How I Used BJJ to Overcome Trauma & Rebuild Self-Worth

created by Jealous-Factor7345 on 23/01/2025 at 19:12 UTC

38 upvotes, 5 top-level comments (showing 5)


Comment by MidnightOakCorps at 24/01/2025 at 05:48 UTC

17 upvotes, 4 direct replies

Uhhh....not to be that guy, but doesn't BJJ have pretty intense ties to a lot of um....unsavory the Gracies? Or am I mistaken?

Comment by chop_pooey at 23/01/2025 at 20:39 UTC

12 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Chewy! Ah man, i forgot all about him after i stopped training. I used to watch his videos damn near every day. Always seemed like a good dude

Comment by Jealous-Factor7345 at 23/01/2025 at 19:19 UTC*

13 upvotes, 1 direct replies

I've been a follower of Nick Albin's (aka "Chewy") Channel for several years now. He's a BJJ (Brazilian Jiu Jitsu) instructor and I've always appreciated his approach to challenges and self improvement (and his BJJ content is pretty good too).

He’s actually one of the people I tend to think about when the topic of “positive masculinity” comes up. Obviously his area of expertise is in the combat sport of BJJ, and most of how he understands challenge and self-improvement is through that lens, but I think a lot of men can relate to and appreciate his approach. If you read the comments under the video you'll see a lot of men expressing similar sentiments.

I’ve often wished I’d run into content like his (and BJJ itself) and a younger man in my early 20s. I experience a lot of failure back then and it took a lot of persistence, good friends, and family to pull myself out of it. While my route didn��t go through combat sports, one of the things I did do was take up skydiving, and the affect it had on my sense of self worth was very similar to what Chewy is talking about in this video. It was the act of facing something scary and difficult, and overcoming it, that started my road back to success and feeling good about myself.

IDK, maybe some folks here will relate to and appreciate this video as much as I did.

Comment by InsaneComicBooker at 24/01/2025 at 15:07 UTC

4 upvotes, 1 direct replies

I am trying to get into fitness, but it has to wait until I get used to new work. After that I will be training to get body I will finally be happy with

Comment by skippyMETS at 27/01/2025 at 15:01 UTC

2 upvotes, 1 direct replies

Is fighting really the way to get men out of our box? Like? Is that really what we’re being sold? More violence? “But it’s organized voilence!” It’s still a culture of hitting instead of talking. This ain’t it.