created by Kanny-chan on 10/03/2025 at 02:06 UTC
156 upvotes, 58 top-level comments (showing 25)
Explain to me why i could get punished for helping my best friend complete his battle pass? And also, wouldn't split screen risk you getting banned for this too, seing as you need to use a different account to play as P2...? It's unfair and ngl, i'm kinda pissed about it. It's a low blow.
Comment by mikelman999 at 10/03/2025 at 02:10 UTC
97 upvotes, 3 direct replies
Is there any actual proof of this happening?
Comment by EoTN at 10/03/2025 at 02:26 UTC
121 upvotes, 4 direct replies
Do better research OP.
Per the guy that made the original post:
A lot of people are misinterpreting this tweet, no logging into your account at your friends house won’t get you banned.
Its when your IP logs into multiple accounts that all come from different parts of the world that it gets suspicious.
Comment by EcnavMC2 at 10/03/2025 at 02:16 UTC
22 upvotes, 5 direct replies
From what I understand, it’s basically just for if your account is used from a different device super far away. So if you use the same account as a friend on the other side of the world, you might have an issue, but other than that, you should be fine. Different devices but still in the same general part of the country? Probably fine. Same device brought with on a trip? Probably fine. Brand new device on the other side of the world with no previous correlation? That’s when they take action.
Comment by Atom7456 at 10/03/2025 at 02:32 UTC
12 upvotes, 0 direct replies
the guy that posted this clarified that its only if theres multiple accounts from different IPs suddenly logging in on 1, so unless your friend sells accounts or your staying in the same area as some who does then you're chilling
Comment by D4LLA at 10/03/2025 at 03:22 UTC
9 upvotes, 0 direct replies
"Unbanning cheaters" thats bullshit. They ban for 1 year and if you do it again you get perma banned.
Comment by AlphaTeamPlays at 10/03/2025 at 04:34 UTC
8 upvotes, 1 direct replies
Firstly, the original guy who shared this news clarified that it's more nuanced than this and it won't ban you just for logging in at a friend's house. This tweet is an overdramatized version of someone *else's* tweet (someone linked it somewhere among the top comments here) and the original poster says it's only for multiple suspicious logins around the world. They also said this happens often - this isn't a new change whatsoever so if you were already sharing an account with a friend or something and it hasn't already been banned, you're probably fine.
Secondly, they unbanned cheaters *one* time because they're implementing a 1-year ban for first offenders (rather than being instantly permanent) and will re-ban them permanently if they cheat again. I don't know why people are acting like they're just turning off the anti-cheat completely.
Comment by HEIIBRlNGER at 10/03/2025 at 02:29 UTC
3 upvotes, 2 direct replies
what if you have multiple people/accounts in one house/IP address who all play? would we all be flagged as suspicious if we log in elsewhere or bc there's multiple accounts with 1 IP?
Comment by Jax_the_Floof at 10/03/2025 at 03:11 UTC
3 upvotes, 1 direct replies
So many people panicking over nothing.
If y’all weren’t banned before, you aren’t getting banned unless you start breaking the rules. They’ve been doing these ban waves for years
Comment by Ninethie at 10/03/2025 at 02:29 UTC
12 upvotes, 2 direct replies
I'll put it simple:
Cheaters? They're ok, in fact cheat away! (So long as they buy lots and lots of skins!)
Account sharing/selling? Well is that money going to Epic? Nooo! Ban! Ban! Ban!
Comment by Ten0fClubs at 10/03/2025 at 03:36 UTC
4 upvotes, 1 direct replies
Crap, my STW vbucks are screwed
I have awful internet, around 400 kb/s, so every patch being 10-20 GBs can take a whole day to download, and therefore i might miss dailies, so i occasionally ask my friend to do those if i cant
Comment by FingerBlaster70 at 10/03/2025 at 02:57 UTC
2 upvotes, 0 direct replies
Because what’s the difference between you helping your friend complete their battlepass and you/them simply sharing an account which is against the t&c
Comment by pikmoogle at 10/03/2025 at 05:56 UTC
2 upvotes, 0 direct replies
I plan on moving abroad, will this affect me?
Comment by CP0899 at 10/03/2025 at 08:30 UTC
2 upvotes, 0 direct replies
Now, if I play on my phone when I am away for work and then go home and play on my xbox, I might get flagged of even if I go to a friend that lives far away and go there and split screen.
Comment by azurejack at 10/03/2025 at 11:05 UTC
2 upvotes, 0 direct replies
Not how ips work.
Most people have dynamic IP by default. Which means your IP address changes each session. That would ban literally everyone that didn't intentionally go into their router and enable static IP.
your MAC ADDRESS on the other hand is always static. That's the *device code* but again, they have cross save. I can play on xbox, steam, EGS, PS4... which will all have different mac addresses.
So this is literally saying "we're banning everyone that dared to play fortnite"
Somehow, i think it's fake.
Comment by Rynelan at 10/03/2025 at 07:37 UTC
2 upvotes, 1 direct replies
So that means that if I play at a friend's house, friend decides to cheat. I'm getting banned?
That's fucked up.
Comment by jeremiahpeacekeeper at 10/03/2025 at 02:31 UTC
1 upvotes, 0 direct replies
So when I go stay at my mums for weeks at a time I can’t log in? 💀
Comment by Kingman-TheBrave at 10/03/2025 at 02:46 UTC
1 upvotes, 1 direct replies
Will you get banned if you play both your pc and nintendo switch tho?
Comment by IL-Gamer-Finale at 10/03/2025 at 02:59 UTC
1 upvotes, 0 direct replies
What about adults that travel for work and bring their console would they get banned for this? This is very dangerous if they don't check evey possibility. What about people that use wifi boosters or vans you gonna mess it up and ban them too. I get why but this is sketchy even if the account has been inactive for a while that's not a good idea because I skipped the second half of chapter 2 all the way till OG.
Comment by Jomanderisreal at 10/03/2025 at 03:00 UTC
1 upvotes, 0 direct replies
With this I would be worried for traveling and playing on my Switch. Like would that flag me for playing on different ips even though I'm playing the game as intended and don't share my account details?
Comment by Dude2001ca at 10/03/2025 at 03:01 UTC
1 upvotes, 0 direct replies
So what happens when your on vacation and log in on your phone?
Comment by DrDisconnection at 10/03/2025 at 03:02 UTC
1 upvotes, 0 direct replies
This is inaccurate. Stop spreading misinformation
Comment by Ampersand_Forest at 10/03/2025 at 03:04 UTC
1 upvotes, 0 direct replies
As if they would do this and risk children on divorce. That’s, like, 80% of their market
Comment by 000000Null000000 at 10/03/2025 at 03:21 UTC
1 upvotes, 0 direct replies
Lemme guess no vpn then
Comment by Rich_Invite7921 at 10/03/2025 at 03:33 UTC
1 upvotes, 0 direct replies
so what if you just go to your friend's house for a while, sign into your account for like a few hours, then delete it off his device? no one else is using your account, so how can you get banned for just using your account?
Comment by ElectionSalty6097 at 10/03/2025 at 03:36 UTC
1 upvotes, 0 direct replies
So what the fuck do I do as a college student that comes home for Spring Break then back to my college down then back home for summer? Do I get banned then? I don't think this will stick and if it does, it'll only be for those egregious circumstances where it's a constant flip that's very obvious