[FF7R] Mini wiki (Trailers and data) - E3 update


created by osdanova on 11/06/2019 at 23:22 UTC*

13 upvotes, 0 top-level comments (showing 0)

It's time to update the mini wiki!

Previous Mini wiki

**1 - Trailers**
│         Trailer          │  Source  │ Source (JP) │
│ E3 (2015)                │ Video[1] │ Video[2]    │
│ PSX (2015)               │ Video[3] │ Video[4]    │
│ State of Play (2019)     │ Video[5] │ Video[6]    │
│ Symphonic Reunion (2019) │ Video[7] │ Video[8]    │
│ E3 (2019)                │ Video[9] │ Video[10]   │
│ E3 (Gameplay showcase)   │ Video*   │ -           │

1: https://youtu.be/Kznek1uNVsg

2: https://youtu.be/Q0zBmW00MX0

3: https://youtu.be/A3sBZ5Nr4hc

4: https://youtu.be/SW_8VOSpZL4

5: https://youtu.be/Df0YG3qfZ8E

6: https://youtu.be/6-GEmPzn0xc

7: https://youtu.be/aTCmN8TtkgQ

8: https://youtu.be/T2zTJGOreFc

9: https://youtu.be/pCJZg7pVtiI

10: https://youtu.be/eVjwc1H7r74


**2.1 - Parts**

11: https://youtu.be/cq6GmnM98jQ?t=320

12: https://youtu.be/cq6GmnM98jQ?t=579

│ Part │ Release  │          Info           │
│ 1    │ 3/3/2020 │ Covers Midgar. 2 discs. │
**2.2 - Substories**
│       Story       │ Appearance │
│ Crisis Core       │ -          │
│ Before Crisis     │ -          │
│ Advent Children   │ -          │
│ Dirge of Cerberus │ -          │


**3.1 - Characters**
│      Character      │ Team │ Playable │
│ Cloud Strife        │ Yes  │ Yes      │
│ Barret Wallace      │ Yes  │ Yes      │
│ Tifa Lockhart       │ Yes  │ Yes      │
│ Aerith Gainsborough │ Yes  │ Yes      │
│ Red XIII            │ -    │ -        │
│ Yuffie Kisaragi     │ -    │ -        │
│ Vincent Valentine   │ -    │ -        │
│ Cait Sith           │ -    │ -        │
│ Cid Highwind        │ -    │ -        │
**3.2 - Weapons**
│ Character │    Weapon     │ Materia slots │  Materia location   │
│ Cloud     │ Buster Sword  │ 2             │ Beginning of blade  │
│ Cloud     │ Hardedge      │ 2*            │ Sword's guard*      │
│ Barret    │ Gatling Gun   │ 1             │ Right side          │
│ Aerith    │ Guard Stick   │ 1*            │ Stick's guard*      │
│ Aerith    │ ???**         │ ?             │ ?                   │
│ Tifa      │ Leather glove │ 2             │ Right glove's wrist │

13: https://youtu.be/pCJZg7pVtiI?t=164


**4.1 - Special Actions**

Triggered using triangle.

│ Character │     Special     │                     Desc.                      │
│ Cloud     │ Operator        │ Changes to operator mode. Cloud uses Attacks.  │
│           │                 │ (Better for staggering?)                       │
│ Cloud     │ Punisher        │ Changes to Punisher mode. Cloud uses Strong    │
│           │                 �� Attacks. (Better for damage?)                  │
│ Barret    │ Overcharge[14]* │ Strong attack.                                 │
│ Barret    │ Charge          │ Once Overcharged is used, it goes on cooldown. │
│ Tifa      │ Omnipunch[15]   │ Turns into Bash after hitting.                 │
│ Tifa      │ Bash            │ -                                              │
│ Aerith    │ Tempest         │                                                │

14: https://youtu.be/cq6GmnM98jQ?t=952

15: https://youtu.be/pCJZg7pVtiI?t=136

**4.2 - General actions**
│ Character │             Action             │
│ Cloud     │ Attack Combo[16]               │
│ Cloud     │ Attack[17] (Aerial enemy)      │
│ Cloud     │ Strong Attack combo[18]        │
│ Cloud     │ Block[19]                      │
│ Cloud     │ Roll[20]                       │
│ Barret    │ Attack Combo[21]               │
│ Barret    │ Roll[22]                       │
│ Tifa      │ Attack Combo[23]               │
│ Tifa      │ Attack[24] (Aerial enemy)      │
│ Aerith    │ Attack Combo[25] (In the back) │
**4.3 - Abilities**

16: https://youtu.be/cq6GmnM98jQ?t=606

17: https://youtu.be/aTCmN8TtkgQ?t=7

18: https://youtu.be/cq6GmnM98jQ?t=734

19: https://youtu.be/Df0YG3qfZ8E?t=42

20: https://youtu.be/pCJZg7pVtiI?t=179

21: https://youtu.be/cq6GmnM98jQ?t=832

22: https://youtu.be/cq6GmnM98jQ?t=839

23: https://youtu.be/pCJZg7pVtiI?t=150

24: https://youtu.be/pCJZg7pVtiI?t=178

25: https://youtu.be/Df0YG3qfZ8E?t=40

Use a powerful attack.

│ Character │      Command       │    ATB use    │ MP use │        Desc        │
│           │                    │               │        │ Jump into the air  │
│ Cloud     │ Braver[26]         │ 1             │ 0      │ and strirke your   │
│           │                    │               │        │ foe with a         │
│           │                    │               │        │ powerful attack.   │
│ Cloud     │ Focused Thrust[27] │ 1             │ 0      │                    │
│ Cloud     │ ???[28]            │ 1             │ 0      │                    │
│           │                    │               │        │ Temporarily reduce │
│ Barret    │ Steelskin[29]      │ 1             │ 0      │ damage taken and   │
│           │                    │               │        │ how easily you are │
│           │                    │               │        │ interrupted.       │
│           │                    │               │        │ Unleash an energy  │
│           │                    │               │        │ attack that        │
│ Barret    │ Focused Shot[30]   │ All available │ 0      │ staggers enemies   │
│           │                    │               │        │ much faster. Use   │
│           │                    │               │        │ all ATB charges.   │
│ Tifa      │ Unbridled Strength │ 1             │ 0      │                    │
│ Tifa      │ Axe Kick[32]       │ 1             │ 0      │                    │
**4.4 - Limits**

26: https://youtu.be/cq6GmnM98jQ?t=721

27: https://youtu.be/cq6GmnM98jQ?t=756

28: https://youtu.be/pCJZg7pVtiI?t=132

29: https://youtu.be/cq6GmnM98jQ?t=750

30: https://youtu.be/cq6GmnM98jQ?t=752

31: https://youtu.be/cq6GmnM98jQ?t=696

32: https://youtu.be/pCJZg7pVtiI?t=178

33: https://youtu.be/pCJZg7pVtiI?t=164

Use a special technique.

│ Character │        Limit         │                   Desc.                   │
│ Cloud     │ Cross-Slash[34]      │ Damage your foe while making a ominous    │
│           │                      │ symbol with your slashes.                 │
│ Barret    │ Fire in the hole[35] │ Shoot an orb of energy that creates a     │
│           │                      │ large explosion.                          │
│ Tifa      │ Somersault[36]       │                                           │
│ Aerith    │ Healing Wind[37]     │                                           │
**4.5 - Spells**

34: https://youtu.be/cq6GmnM98jQ?t=1036

35: https://youtu.be/cq6GmnM98jQ?t=1015

36: https://youtu.be/pCJZg7pVtiI?t=169

37: https://youtu.be/pCJZg7pVtiI?t=80

Cast Magic.

│   Materia   │ ATB │ MP │                        Desc.                        │
│ Fire[38]    │ 1   │ 4  │ Deals a small amount of fire damage.                │
│ Blizzard    │ 1   │ 4  │ Deals a small amount of ice damage.                 │
│ Thunder[39] │ 1   │ 4  │ Deals a small amount of lightning damage. Does not  │
│             │     │    │ miss.                                               │

38: https://youtu.be/cq6GmnM98jQ?t=746

39: https://youtu.be/cq6GmnM98jQ?t=705

40: https://youtu.be/cq6GmnM98jQ?t=714

**4.6 - Items**

Use an item.

│     Item     │ ATB │                       Effect                       │
│ Potion       │ 1   │ Restores 350 HP                                    │
│ Ether        │ 1   │ Restores X MP                                      │
│ Phoenix Down │ 1   │ Revives an ally and restores a small amount of HP. │


**5 - Enemies**
│         Enemy          │  Source   │              Location               │
│ Security Officer       │ Video[41] │ Sector 1                            │
│ MP                     │ Video[42] │ Midgar - Multiple locations         │
│ Underwater MP          │ Video[43] │ Sector 4 - Tunnels                  │
│ Drone                  │ Video[44] │ Sector 4 - Tunnels                  │
│ Grashtrike             │ Video[45] │ Sector 4 - Plate                    │
│ Sweeper                │ Video[46] │ Sector 1                            │
│ Sweeper (Blades)       │ Video[47] │ Sector 1 - Reactor (Main Staircase) │
│ Sweeper (Flamethrower) │ Video[48] │ Sector 1                            │
│ Sahagin                │ Video[49] │ Sector 6 - Sewer                    │
│ Deenglow               │ Video[50] │ Sector 4                            │
│ Blugu                  │ Video[51] │ Sector 4                            │
│ Mono Drive             │ Video[52] │ Sector 1                            │
│ Grunt                  │ Video[53] │ Sector 1                            │
│ Sentry Ray             │ Video[54] │ Sector 1                            │
│ Guard Dog              │ Video[55] │ Sector 1                            │
│       Boss        │  Source   │         Location          │
│ Scorpion Sentinel │ Video[56] │ Sector 1 - Reactor (Core) │
│ Aps               │ Video[57] │ Sector 6 - Sewer          │
│ Air Buster        │ Video[58] │ Sector 5 - Plate          │


**6 - Locations**

41: https://youtu.be/cq6GmnM98jQ?t=615

42: https://youtu.be/A3sBZ5Nr4hc?t=77

43: https://youtu.be/Df0YG3qfZ8E?t=24

44: https://youtu.be/Df0YG3qfZ8E?t=23

45: https://youtu.be/Df0YG3qfZ8E?t=45

46: https://youtu.be/cq6GmnM98jQ?t=690

47: https://youtu.be/Df0YG3qfZ8E?t=42

48: https://youtu.be/aTCmN8TtkgQ?t=11

49: https://youtu.be/pCJZg7pVtiI?t=150

50: https://youtu.be/pCJZg7pVtiI?t=81

51: https://youtu.be/pCJZg7pVtiI?t=83

52: https://youtu.be/aTCmN8TtkgQ?t=7

53: https://youtu.be/aTCmN8TtkgQ?t=10

54: https://youtu.be/cq6GmnM98jQ?t=686

55: https://youtu.be/cq6GmnM98jQ?t=766

56: https://youtu.be/cq6GmnM98jQ?t=792

57: https://youtu.be/pCJZg7pVtiI?t=161

58: https://youtu.be/pCJZg7pVtiI?t=176

│  Area  │                              Location                               │
│ Midgar │ Sector 1 - Platform and train station[59]                           │
│ Midgar │ Sector 1 - Station[60]                                              │
│ Midgar │ Sector 1 - Reactor[61]                                              │
│ Midgar │ Sector 1 - Reactor (Main Staircase)[62]                             │
│ Midgar │ Sector 1 - Reactor (Core)[63]                                       │
│ Midgar │ Sector 8 - Rubble[64]                                               │
│ Midgar │ Sector 8 - Loveless Avenue[65]                                      │
│ Midgar │ Sector 8 - Fountain[66]                                             │
│ Midgar │ Sector 8 - Bridge[67]                                               │
│ Midgar │ Train[68]                                                           │
│ Midgar │ Sector 4 - Tunnels[69]                                              │
│ Midgar │ Sector 4 - Tunnels[70] (Motorbike)                                  │
│ Midgar │ Sector 4 - Plate[71]                                                │
│ Midgar │ Sector 4 - Plate, big area[72]                                      │
│ Midgar │ Sector 5 - Plate[73]                                                │
│ Midgar │ Sector 6 - Sewer[74]                                                │
│ Midgar │ Sector 7 - Train Graveyard[75]                                      │
│ Midgar │ Sector 0 - Shinra Building[76] (Entrance, floor 1, floor 61, floor  │
│        │ ??)                                                                 │


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