[mod] Reminder of the r/Favor rules


created by zomboi on 22/08/2013 at 20:05 UTC*

109 upvotes, 18 top-level comments (showing 18)

/r/Favors exists as a place for redditors to offer and ask neighborly favors of the community. As the curators of what is essentially a regulated free-trade zone for generosity, we feel it is important to regularly re-assess the methods by which we preserve this community and the standards by which we assess its content. The rules value the health of /r/favors first, the health of the Reddit community second and the satisfaction of the individual redder third. Any changes to these rules will reflect these same core values.

The overwhelming majority of the work performed by the /r/favors mods involves interacting with the filter. More often than not, posts to /r/favors land in the filter first. Once there, it is up to us to decide whether we consider the post to be appropriate to /r/favors. Sheer luck will occasionally play a role in allowing posts to bypass the filter. Everybody wins if these posts are appropriate. If they are not, the moderation team is not always going to remove a post, particularly if it has points and comments, but this is not a guarantee of immunity for popular but rule-breaking posts. We recognize that this is a less-than-ideal system but we also recognize that Reddit offers a less-than-ideal architecture for dealing with the problem. Realistically speaking, it's the best we can do. If you are curious why we do not set rules and allow user voting to care for the health of the frontpage, here[1] is a lengthy and detailed explanation using art requests as a specific example.

1: http://www.reddit.com/r/Favors/comments/lfvkj/mod_hey_rfavorites_your_mod_team_has_rewritten/c2sduse

A post is judged on many criteria. These criteria are different for requests and offers. Offers are granted more latitude - someone offering to draw something, for example, is demonstrably more altruistic than someone wanting something drawn. If a post is offering something with no glaring strings attached or blatant problems, it gets through. While holding relatively strict criteria to people who want things seems reasonable to prevent abuse, we have no reason to prevent someone from giving something away. *Posts that are looking for trades or sales are held to the [REQUEST] standards, because the recipient is asked to risk something of their own.*

Please tag posts appropriately. The team doesn't necessarily ban un-tagged posts, but appropriate tags help everyone and properly tagged posts have been consistently more successful thus far.

There is a large grey area not specifically covered by the above formal rules that may still pose the community problems.

2: http://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FFavors


Comment by Intact at 23/08/2013 at 21:07 UTC

3 upvotes, 0 direct replies

A quick suggestion: around the time of various conventions like gamescon, pax, etc, there are usually posts asking for game codes or free things from the convention by people who are unable to attend. You can see quite a few on the front page now. While I don't mind seeing them, I feel like they take up too much space. What do you think about the mods making one single thread for these posts around the time of each con, which then serves as the hub for those requests?

Comment by [deleted] at 22/08/2013 at 23:48 UTC

4 upvotes, 0 direct replies

I don't have anything to add, just that /r/Favors is awesome and you guys are awesome. Keep up the good work.

Comment by stoopkidsafraid2222 at 17/09/2013 at 05:46 UTC

1 upvotes, 1 direct replies

i'm trying to flag a post as [Request] but it's not registering that i flagged the title. did i do something wrong

Comment by No_Improvement6487 at 09/05/2024 at 13:48 UTC

1 upvotes, 1 direct replies

I requested upvotes so I can post on subreddits and it got taken down? I don't see any rule against it

Comment by thedreadedlock at 12/09/2024 at 19:20 UTC

1 upvotes, 1 direct replies

Quick question concerning financial requests, can I give money away to people? Not asking for anything in return, but I saw a post from a person who just gave money to one person a while back and it was meaningful to me. Thought about doing it myself sometime.

Comment by nasrzain4444 at 21/12/2024 at 23:39 UTC

1 upvotes, 0 direct replies

I need a favor feom my Russian komrads in Moscow

Comment by Expensive_Chapter_27 at 30/01/2025 at 20:02 UTC

1 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Hi mate,

I’m looking for someone in the U.S. who could help me order and ship **Packwood Vapes** with THC to Croatia. I’d cover all costs (product + shipping) via PayPal, Wise, or another method.

If you’re willing to help, let me know! I’d really appreciate it.


Comment by [deleted] at 29/12/2021 at 17:01 UTC

1 upvotes, 1 direct replies


Comment by SuperHellFrontDesk at 12/02/2022 at 00:19 UTC

1 upvotes, 1 direct replies

So asking for help through referrals to apps is not allowed? Genuine question.

Comment by [deleted] at 23/02/2022 at 21:28 UTC

1 upvotes, 1 direct replies


Comment by Researcher565 at 13/09/2022 at 09:24 UTC

1 upvotes, 1 direct replies

Hi guys,

How would I go about posting an academic survey on here?

My post has already been rejected, so I was just wondering if there was something wrong with it. I've gone through the rules but I can't seem to find the reason.


Comment by accountforquickans at 01/02/2023 at 22:37 UTC

1 upvotes, 1 direct replies

Where is the sidebar?

Comment by Minimum-Flamingo-151 at 15/02/2023 at 04:42 UTC

1 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Hey friends, I have no idea if this belongs here or not. I am a makeup junkie. An item just launched in the uk but it’s not being sold in the USA. Is there a way I can get some to help me procure the item and have it sent to me?

Comment by Interesting-Bath-848 at 21/02/2023 at 15:09 UTC

1 upvotes, 0 direct replies

I applied in Northern college at pures campus in Toronto for September 2023 intake but i haven't received offer letter its been two months. So can anybody help me that why the college is delaying ? please help you anyone of you know someone in Northern college office department please help me.🙏🏼

Comment by Available-Giraffe546 at 29/05/2023 at 01:21 UTC

1 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Hi there, I'm trying to add a post to the group (I've just joined Reddit) and it's automatically removing my post and I'm not sure why. It doesn't appear that I"m breaking any rules.

Comment by jackofalltrades_67 at 24/11/2023 at 19:14 UTC

1 upvotes, 1 direct replies

Auto mod bot pulled my post and told me to resubmit with tags. The only thing that comes up when i try to add a tag is spoiler...... What am i meant to do? Im very confused to be honest

Comment by [deleted] at 08/12/2023 at 22:45 UTC

1 upvotes, 1 direct replies


Comment by Shinler88 at 19/12/2023 at 06:03 UTC

1 upvotes, 1 direct replies

Hi. I know asking for online shopping isn't allowed, but my situation is kinda different so I would like to know if I'm allowed to post about it before doing so. I'm located outside of the US and trying to access an online shop only available on the US, tiktok shop specifically. There's great deals there and I've tried everything but I just can't get access to it. I would like to know if it's allowed to ask for someone to buy me something there and send it to a international courier post box . Obviously I would pay for it, I would just need for someone to make the purchase for me since I can't. Thanks