[Sweden] Frustrating Hypocrisy in Sweden, Hypocritical Attitudes Worldwide


created by M004L97 on 14/02/2025 at 07:39 UTC

2 upvotes, 4 top-level comments (showing 4)

I talked about this on a subreddit for Swedes, and most just mocked me. Others just couldn't understand what I said.

I'm talking about how disabled and chronically ill people have been accused of overreacting ever since early 2020 (actually for way longer, but whatever) for trying to protect themselves and their loved ones from covid. The only airborne virus that ruins your immune system, especially if you get infected multiple times.

People always call us "crazy" (dragging mentally ill people down into the mud too.. sigh), telling us we should "live our lives" and so on.

Sweden is kinda notorious for diminishing serious problems, if that makes any sense. It happens so often and I wonder if anyone outside of Sweden who have noticed that too? That mentality of shrugging your shoulders and sweeping everything under the rug, because "there is nothing we can do, it's already too late."

This country sacrificed disabled and chronically ill people, almost like it was a walk in the park. It's so disturbing. Even though many of us knew people care less about disabled people, it's still something we don't wish on anyone else. Maybe besides billionaires, but that's beside the point.

It got even more disturbing after Elon Musk's nazi salute. So many people shared this quote everywhere: "The road to fascism is lined with people telling you to stop overreacting."

THE THING PEOPLE HAVE ACCUSED US FOR YEARS. If you can't see the hypocrisy here, then I don't know what to tell you. Disabled people are always the first ones to be sacrificed. We saw these worrying patterns long before anyone else, but just like with every moment in history, people first react with denial. Always denial.

EDIT: Was originally longer, but I forgot to tag stuff before I posted and I'm so tired. Please skip anything condescending bullshit. I'm not saying that YOU will say something like that, it's just something that's to be expected. I know this is the internet but it happens so often with us disabled people. Also, there is nothing to read between the lines here. You might do it just because I told you not to, but that's just a waste of time. I said what I said and nothing else.

I just want to see if others can see what I see. If not, then ask for specifics. If I can't explain something, I will link to articles that explains it better.


Comment by reinhardtkurzan at 15/02/2025 at 06:35 UTC

2 upvotes, 1 direct replies

I just checked the statistical data: In fact, Sweden hat a surplus-mortality of 7,2 % in 2020. But from then on the numbers have been relatively fine (-0.2 %, 1,6%, and 0.2%) in comparison to other countries.

It is strange to see how the members of pluralistic societies are dealing with the passed-by COVID-crisis these days! Everybody likes to accuse others of allegedly "wrong" behavior now: When COVID was rampant, some critics had the stamina to say that COVID could be handled in more rigid way, according to the successful Wuhan model, and that the modern parsimony in medical services and medical equipment has lead to an insufficient prepartion for unusual events. Now the conspiration theoreticians seem to form the absolute majority: They affirm that COVID never really existed, that it was only an invention to test whether the members of the population were willing to renounce to their fundamental rights. Others say, it was a virus released on purpose by a Wuhan laboratory, etc. The tenor of them all seems to be that the responsible work of the governments and its health institutions was rubbish, unreflected, if not deceitful. Nobody knows these things for sure, but everyone wants to play the critic today and is looking for some dirt in the official files. (In reality, the assessment of the dangerousness and infectiousness of the disease could of course differ from place to place, and the countries of the Western world were mostly seeking a compromise between liberty and rigidity.)

I think, the best the "experts" and other enraged citizens can do, is: to analyze the extraordinary event without accusing or reproaching anybody, in order to make it better, when the next pandemic is going to happen.

It is known that the government of Sweden initially thought that extraordinary measures were not necessary. But did it hinder anybody to stay at home in the free time, wash the hands with alcohol, to wear a face mask or to get a vaccination at the doctor's?

Comment by WhiteLama at 14/02/2025 at 07:45 UTC

3 upvotes, 1 direct replies

Swede here, what are you on about?

Comment by M004L97 at 14/02/2025 at 18:24 UTC

1 upvotes, 0 direct replies

I almost feared coming back here, so I'm glad to see a discussion instead of condescending comments. Thank you!

Sweden didn't lockdown, like some people have already said. Children still went to school.  We kept a distance of 1,5m and used hand sanitizers.

But no recommendation for masks. That's what devastated the chronically ill. Their freedom of movement were restricted because masks weren't recommended. Things have to be recommended for people to follow it, sadly enough. Covid quickly mutates into new variations, but most people only worry about deaths. They don't understand how much things cost for sick people.

The hospitals were overwhelmed, and if I remember correctly, some still are to this day. People put the pandemic behind, mostly because they didn't die. Disabled people warned them about potential long term effects, but were told to stop worrying and to "live life."

Since people don't seem to be able to live while wearing masks/respirators. /s

Comment by Oakislet at 14/02/2025 at 07:56 UTC

0 upvotes, 1 direct replies

There is a lot of scammers of the system. the US people here won't understand, they can't even comprehend our social security system and that we support people who are disabled. But you have to understand that there has to be standards and regulations because the system get used. In the US you'll be living on the street. Även om du betalade din 8000 dollar i månaden försäkring så täcker den inte allt. Sluta gnäll.