I am Tilda Swinton, AMA.


created by _TildaSwinton on 29/06/2014 at 16:53 UTC*

2993 upvotes, 186 top-level comments (showing 25)


My name is Tilda Swinton I am tapping to you from the north of Scotland in the hopes that immediately after you have logged out of this site you will run to block buy tickets to see a movie called SNOWPIERCER by the awesomely great Bong Joon Ho Chris Evans is the lead in this film and completely rocks it and I pop up alongside him occasionally.. as do the great John Hurt, Song Kang Ho, Ko Asung. Jamie Bell, Octavia Spencer, Ewen Bremner, Ed Harris, Alison Pill and many more.. We had a BLAST making the film and are super proud of it.

So, ask me a question, this fine Sunday, and then head straight for the cinema..!

I will answer whatever I can get around to before I need to make dinner..




1: http://trailers.apple.com/trailers/independent/snowpiercer/

2: http://snowpiercer-film.com

3: https://twitter.com/RadiusTWC/status/483293820877291520


Comment by Zpg at 29/06/2014 at 17:34 UTC

867 upvotes, 2 direct replies

Hi Tilda. If I show Snowpiercer at my London cinema, will you come along for a Q and A?

Comment by communal-napkin at 29/06/2014 at 17:38 UTC*

655 upvotes, 2 direct replies

Have you ever considered changing your name (or at least how it appears in print) to the tilde symbol "~" a la Prince?

Comment by _TildaSwinton at 29/06/2014 at 18:37 UTC

2076 upvotes, 5 direct replies

Lovely Redditeers,

This has been such a nice way to spend an easy Sunday evening in my own armchair with a dog on my feet.. It is an overwhelmingly touching thing to see how enthusiastic so many people are for what we are doing.. on behalf of all my colleagues - on all our films and projects - THANK YOU for taking the ride with us.. have a beautiful Sunday and a kind and love-filled rest of the year,

yours aye,



Comment by MayoFetish at 29/06/2014 at 17:59 UTC

1046 upvotes, 4 direct replies

Would you ever be a Bond villain? Because you should.

Comment by Frajer at 29/06/2014 at 16:55 UTC

773 upvotes, 2 direct replies

The Grand Budapest Hotel and Only Lovers Left Alive both seem like they must have been very fun movies to work on, was that the case?

Comment by Ocrasorm at 29/06/2014 at 16:57 UTC

1106 upvotes, 2 direct replies

Hi Tilda. Love your work.

How many times have you walked in on George Clooney wearing the Batsuit?

Comment by RizzoFromDigg at 29/06/2014 at 17:35 UTC

1064 upvotes, 6 direct replies


I have a theory that you're a clone of David Bowie created right around the Modern Love era so that he could continue being a musician as well as star in more movies.

So far I've discovered no evidence to the contrary.

Do you have any opinion on that?

Comment by seismicor at 29/06/2014 at 17:00 UTC

418 upvotes, 1 direct replies

Hi! Director Bong Joon-Ho had an AMA here a few days ago and told us that you had a lot of ideas for your character in Snowpiercer, and some of them were allegedly too wild that he "had to bring it back a little bit" (in his own words). Can you tell us some of those ideas that weren't used?

Comment by LordPooping at 29/06/2014 at 16:58 UTC

622 upvotes, 2 direct replies

Hey Tilda. What's an underappreciated movie that you've been in that you would like more people to see?

Comment by quietasashadow at 29/06/2014 at 16:55 UTC

302 upvotes, 2 direct replies

Hi Tilda,

I wanted to know if you are into the comedy scene? Do you go to any shows? Do you have any favorite comedians current or past?

PS: I can’t wait to see Trainwreck!

Comment by holybagelz at 29/06/2014 at 17:03 UTC

294 upvotes, 2 direct replies

Hey Tilda! Loved your performance as the Witch from Narnia, definitely a villain not to be reckoned with.

Any chance we will see you reprise your role on any future sequels??

Comment by AzBrah at 29/06/2014 at 16:54 UTC

305 upvotes, 2 direct replies

Hi Tilda! What was it like playing the character Orlando? The story of that film was very fascinating to me.

Would you ever see yourself playing a role like that again, or working with Sally Potter sometime in the future?


Comment by livefree27 at 29/06/2014 at 17:32 UTC

255 upvotes, 1 direct replies

I loved your performance on The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. What was an interesting experience you had while filming?

Comment by SuperNylon at 29/06/2014 at 17:41 UTC

133 upvotes, 1 direct replies

Hello Tilda! How much of what you wear is chosen by you, and how much is the work of stylists?

Comment by liamquane at 29/06/2014 at 17:26 UTC

235 upvotes, 3 direct replies

Are you looking forward to working with The Coen Brothers?

Comment by bottle_caps at 29/06/2014 at 17:19 UTC

167 upvotes, 1 direct replies

Hi Tilda,

I quite liked Only Lovers Left Alive. How was shooting in Detroit?

I read that you and Jim Jarmusch came up with the idea for gloves. Is that true? If so, what was the inspiration for them? It's cool to compare that to all the other vampire quirks that made it into the modern mythology.

Comment by asamorris at 29/06/2014 at 17:22 UTC

473 upvotes, 5 direct replies

Hello Tilda,

First, I am a firm believer that you are one of the greatest actresses of our time. Thanks for making everything you are in that much better (especially Constantine)

Second, I've always argued you should be the next Doctor in Doctor Who. The first female doctor as well as his long awaited first ginger doctor. If you were asked, would you take the role?

Comment by KickingPlanets at 29/06/2014 at 17:33 UTC

364 upvotes, 3 direct replies

Yo girl. I was curious, if you hadn't become an actress, what do you think you may have ended up doing for a living?

Comment by Tayend at 29/06/2014 at 17:33 UTC

94 upvotes, 1 direct replies

Hi Tilda! I'm from Duns - how often do you get to visit your parents in Swinton, and what do you make of the Borders in general?

Comment by liamquane at 29/06/2014 at 17:32 UTC

70 upvotes, 1 direct replies

What attracted you to Snowpiercer?

Comment by therandompoopsman at 29/06/2014 at 17:02 UTC

165 upvotes, 2 direct replies

Yo T-Swinny, Snowpiercer looks dope, your body of work is magnificent. 2 questions.

What's the best song you've heard in the last week?

What recent on set experience jumps out most in your mind?

Ok, 3 questions.

Was We Need to Talk About Kevin anywhere near as intense to film as it was to watch?


Comment by seismicor at 29/06/2014 at 17:01 UTC

133 upvotes, 2 direct replies

In Constantine you played a role of angel Gabriel. What piqued your interest before commiting to play this rather unusual character? Was it a challenge? How did you prepare for the role?

Comment by Moonlit_Sonata at 29/06/2014 at 16:58 UTC

231 upvotes, 2 direct replies

Hi Tilda, throughout your career you've played quite a few very strong female roles. And this power bleeds through into stationary photoshoots. What advice would you give to young women of today to make them feel more empowered?

Comment by liamquane at 29/06/2014 at 17:26 UTC

60 upvotes, 1 direct replies

What was it like working with David Fincher?

Comment by 2_STEPS_FROM_america at 29/06/2014 at 16:59 UTC

124 upvotes, 2 direct replies

Hey! Im so excited to see snowpiercer!! I just got home and saw that you were doing an AMA from facebook (just in time). I haven't seen it yet because I live in the US and there are very few theaters playing it. I just wanted to ask what was your favorite part of filming Snowpiercer? (be it working with certain actors, a certain scene or anything)

Thanks for reading this! I can't wait to see the movie when it comes to a theater near me! :D