies
This youtuber presents himself in a fashion very similar to mens self-help youtubers, but promotes the destruction of kyriarchy on all levels through radical self-improvement and self-empowerment in service of prefiguration of a better society.
It scratches the same itch of men's self help, but in service of a more equal world, not less.
Comment by greyfox92404 at 24/01/2025 at 16:37 UTC
3 upvotes, 0 direct replies
Hi, Lizrd_demon, thanks for your submission! We ask that our contributors write a top-level comment to get the conversation started - your own thoughts on the topic, a description of the content, or why you thought to post this in MensLib (any of these would work). Let me know when you've done this and we'll take a look!