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created by stranger38 on 04/06/2024 at 10:17 UTC

3 upvotes, 1 top-level comments (showing 1)

Just ranting.

I rushed home from work because my mother said she’s unwell. We r now waiting at the clinic.

She has been unwell with this and that, now and then, for some time now.

I am afraid. Terribly afraid. She has no one else but me. I have no one else.

I pray that it’s just stomach flu (she does display flu symptoms but the main complaint is stomach pain).

I can’t cope and I just want to die.


Comment by anxiousjeff at 07/06/2024 at 11:09 UTC

1 upvotes, 0 direct replies

I'm so sorry your mom has gotten worse.

I've been away from reddit for a while but am spending a bit more time on it again these days. Been catching up on your posts. I'm quite worried about you. I know you've often emphasized that you're alone and isolated, but I really hope you can find people to connect with, especially in person. That can make a huge difference in changing your outlook and finding new ways to cope and even improve your situation, that you may have overlooked.

Thinking of you always, friend.