Detroit Area Liberal Gun Stores

created by Penguinofthelake on 09/03/2025 at 14:31 UTC

250 upvotes, 119 top-level comments (showing 25)

Hi all, I've never wanted a gun in my house but for what I think are pretty obvious reasons I'm getting my CPL and planning to pick up a couple. I'm looking for a non Trump supporting gun store in SE Michigan Detroit area to give my money to. Does anyone have any suggestions?


Comment by Feodar_protar at 09/03/2025 at 15:10 UTC

177 upvotes, 2 direct replies

I like uncoiled in Livonia. No obvious political affiliation and I’ve always had a good experience there. Just bought a canik rival s from them a couple weeks ago.

Comment by Germs_Dean at 09/03/2025 at 14:39 UTC

190 upvotes, 3 direct replies

I go to Midwest Shooting Center in Taylor. They are a corporate chain location so they at least try to present themself as apolitical.

If you’re looking for something that’s actually left-leaning you’ll be hard-pressed to find anything.

Comment by SmallOnes_Stylist33 at 09/03/2025 at 20:53 UTC

25 upvotes, 0 direct replies

I started at uncoiled. Nothing overt as far as political affiliation but, I don't prefer the vibe, myself.

I have switched to Action Impact in southfield on 8mile rd. Most of the staff have darker skin, they're all friendly, and no judgement. I see A LOT of liberal/left leaning, looking people there (I have rainbow hair myself) and it's been an excellent experience everytime!

Comment by Stacked7High at 09/03/2025 at 15:17 UTC

65 upvotes, 1 direct replies

All of the Range USA stores are corporate, so no political affiliations noted in the store, or in the staffs clothing. They have a large rental selection to test onsite

Comment by street_raat at 09/03/2025 at 14:37 UTC

180 upvotes, 3 direct replies

Wife and I go to uncoiled firearms in Livonia and the staff is super friendly. Never had an issue with any MAGA shit at all. We both took our CPL class there as well.

They also have a crazy deal for members - 1k rounds of 9mm for $200

Comment by LalaPropofol at 09/03/2025 at 15:57 UTC

185 upvotes, 7 direct replies

Goddamn, at this rate I’m going to open one.

There are SO many liberal gun owners looking for this right now, myself included.

Comment by machinistery at 09/03/2025 at 15:11 UTC

26 upvotes, 1 direct replies

Uncoiled firearms are the goat, I highly recommend them

Comment by knightingale11 at 09/03/2025 at 16:03 UTC

33 upvotes, 1 direct replies

The Pink Pistols[1] has a Detroit chapter, though I don’t know how active it is. Operation Blazing Sword[2] is a resource that lists left-leaning firearms instructors, there are quite a few in Michigan. Those would be good resources that can help point you in the right direction



Comment by miscwit72 at 09/03/2025 at 15:18 UTC

163 upvotes, 2 direct replies

There is a sub here for leftist gun owners. I also asked this question in r/michigan I got some good answers.

I understand EXACTLY why you're asking this. Many people feel the same way. Ignore people telling you you're ridiculous or that it doesn't matter. It ABSOLUTELY MATTERS.

Comment by Few-Kiwi-8215 at 09/03/2025 at 17:08 UTC

15 upvotes, 0 direct replies

I go to Ann Arbor Arms. They have a nice selection, helpful staff, and good deals on memberships that I find worth it.

Comment by Old_Wallaby_7461 at 09/03/2025 at 15:03 UTC

23 upvotes, 2 direct replies

Sportsman's Warehouse is in Troy. It's not bad and being a national chain- zero politics

Comment by joshp23 at 09/03/2025 at 14:49 UTC

69 upvotes, 1 direct replies

The amount of political nonsense at the local gun shops is absurd. At one it was so bad that they had a weird table at the front door with, "My governor is an idiot," propaganda and collecting signatures. At another there was this ranting lunatic going on about civil war while the shop owner was preaching about how the Dems want to end 2A... exhausting.

I've found a shop in Brownstown called Downriver Guns. I've never once heard any political chatter in there either way from either staff or customers, and not a single political sign, sticker, or flyer. They have a great selection of new and used, decent ranges, and a diverse customer base from what I've seen.

Comment by jhenryscott at 09/03/2025 at 17:28 UTC

8 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Ann Arbor arms

Comment by bulgakov82 at 09/03/2025 at 15:22 UTC

12 upvotes, 1 direct replies

Range USA Wixom. Super friendly staff and no bullshit.

Comment by SiempreBrujaSuerte at 09/03/2025 at 18:53 UTC

18 upvotes, 1 direct replies

Socialist Rifle Association is worth looking into not to get your gun, but once you have it and to associate with like minded people.

I think people have not received the message that left does not mean democrat. Gun bans or getting rid of the 2A rights is not a "leftist" ideology.

Please read, or listen once in a while. Just because someone isn't a Maga supporter don't mean they are for getting rid of guns etc

Comment by mparsons9087 at 10/03/2025 at 02:04 UTC

6 upvotes, 0 direct replies

To purchase: Sportsman Warehouse in Troy. Corporate setting, no politics, good deals and sales. You can also purchase from the website and shop to the store

Shooting range: Action Impact in Eastpointe. Diverse staff, super friendly, clean and updated range

Comment by exegesisClique at 09/03/2025 at 16:53 UTC

15 upvotes, 1 direct replies

Socialist Rifle Association

Comment by Nigel_featherbottom at 09/03/2025 at 14:42 UTC

31 upvotes, 6 direct replies

Pick up "a couple"??

"A gun rack? I don't even own A gun, let alone many guns, which would necessitate an entire rack!"

Fwiw, the place on Woodward near 13 mile is a place where I've had a good experience, although I am no expert, and I have no idea about their politics.

Comment by -ManyFacedGod- at 09/03/2025 at 16:37 UTC

4 upvotes, 0 direct replies

If you’re in Wayne county you won’t be able to get a CPL until May 9th unless some people cancel their appointments at the county clerk’s office. An LTP might be a better short term option. I’ve been going to point blank in Dearborn Heights which is a bit out there. But the employees are knowledgeable & helpful. I haven’t really gotten the MAGA or blue lives matter vibes either.

Comment by tannerocomedy at 10/03/2025 at 00:18 UTC

4 upvotes, 1 direct replies

Ann Arbor Arms is good enough. The old owner Bill used to say “Red or Blue, all money is green. Shake hands, make sales, say Thank You”

Comment by sundaybundaydunnydun at 10/03/2025 at 00:41 UTC

3 upvotes, 0 direct replies

I like Sportsman���s Warehouse by the Oakland mall. Sam who runs the gun department is awesome and super knowledgeable. And they have MSRP prices on new and they even have good quality used

Comment by Swimming-Ad-2382 at 10/03/2025 at 01:31 UTC

4 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Michigan Socialist Rifle Association would have ideas:

Comment by sweet_sweet_back at 09/03/2025 at 18:46 UTC

5 upvotes, 0 direct replies

Try r/liberalgunowners

Comment by lukphicl at 09/03/2025 at 18:43 UTC

3 upvotes, 0 direct replies

I've had good experience with Action Impact, they've got locations in Southfield and Warren. Got my CPL there last December and the process was super smooth. Don't think anyone there was particularly left leaning but I never got any blatant MAGA vibes

Comment by manysidesofmatt at 09/03/2025 at 19:39 UTC

3 upvotes, 1 direct replies

I just went into Action Impact and Range USA to get a feel for them. I didn't get any MAGA vibes and, TBH, was fairly impressed with the diversity I saw in store.

Action Impact CPL is 79 bucks and covers rental and lunch. I need to verify cost and what might be included for Range USA.