132 upvotes, 4 direct replies (showing 4)
View submission: /u/im-ba explains how badly written software caused the Boeing MAX crashes
Not a software problem. The software was written to spec and it worked as intended. The problem was what Boeing intended was wrong. There was even a version which did take into account multiple AoA sensor readings and would attempt to reconcile them - it could've been included in every aircraft at zero marginal cost, but Boeing sold as an "upgrade" instead.
If there's one thing I'd like people to take away from catastrophic incidents like these, it's that they're rarely because a single thing went wrong. In pretty much every incident report you will read, there will be multiple things that went wrong and multiple opportunities upstream to have averted it. Boeing's ongoing issues aren't because somebody made an oopsie somewhere, they're because Boeing is failing as an engineering institution.
Comment by muthaflicka at 16/05/2024 at 02:36 UTC
49 upvotes, 1 direct replies
And still had the audacity to blame the pilots. Twice.
Comment by MoQtheWitty at 16/05/2024 at 01:48 UTC
23 upvotes, 1 direct replies
Swiss cheese model remains ever relevant:
Comment by jack_spankin at 16/05/2024 at 09:05 UTC
2 upvotes, 0 direct replies
The Swiss cheese model of disaster.
Comment by perry147 at 20/05/2024 at 16:28 UTC
1 upvotes, 0 direct replies
Boeing is not failing at an engineering level, they are failing because they want to maximize profits and will cut corners to save costs or increase production. This works great win you are making t-shirts but not airplanes. They have the expertise to fix the issue, just choose not to do it.